To be complete means to be full. Having all parts or element, lacking nothing, whole, entire. Having all required characteristics, skills, perfect in kind and quality.
To be through, entire, total, undivided, uncompromising, faultless, intact.



  1. Her heart: The complete woman is circumcised in the heart Colosian 2:1
    a. Goal Getters: They are the outstanding few who are tired of being among the crowd. Bold and firm. She is focused, her focus makes her to be self disciplined. philippians 3:13-14.
    b. They are those who take God at His word and will never take "NO'' for an answer. Ready to face trial and temptation. Always available for the kingdom work, ready to spend and be spent.
    c. They are people who through the eyes of faith can see beyond the present, and therefore are desperate to possess their possessions.
    d. They are worshipers.

  2. Her Life: The complete woman must be established on the word of God. The complete woman is like the man described in psalm 1:1-4. Emphasis is on verse 2. Because their delight is in the law of the Lord and in His Law they meditate day and night, divine revelation is not far from them.

She should be able to recognize the purpose of her creation. Dorcas must have learnt from the teachings of Jesus Christ that Christianity is all about giving. She knew that Jesus gave His own life in order for her to have eternal and abundant life, she also looked for other lives to pour life into. Acts 9:36-41. The complete woman live her life through selfless services for others. Dorcas lived for widows and the needy.

Her's was a practical ministry. It was not something she was either hoping or planning to do. The Bible says ''She was abounding in good works and charitable. The complete woman must not be the one that is not easily carried away by societal norms. (Not the latest cloth/style type). She must be a woman of herself. She considereth a field andbuyeth it, with fruit of her hands, she planted a vine-yard. Provo 31:16. She is the hardworking type.

iii. She is diligent in all her duties. To be diligent is to get things done at the right time. Procrastination is not in her books.

iv. She is an humble woman. Humility is her watch word, complete women do not bragged. She is selective in her words, she can never be found among talkative and she is not quarrelsome.


  1. Her God: she works and walk with God. The complete woman isa woman of exploits- Dan. II:32b. She must first be a true disciple. The scripture referred to Dorcas as a certain disciple. A disciple is a learner. One that gets converted immediately submits to all the processes of discipleship. You must be willing to learn the virtues of Christ before you can be effective in His hand. You can only learn from someone you are close to. Discipleship is like apprenticeship: Mary Magdalene had to follow Jesus Christ closely in order tominister to Him effectively. It was that closness that prepared her for the glorious ministry of being the first post-resurrection Evangelist.
    Are you a woman desiring to be used by God? Then you must be prepared to learn after the Lord closely. Do you still remember the Lord in Luke 10:38-42, while mary sat at Jesus feet to bear His word in order to become true a disciple, Martha was very busy with serving food. Even though it is good to be hospitable, at that particular time that martha was servicing, Jesus regarded it as a distraction, there is time for everything, you can do the right thing at the wrong time, You must constantly listen to the master in order to be a disciple accordingly.


  1. Discover God's purpose for your life and desire to bring it to pass
  2. Be progressive. Don't give in to discouragement, philippians 3:12-14
  3. Be willing to pay the price through prayer and fasting. Today, there are several ways to learn of the Lord; Your personal
    bible study, worsip, prayer, attending fellowships, church services, listening to good christian messages, reading good christian books can help you grow spiritually. Before others can learn from you, you must have learnt from the master yourself. Make sure you ''buy the truth and sell it not; forevermore on your soul that is eternal than your body which is temporal. You can only give out to others what you have.


THE QUESTION IS WHERE ARE YOU DWELLING? At times we are so consumed before our needs to the extent that it becomes difficult for us to see how we can sacrifice and be a blessing to others; whereas the key to getting our desires is in being of help to others; Ruth decided to stay by her mother in law who was a widow and needed the company of someone close to give her comfort. At the same time, Ruth was a younger widow who needed the company of a young man in her life as a husband. She sacrificed for her mother in law. During her time of sacrifice, Boaz the wealthy Jewish businessman met her, blessed and married her. God crowned her sacrifice with the gift of a son named Obed. Obed became the father of Jesus, the father of David, the lineage through which our Lord Jesus Christ was born into the world. Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden and will give you rest, take my yoke upon you and learn of me.


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