La presencia - The presence

in #relato4 years ago (edited)

Un movimiento ondulado de sombras, que me obliga a mirar hacia arriba y ver como lo invisible empuja la lampara, la ventana esta abierta, ese lugar hospeda algunas arañas; la casa la limpio de día, para entonces ya olvidare todo esto, seguramente allí seguiran tranquilamente, quien soy yo para molestar teniendo tanto espacio.

Mas tarde dormiré tapandome la cara y cubriendome bien los pies, esas costumbres anti mounstros nunca se quitan al parecer. extraño tener la opcion de salir corriendo al cuarto de mi abuela para que ella saliera a buscar lo que escuche. en aquel entonces el reloj de la sala aun hacia ese ruido punzante que provocaba el vacio del comedor, era allí donde vivian mis fastasmas por las noches. Una vez escuche a uno caminar, sentarse, pasar hojas de un libro, levantarse y repetir esto varias veces; mi abuela claro salio a mirar, fuimos las dos y no habia nada, nunca hay nada, o es como la rana que no baila en publico. Me quede con ella, nos acostamos y apenas se durmio comenzo la lectura de nuevo, ni modo, debia dormir, ademas no me estaba molestando mas que con puro miedo.

Lia, mi gata muchas veces me advertia de algo por ahi dando vueltas, a veces no hablaba conmigo sino con ellos, o el, o ella no se. Cuando mi lela se fue, por la noche ni lia ni yo pudimos dormir, la ventana cerrada, la puerta cerrada y sin ventilador, pero todo se movia o eso parecia; el viento golpeaba hacia adentro la ventana y pues asi estuvimos mirando toda la noche. a mi mama le paso lo mismo del otro lado de la ciudad, era mi lela despidiendose. Mi lelo tambien ausente me prendio la luz de su cuarto tres dias seguidos, en un sueño me llamo a su cuarto para mandarme a hacer algo y me desperte inconsciente directo a la cocina a prender la luz, en la que me quede un rato pensando por que habia ido, mire la ventana y vi la luz de su cuarto prendida, tres y tantos de la mañana. que se yo, desenchufe la lampara al cuarto dia.

Pero pues poco escucho ahora, e igual el miedo de sentir movimientos siempre esta, miedo no a ellos como tal, sino a la capacidad de percibirlos, yo creo que les caigo bien a todos los seres de este lugar. adoro mi casa y por ello me cuesta dejarlo solo, yo les hago compañia a sus matas verdes de sombra, las hormigas, a veces una tara y los tuqueques. En mis sueños tambien estoy a veces aqui, y la prediccion a sido dolorosa, el diablito en el cuadro que mi abuela me dijo que se llevaria a mi abuelo, la serpiente amarilla en la puerta, el cocodrilo que encerre en el baño y muchas historias mas.

A wavy movement of shadows, which forces me to look up and see how the invisible pushes the lamp, the window is open, that place hosts some chandeliers; I clean the house by day, by then I will forget all this, surely there they will continue quietly, who am I to disturb having so much space. Later I will sleep covering my face and covering my feet well, those anti-monster customs never seem to go away. I miss having the option to run to my grandmother's room so that she could go out and find what she heard. back then the clock in the living room still made that sharp noise that caused the emptying of the dining room, it was there where my fastasmas lived at night. Once you hear one walk, sit, turn pages in a book, get up, and repeat this several times; of course my grandmother came out to look, we both went and there was nothing, there is never anything, or it's like the frog that doesn't dance in public. I stayed with her, we went to bed and as soon as she fell asleep the reading began again, no way, I had to sleep, and it was not bothering me more than pure fear. Lia, my cat often warned me of something hanging around, sometimes she did not speak to me but to them, or he or she did not know. When my lela left, at night neither I nor I could sleep, the window closed, the door closed and without a fan, but everything moved or so it seemed; The wind was blowing in the window and so we were looking all night. The same thing happened to my mom from the other side of the city, it was my lela saying goodbye. My lelo also absent turned on the light in his room three days in a row, in a dream he called me to his room to send me to do something and I woke up unconscious directly to the kitchen to turn on the light, in which I stayed awhile thinking about that he had gone, I looked at the window and I saw the light of his room on, three-something in the morning. Let me know, unplug the lamp on the fourth day. But I don't hear much now, and just as the fear of feeling movements is always there, fear not of them as such, but of the ability to perceive them, I think that all beings in this place like me. I adore my house and for this reason I find it difficult to leave it alone, I keep company with its green bushes of shade, ants, sometimes a tare and touqueques. In my dreams I am also here sometimes, and the prediction has been painful, the little devil in the picture that my grandmother told me would take my grandfather, the yellow snake at the door, the crocodile I locked in the bathroom and many stories more.


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