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RE: 3 Reasons For Creationism

in #religion7 years ago

Nonsense. Creationism is simply unscientific garbage belonging to centuries long gone.
If beauty proves Intelligent Design, does uglyness then disporve it?
Complexity is explained by evolution.
Mutualism is also explained by evolution. Animals evolve to thrive in their environment and find an ecological niche.

When plants first came to be, they filled the niche of using CO2 from the atmosphere to build biomass, oxygen was back then a wasteproduct, extremely toxic to most life on earth at the time. Mass extinctions followed, and new life began to develop that was able to live in an oxygen rich environment and use the oxygen for breathing.
If you think that Earth is si carefully designed to support life, it's only because all living things evolve according to the conditions in their environment and adjust as necessary or die out.

We don't know how life first came to be for sure, but there are many quitemplausible hypothesises. Until we figure that out fully, the answer ain't "Gawd done did it!!", it's "We don't know yet".


Evolution has not satisfied complexity; modern science is beginning to know the complexity of bacteria or DNA. Ugliness doesn't disprove intelligent design just as a terrible car doesn't disprove the existence of engineers. An ugly animal or plant is still a highly complex creation a random occurence cannot fabricate into existence.

If evolution explained complexity, where is its explanation of how a conscious bacteria evolved from an inanimate organic soup? Where is its explanation of how a bacteria transformed into a multicellular organism? How did DNA came to be knit? The short answer is not by a blind accident, but by purpose and intelligence.

"Mutualism is explained by evolution. Animals evolve to thrive in their environment and find an ecological niche." There is a difference between mutualism and adaptation. But evolution does not explain if the plant that gives nectar or the bee that fertilizes came first because evolutionists are stumped on this one. How did the bee evolve without a nectar plant? Did it feed on grass? How about predators? Or did evolution deliberately evolve bacterias into edible preys in the same time period to meet its concern for lions?

"When plants first came to be..." How did they came to be? Surely not by a random occurence. My primary jest is how life came to be. I don't take that much interest against what Earth may have looked ages ago.

"If you think that Earth is carefully designed to support life, it's only because all living things evolve to the conditions in their environment and adjust as necessary or die out." What about Earth itself? What random phenomenon showed a thoughtful concern and dictated for Earth to have an ozone layer lest a lethal radiation reach us? What decided for Earth to have 78% liquid water with life in it and nowhere else in solar system? What decided an optimum gravity not too weak nor too strong? What decided for Earth to have a 24° tilt that results in seasons? What decided for Earth to be at a perfect distance from the sun; a glowing blue rock coincidentally carrying a life kept from the scorches of the sun or the frosts of deep space? What unthinking arbitrary occurence figured out all these vast parameters without a supervision of any intelligence? Also, why don't we see a vast selection of living organisms that have evolved to live on venus, mars, or elsewhere planet? Because organisms are made for Earth and Earth was made for organisms.

"We don't know how life first came to be for sure, but there are many quitemplausible hypotheses. Until we figure that out fully, the answer ain't 'Gawd done did it!', it's, 'We don't know yet.'" If those hypotheses involve arbitrary occurences as the cause, then those hypotheses are rubbish since they're declaring that complex things came to be by unplanned events with no intelligence put to them. If you found a watch on the ground, you know that a conscious intelligence devised it with a certain purpose in mind. But if you look at Earth, which is far more elaborate than a watch, and say, "I don't know how it came to be, but I automatically reject any explanation involving an intelligent designer," even though Earth has a lot of thoughts and planning put into it for it to be livable, then that's just being a faulty thinker. So far I'm not arguing as to the how, but by who. Life can ONLY come from the same entity exceedingly intelligent enough to create the Earth with its anti-radiation ozone, vast liquid waters, a moon that stabilizes our orbit and gives us some light (which happens to be the same size as the sun to us during eclipse, showing you the immense precision), intelligent enough to figure out that animals need plants for food, figure out that you need your various intricate network of digestive organs to extract energy from food, enzymes to speed up the energy extraction, white blood cells to fight off germs, eyes that auto-focus and auto-adjust for brightness... The variables are just endless and straight up undoable by an undirected unsupervised event. There is an intelligent designer. It doesn't have to be the Christians' version or some other, but that there simply is.


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