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RE: You Need To Consider The Possibility Your Religion Is Mythology

in #religion5 years ago

I like listening to other opinions. Comparing religious opinions to scientific opinions always produces interesting results.
Lots of my family and friends are religious and for the most part it is harmless. It fulfills them. They only really do it an hour or so a week at church or temple and only bother me with it occasionally. If they step out of line or bother me too much, I may have to interrupt. Luckily that hasn't happened.
Watching the younger ones in my family deal with it most interesting. Is indoctrinating your own child is a right?

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Is indoctrinating your own child is a right?

Interesting question. Some would argue they are helpless and it's a minor act of child abuse to set them up believing things which cause shame, fear, guilt, or other more traumatic results. Still others think it's their duty to train their children up "in the ways of the Lord" and to not do so would be vile.

The rights of children is a really, really interesting topic which I think will get a lot more attention as our circle of empathy expands in the future.

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