RE: I am looking for the helpers
People who trash on Islam do it out of fear alone projected by the media. Not because of terrorism, because the fear of not wanting to learn what other races are is just easier. Being a none white user I can relate. But at the same time it's only a selected few that decide to hate just as there are a handful of Muslims that decide to hate. We are not all created the same but that does not mean we cannot live in peace in this wonderful world. Look at the jungle if animals can do it, why the hell cant us more intelligent species.
Never listen to any one that projects hate they know no better and where raised by parents that had no love for all life. Stay strong we are all in this time together let's all appreciate that we can all breath the same air.
Thank you! It feels amazing to see this support. :)
I don't hate muslims but having read the koran and the sirat rasul allah I see nothing but a lot of hate filled nonsense. I have read the koran in chronological order and it's quite clear that allah is nothing more than muhammads alter ego. Coming up with revelations just to suit muhammads difficulties.
And for what its worth the bible is just a lot of nonsense as well.
I'm not at ease with any religious system. I respect the right of others to use it to organize their life as long as they are not hurting anyone in their practice.