I always hate to prescribe definitive answers to emotional or subjective subjects. I’ve been in relationships where we never argued and I’ve been in relationships where we argued all the time. However, neither relationship was relatively better than the other. It may be known to all that affection comes at a cost, which is adjusting with your partner. People often mistake arguments to be the negative part of their relationship. They fail to realize the main reason of conflict. Every individual has a different upbringing and mindset. Sometimes the relationship I was in where we never agued might have benefited from us putting facts on the table, even if they made us uncomfortable. Conversely, in the relationship where we always agued, there were times when we would make petty arguments into grand stands, because we were trying to gain ground based on an important argument we lost days, weeks, or months ago. At times, we were immature and petty, but there were few times where we held back our feelings. Obviously a balance is best, but biting your tongue to maintain peace is often no better than getting everything out of your system in the present in order to have peace in the future. So no two people can have the same thinking, likes, and interests. The difference in thinking, and not the topic or reason, causes arguments. So, arguments are a part of any relationship and it is perfectly normal to disagree at some point in time. No matter how a healthy relationship has room for an open confrontation and constructive criticism. If the couple fights constructively, the arguing becomes less frequent, and communication becomes more effective. The relationship becomes a ground for personal growth. The partners get past their defensiveness and start to work out their inner conflicts, to heal old wounds, get over their insecurities. Argument can't be avoided in a relationship. Truly in love you are, no two people can agree or have similar view about all things at all times.


The sad truth is that a lot of couples are not willing to make these necessary sacrifices required to keep a relationship going smoothly, so they just blame it on nature, and say it is ‘the way it’s meant to be’. When you argue with someone, it shows how comfortable you are with that person. When you can tell your partner that you disagree -- when you can speak up and say you're pissed the fuck off that's love.
You know that what you have can't be broken, so you push the boundaries and test each other. You argue only because you’re sure of each other.



To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook not so good

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arguments cant be totally erased in relationships

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