Why don't I believe in religion? Because Science

in #religion8 years ago

I was born in a very religious Hindu family and went and graduated from a catholic school so I guess I always was pretty open minded and respectful about religions.I was raised as a believe but after middle school I just couldn't be a believer. I am pretty sure, you guys must be expecting a super juicy life changing story that changed my view, if that's the case you are in for a disappointment because the only reason I became an agnostic or atheist(m not sure either) is because I just couldn't make sense of religion.

Once I grew up that all that religion is nothing but a set of rules said by a book written by us men and we ,men , have always been biased, imperfect and have exaggerated and lied throughout our lives so why would I wanna believe in something that such a flawed creature wrote.It seems everyone takes theses books too literally forgetting that these books didn't fall from heaven and even though they do have some great messages,they shouldn't be taken word for word. Not only that, a lot of things in the religion just never made sense to me. Like in Bible, apparently Mary was a virgin, in Islam a guy claimed to be prophet and everyone just believes him and so on.

The thing that bothers me the most is even if God exists and he/she has created everything in the world, how does he justify some of the things- like people born with mental disorders, babies born with diseases with no cure and that results in them dying. Religious people always justify stuff like this by saying it was their evil deeds or someones else evil deeds and the babies are paying for it. I call BS to that because isn't your god supposed to be all forgiving. Even if there is a God, I refuse to respect someone who has created such kind of evil where innocent babies and people through no fault of their own are dying. I refuse to believe in a religion who says that it's the only true religion and the rest of world has got it wrong.

Basically I refuse to believe in any of these magical stories and I will rather believe in something that can be observed and proven i.e science which explains a lot of phenomenon that are written in these books as acts of god. If any of the religious people actually read it, please understand I don't want to offend anyone and would love if you could make me understand the flaws in my arguments because I love healthy arguments and discussions.


Why Do bad things happen to Good people?
Well it is a bit of a math problem. How can God get credit for things he does stop? Suppose there are 100 Bad things about to happen, and God stops 99 of them, does he get any credit? No. That regional flood, could have been much worse. A Hurricane (typhoon) just came up the East Coast of the US, It flooded in the Carolina's. It could have destroyed a thousand kilometers of coast with massive flooding by being 20 -40 kilometers west of where it went. I know people were praying, but do they give God credit? Some do, most people likely do not.

God is a loving God, but he also gives us opportunities to Love, help and care for each other. Without the choice, there can be no free will. God wants all men to 1) Love him, and 2) Love each other. Unfortunately, we have a ways to go. I hope someday, you will know that God does love you. It hurts his heart when people reject Him. Ultimately, it is their choice. Ultimately, there will be consequences. (hell). There is another way, and that is what Jesus came to show us...

See I can process that and everything what you said makes sense. But everything on this earth is created by God and God is not human and so he is perfect but then there are diseases that just infect new born infants and there's no way to save them.Now the thing is why would a god create it first of all?

I cannot explain every thing. I am not a doctor or a medical expert. However, many times things can be used multiple ways. Water is important to drink, without it you will die. Yet too much of it can kill you, especially if you swim in a lake. The water does good and bad. Why did God create water, if it downs children? The answer is not that simple. I do believe everything is created by God, but it has been corrupted my Man, the fall (sin entering the world), and Satan. I think some things are God's opportunity to give us chances to help and aid one another. I think some things are the result of Satan, not God. (The biblical story of Job is an interesting example of a man tempted by the devil.) Many of the diseases that effect children have now been cured. Medicine has made remarkable progress in the last 200 years. That said, there are still more diseases for us to cure. That said some things may happen for no reason. They just happen.

That's a good and motivational story of a man with strong beliefs but that doesn't answer my question. A god would and should put humansthrough tough circumstances but it just doesn't make sense in babies who can't fight,defend,speak or do anything for themselves plus why would you create something so evil. No Offense and tell me if I sound condescending or something.My grammar is not that great so I might sound rude sometimes.

Some things we just have to take by faith. I type on a computer. Do I understand why it works. Maybe a little, I know there is code, computer chips, and electricity. But honestly, I do not understand how every piece of it works. I take it by faith. The same happens when I drive a car. I can't explain every piece of my car, I take it by faith that the engineer who make the car made it work. If I needed a full explanation for everything I would not be able to do anything. In life, I trust in God. It beats trusting in Man, it beats trusting in myself. I have seen the effects of trusting in men (Bad Kings), and they are not good. Ultimately, everything comes down to faith. People believe evolution by faith, they believe in Christ by faith, they believe in idols by faith. The questions you struggle with are questions many men have struggled with. They have struggle for many years. To think I or you will suddenly be able to answer all questions is foolish. We are not that smart. We are not going to solve age old questions of men in an internet forum. That said, there is a design in men and the world around us. I see the design, know there is a designer. If there is a designer, what were we created for? To love God, help each other. Many has failed many times and he continues to fail. God offers forgiveness to those failings like a loving father... It is not about me being Good enough because i will never be good enough, it is about Christ who took the cost of sin in my place being good enough. I am not perfect, I am forgiven. I am redeemed. I live in Jesus and he lives in me.

Of course believing in science is only attachment to an other belief system. True religion starts where the heart commes in.

Science is a religion too.

I'm agnostic because human beings who think they know everything are ignorant. It is best to say you are ignorant and can't know everything and just not cling to a confirmation bias because of wishful thinking and arrogance. And science isn't always correct or based in scientific method, there is a pesky thing called pseudoscience - a former atheist.

That's why I said m not sure if I am an atheist or an agnostic yet.I am a little confused myself. See there is no wishful thinking. I believe something only if it could be proved or has substantial evidence behind it else I just don't believe it.

religion exists, i assure you. does some kind of god exist? i don't know. i, personally, question whether i can know. if god existed, i would downvote.
i do not operate on belief. belief is what ignorant people do because they can't think properly, because they don't know how. try researching, The Trivium METHOD and the Quadrivium. this should begin to provide a foundation for understanding.

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