Space X / Elon Musk Reveal Plans to go "Well Beyond Mars" (via and Transhumanism topic podcast links

in #religion8 years ago

Here's a brief overview in my own words of a recent science article definitely worth a read.

The article summary below is followed by links to my "Reporting from Roswell" podcast from earlier this year where Transhumanism  (the editing of human genes) for Space Travel - as well as the theological implications of doing so - were discussed on the program.

Image from older Business Insider article on Space X's Mars Colony craft

First, the article summary (again, in my own words) :

Elon Musk's plans to colonize Mars have been common knowledge for much of Space X's history. He will be publicly laying out some details of his long-range goals at the upcoming International Astronautical Congress.

However, he also tweeted this Friday evening that his "Transporter" spacecraft can travel much farther than Mars, and will need a new name, and has thus been changed to now being called the "Interplanetary Transport System"!

The article details that - among other possible places in our solar system - that certain moons around Jupiter and Saturn are possible destinations. Read it here :

Earlier this year, two credentialed friends of mine posted/blogged about a "Secret Meeting at Harvard" (Washington Post article) where over 100 scientists assembled to discuss HOW TO (not if, and not "should they...?" - an important ethics distinction) re-write the human genome from scratch, opposed to merely "reading it"! 

(See also WP's follow up article "After Secret Harvard Meeting, Scientist Announce Plans for Synthetic Human Genome")

I was quite privileged to have both of them come on my program to discuss the topic of "Transhumanism" in depth ...

On Episode 8 of "Reporting from Roswell" Defense and Cyber-Security expert Jason Pappafotis gave a "working definition" of Transhumanism. In short we defined the term as "the ability to edit the human genome to produce specific, desired results..." 

And not JUST things like "blonde hair, blue eyes, no Parkinson's disease and no Autism..." for example, but changes as drastic as the ability to breathe methane to live on asteroids for mining purposes, for instance ...

The Audio Archive of Episode 8 "Rise of Chiron" is here - feel free to give it a listen!

(Jason P also returned more recently to offer a "Cyber-Primer" - an overview of just what "The Blockchain" is, which served well as a pre-introduction to total newbies and neophytes, myself included. Topics included Bitcoin and of course Steemit by program's end. The Audio Archive of Episode 19 is here .)

On Episode 9 degreed theologian (and credentialed, published, UFO expert!) Dr. Michael Heiser, PhD (official site), chimed in on the topic of Transhumanism and the Harvard meeting as well. Mike spoke from a more orthodox Christian view to present why it just wasn't wise or godly to tamper with God's creation. But true to Mike's norm, he came across less like a Bible-thumping preacher claiming that "It's against God!" and more like Jeff Goldblume's Jurassic Park character, saying "I hate always being right".

The Audio Archive of Episode 9 "Transhuman Theology" is here.

Dr Heiser is also scheduled to speak in Roswell New Mexico at the next Ancient of Days "UFOs and The Bible" conference happening (God willing) June 29, 30 and July 1 and 2, 2017, during Roswell New Mexico's 70th anniversary (of the 1947 "Incident") Roswell UFO Festival. Pre-registrations are currently not being taken, but follow @ancientofdays for official announcements and schedules, as event are finalized. 

Steem WILL be accepted as payment!

(Because I'm the conference organizer, and I said so, that's why.)

 Both "Reporting from Roswell" interviews linked above are equal parts fun and educational. Please enjoy responsibly.


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