Apostle Paul through the spirit of God described the union of husband and wife as a great mystery, because of the fact that a man that leaves his father and mother and joined to his wife shall becomes one flesh and no more two. The mystery proved the arithmetic of God concerning them which is one plus one that still equals one. The mystery of one flesh now called for strong and inseparable relationship between husband and wife. May the Lord's cord of love bind and unite us together as couple in the vineyard of God and as families of God, waiting and expecting the coming of the Lord.


This has different meaning to different people depending on the subject matter. We have business, social political, professional relationships to mention but a few. When it comes to that area of marriage, relationships is seen as strong connection between persons by blood or marriage. For better and smooth relationship between the couples, there are some guided HINTS to be considered, to help us forge ahead and to make our homes enviable for all and sundry around us, they are:

    1 Cor. 13 vs 4-8, |Matt 18 vs 22 This is the true husband and wife relationship or love. The characteristic of love mentioned in the above passage needs to be exhibited for strong relationship so that our home will be catalogue of peace and joy and also be heaven on earth. The antitode of love like kindness, longsuffering, humility (not puffed up) not easily provoked etc. needs to be in operation and action. Genuine are emotional and this must be seen in spouses.

Note: Forgiveness is a true sign of genuine love. scriptures recommended total forgiveness and forgetting the past of one another for 490 times. This is God's standard where there is love, there is forgiveness.

Loving is no absence of conflicts but loving is not leaving conflicts till the next day. or spouses need to be broken down to be able to admit their fault when it happens for there is no home without differences and there should be amendment without partiality.

  1. Love covers multitude of sin, so don't count on unappreciative behaviors from your spouse but correct in love because God is your rewarder.

  2. Always remember the days of your courtship and marriage vows you made before God and men.

  3. Also, remember that many waters cannot quench the genuine love songs of Solomon 8:7

1 Cor. 7, Prov. 5 vs|: 15-19

Maintenance of right attitude towards sex is essential, since it is the most important factor in producing a satisfying climax. Do not starve your spouse of sex and do away with flimsy excuses. You own one another's body so caress; hug and sport just like Isaac and Rebecca. Maintain a good line of lovely communication during that act. It is a God given and ordained act, that we need to enjoy well. Satisfactory sexual relationship provides the forum in which deep intimacy is developed; not only physically but also psychologically and emotionally. It naturally releaves stress and held in mental reasoning.



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