Get into the mind of a woman, Everything about your relationship and how to flirt.

in #relationshipslearn2 years ago (edited)

Are you tired of feeling hopeless with women? Do you feel as though, no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to make any significant progress romantically or sexually? Do your attempts at meeting and attracting females frequently result in failure or embarrassment for you? And do you want to DO SOMETHING about it?
You need to get into the mind of a woman. The clue to success with women is LEARNING ABOUT THEM - what they like, what attracts them, and how to apply that knowledge to yourself. For a complete and comprehensive how-to manual on understanding women - and turning this knowledge into rapid, reliable, guaranteed success - check out Magic Relationships words
when it comes to sex, women and men are very different indeed. Men are programmed by nature to want sex almost immediately. They don't necessarily need a deep or meaningful emotional connection with a woman in order to enjoy sex with her. If she's physically attractive, then generally speaking a man will have sex with her whether he wants to see her again or not. Women, on the other hand, are hardwired by Nature to want RELATIONSHIPS before sex. They want to know that their sexual partner likes them "as a person", that he's going to want to see them again, and that he is potentially open to an ongoing, long-term relationship.
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For a woman to want sex, she has three major requirements that she needs to be fulfilled by her choice of sexual partner before things will proceed to a more physical level. Today, I'm going to talk about what those are, and how to give them to her so that both of you are able to enjoy an emotionally and physically rewarding sexual relationship.
Requirement #1: Emotional Connection. Ever heard of the phrase, "feminine energy"? David Deida, author of "The Way of the Superior Man", explains that men and women both have a particular type of energy.
Masculine energy is all about clarity, vision, analysis, logic, and purpose. To give you an extreme example, Deida describes the caricature of masculine energy as "the macho jerk". It's masculine energy that's responsible for the typical male attitude to sex, which is persistent, steady, unfluctuating, independent of mood or emotion, undemanding in terms of emotional commitment, and is almost immediately a priority.Feminine energy is more about being carefree,sensuous, vibrant, colorful, empathetic, creative, and expressive. People whose energy is primarily feminine are usually very emotional and communicative. They prize connectedness and interpersonal relationships over sex. Someone with a feminine energy would valuecuddles and pillow-talk just as much as, if not more than, physical sex; someone with a more masculine energy would focus more on ravishing their sexual partner, with emotional communication and cuddling coming a distant second. Also makes the point that not all men have a primarily masculine energy, just as not all women have a feminine energy. This is why some men genuinely enjoy discussing their emotions, dissecting relationship problems, and 'dishing' with others about the state of other people's lives and relationships. It's also why some women are professionally driven, economic achievers, are very focused on attaining set goals, and enjoy sex with multiple partners without needing or wanting much of an emotional connection with them. You will find, though, that most people - both men and women - have an energy that exists primarily in accordance with their actual gender. most men have a mainly masculine energy, with aspects of femininity. Most women have a primarily feminine energy, with aspects of masculinity.
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For example, if push came to shove, the average woman would prioritize home life and family above her professional life, but it would not be an easy decision for her. She would still value her career very highly indeed, and devote plenty of energy and time to it. Most women require an emotional connection before they want to have sex. Women don't just need an emotional connection before they will even consider sex. He says that an emotional connection is what makes a woman WANT sex. In other words, building rapport with a woman and making her feel liked and valued will make her want to sleep with you. My research and experience FULLY upholds this theory. The better you get on with a woman, the more sexually attracted she will be to you. The more she feels she can trust and respect you, and the more masculine value you demonstrate to her - for example, showing her that you care for her, and that you feel protective towards her - the more sexually reciprocal she will be towards you and your desires. A note on the "taking care of her" aspect of rapport building: women don't NEED to be taken care of. The kind of woman who is worth your time and energy is able to take care of herself - but she still likes to know that you care enough about her to WANT to take care of her.
This satisfies her natural desires, shaped by evolution and our prehistoric ancestors, to choose the ideal partner: someone strong enough to protect her and look after her welfare. It enables her to feel as though she's got a safety-net in place: her dignity is intact (because she can take care of herself), but at the same time, if she ever DID need some help, she knows that she can rely on you. Trust is an important aspect of emotional connectedness. Requirement number one: an emotional connection and rapport makes women feel sexual attraction towards you. Focus on building that connection first, and sex will follow of its own accord. (Tip: for some really excellent, detailed material on rapport and how to spark sexual chemistry, check out "How to Talk to the Opposite Sex", whichis coming soon to The Scientific Formula That Transforms an "Indifferent" Woman Into Your Adoring, Loyal Lover The Scientific Formula That Transforms an "Indifferent" Woman Into Your Adoring, Loyal Lover

  1. Women want emotionally mature men.
    Ignorant men think that the phrase "emotionally mature" is applicable only to the contemporary nancy-boy: a pansy-livered metrosexual, smiling tepidly over his low-fat Nutrasweet'd latte grande while the tough boys chew tobacco and talk baseball. This is emphatically not the case. An intelligent, independent woman is primed to value emotional maturity in a male above almost any other traits. There are four reasons for this.One: an emotionally mature man is better able to cope in rapidly shifting environments. He is more likely to achieve, and maintain, control: true leaders with true power have the emotional complexity and maturity to ADAPT to changing situations and their changing demands. They are quick-witted and able to think on their feet. Only emotionally mature men are able to exert this kind of ability in leadership situations, and only emotionally mature men make good leaders.
    Evolution has taught us to prize adaptability, and the leadership advantages it confers, very highly in potential mates as a necessary anddesirable survival mechanism. Two: in addition to changing his emotions to fit the situation, an emotionally mature man is also capable of changing the situation itself. Being able to adapt a situation in accordance to your emotions is an extremely valuable trait to possess.For example, let's say you've taken a girl out on a date. You're sitting down to dinner together, when an old boyfriend of hers appears. He approaches, and insults you. At first, you feel angry and outraged - just as he intended you to. But then (demonstrating your emotional maturity and adaptability) you turn the situation around on him by making a witty, self-deprecating remark about yourself inmock-accordance with his insults. Everybody around you laughs; the woman you are with laughs admiringly.
    The old boyfriend is left only with lower-value insults to combat your wit. Resultantly, you are the victor of this situation; he is left looking like a deflated, witless fool. By using your emotional maturity and adaptability, you have showed up the other man's less sophisticated attempt at situation control -and demonstrated your own higher social value.
    (Women are attracted to high-status men.) Three: an emotionally mature man is likely to make a good father. Emotional maturity implies intelligence, which is a trait that all women want their children to possess. A smart dad is morelikely to have smart kids; emotionally mature men are more likely to be smart. Therefore, women are "programmed" to want smart men. Obviously, that's not to say that all this goes through a woman's mind verbatim when she sees you turning an ugly situation to your own advantage.She doesn't think about what a good father you'llmake, or how your future kids would be more likely to have high IQs. She doesn't think about what a good leader you are, or how quickly you can adapt to any situation. Instead, she'll admire your verbal dexterity and quick wit, and won't bother analyzing the situation any further other than to realize that she's attracted to you. But attracted to you she will be - and it's emotional maturity that's attracted her.
    Four: finally, let's not forget about plain old compatibility. Men who are emotionally mature are able to converse fluently with women in their own"language". They're accustomed to relating to women on their own level, discussing topics with them that are of interest to women (relationships, stories, anything involving emotion, as opposed to things involving logic or spatial ability like politics or the work you're planning on doing on your carburetor). The more you're able to relate to women on their own level, the more entertaining they will find you, the stronger your rapport will be, and the more they will like you. See point #1 for the value of emotional connection if you don't get it already.
    So, requirement number three: women are attracted to men who demonstrate emotional maturity. This is because such men are evolutionarily proven to be highly adaptable, of high social value, a better mate and father, and because they're more compatible with women.
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  2. Entertainment Value.
    Entertainment is an extremely sought-after quality in a partner. Most women value a sense of
    humor in a man over just about everything else: it's on a par with self-confidence and the ability to emotionally connect with women. Despite the high value that our society places on physical beauty, a "good sense of humor" eclipsed even a significant lack of good looks. it doesn't matter how ugly you are. If you can make women laugh, you're a shoo-in. Once again, the value of entertainment boils down to womens' preference for just about everything emotional. Humor may not be an emotion in itself, but it calls up all sorts of OTHER emotions. A good joke, an intriguing story, or an entertaining anecdote, takes the listener through a variety of emotions, climaxing with the punchline (and resultant laughter). For example, the average anecdote tells a short story about an entertaining incident in somebody's life. But upon reflection, it becomes clear that most anecdotes aren't actually about amusingthings IN THEMSELVES. In fact, when you think about it, most anecdotes are actually about rather horrible experiences.
    An example of a typical anecdote: the time your car broke down on your way to an important job interview. You covered yourself in oil and grease trying to fix it, thus destroying your best, most expensive suit that you'd forfeited a week's rent in order to buy. Your car was a write-off (thanks largely to your ham-fisted tinkerings), your suit was utterly destroyed, and you were evicted from your flat because of the skipped week's payment. But ... ta-daaahh! You got the job, and so all is well.
    This little story follows the exact, if pared-down, formula of a conventional anecdote. Tragedy after tragedy occurs, rendered humorous only by the fact that the relater clearly lived to tell the tale (since the events are now occurring n hindsight). The listener feels horrified sympathy for the relater of this anecdote, which intensifies as the anecdote proceeds.Finally, just when things couldn't get anyworse and the listener has reached their peak of pity, the relater of the anecdote opens the jack-in-the-box punchline, and BANG! The "punchline" (in this case, the principle of "It's OK because I ended up getting the job, so everything else is rendered unimportant") hits the listener right in the face.
    The surprise, coupled with the extreme contrast between the first and last halves of the anecdote, results in the typical human reaction to the unexpected: laughter.The value of entertaining stories, jokes, and anecdotes is to be found in the variety of roles that you, as the relater, are casting yourself in.
    Allowing somebody to see you in a variety of roles - as in the above example, as a pitiable would-be-successful applicant, struggling against the odds; as a heroic conqueror of said odds; asthe prodigal hero bringing home the bacon - is an effective way of building an emotional connection with someone. It allows them to sneak a peek at how you might handle situations in future challenges.
    And even when the roles that you're cast in aren't actually true - as is the case with many fictitious jokes - there's another, equal value to be had: the value of the "emotional rollercoaster" that jokes represent.You are telling the listener a story, and taking her on an emotional journey. Women like stories; they like to experience emotions,
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    This is why so many women like soap operas and romantic comedies, as opposed to the plotless-but-gory entertainment that's valued by men. If you can get her to experience a variety of emotions through your story-telling, she will credit you with the resulting entertainment value. And of course, there's one more, really obvious value in humor: quite simply, it's entertaining.Everybody likes to be entertained - women in particular.
    Women prize men who can make them laugh partly because it implies intelligence on the male's behalf (you must be smart to be entertaining), but ALSO because women are programmed to look for long-term partners. A woman will be better off in the long term with someone who entertains her. If she was only in it for a night or two, she wouldn't care how entertaining you were; she'd go for the best-looking man, instead, because that would offer her the most value in that short time-frame. But because women want relationships of indefinite length, rather than just one- or two-night stands, they want to know that they'll be having a good time throughout. And humor is the best guarantee that you will provide that entertainment. Women will always prefer men who can entertain them over ANYBODY else. If you want to attract a woman and keep her interested in you, use humor. It never fails.
    Requirement #3: Women need to feel that their chosen partner has the capacity to make them laugh. This is because of the emotional value in humor and jokes; because it permits her a sneak peek at your character; and because she will be better off in the long run if she pairs up with someone who entertains her.
    Those are the three most important things you need to master before any woman will sleep with you. It should be enough to put you on the right track, and get you experiencing some success with women. But for those of you who are interested in becoming MASTERS in the field of women, dating, relationships, and seduction, you should take a look at our product catalog. Every product in there is packed with top-quality, high-demand information that's helped thousands of guys find lasting success with women - whether it's a girlfriend you want, a wife, or just to date a LOT of women! You can visit it here: How to Turn a Girl Into Your Girlfriend With One Simple Move.

                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you very much



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