Why Polyamory was Right for me - Part. 1

I always thought I was monogamous when I was younger like most people think they are. I believe this is mostly thanks to the media and how our society is, you see monogamy everywhere and other relationship types seem rare and rarely spoken of. Thankfully that has begun to change now in the recent years as polyamory no longer is seen as a weird swingers thing but as an actual way to have an adult and working relationship. It would take until I was 18 years of age to even consider an open relationship and until I was around 22 I would still have felt that polyamory was a bit of a stretch for me to be comfortable with.

A bit of backstory: When I was 18 I started talking to a lovely 25-year-old guy, I know age difference and all that but I have never really seen age more than just a number. We both had relationships before where either our partner had cheated on us or we ourselves had done the cheating and we felt sort of... Fed up with the whole idea of cheating. It sounds a bit silly to try to find a way to eliminate the factor of cheating when there is a super easy solution to it; just don't sleep with other people! That was not enough of a solution for us, however. We talked about it a lot and in the end, most of the cheating we had experienced did not happen because there was a lack of love or intimacy, the cheating happened since someone was well, attracted to someone else. In the end, we decided that attraction is natural and perhaps it is better to just roll with nature rather than trying to fight it, and so we did.

It was surprisingly easy, we set up our ground rules and that was it. Some of the rules were that we were not allowed to tell the other partner if we slept with someone else, always have to use protection and stop seeing the person if feelings started to develop. It took more than six months into the relationship for me to sleep with someone else and I felt awful about it. It could have been because monogamy was still in there deep inside because it felt 'normal' and this was now 'cheating' by my old standards, and most of societies standards. My partner and I had great communication in our relationship and I was used to telling him when I was not feeling good. This time I couldn't and it made me realize that while I am allowed to have sex with others, it might be better to be pickier and get ready to take responsibility for your actions. This resulted in that I had a much healthier sex life outside of my relationship as well since I raised my standards a lot and was able to cut off a lot more toxicity from my life. Before this, I had a hard time saying goodbye to people, even when they were bad for me I felt that I could help them and make them better even if it made me feel worse. Since I already had a partner that I loved I could safely prioritize him and our relationship instead of fuck boys who were not really worth my time and effort.

An open relationship was surprisingly drama free. A common misconception about poly is that those relationships do not last long because you can't love someone and fuck others. This is true, in some cases of course since poly does not work for everyone and some only agree to it because their partner is interested in it even if they prefer monogamy themselves. Mine, for example, lasted for 6.5 years mostly because we were in an open relationship then polyamorous. It made me feel free, like it was always my own choice to be with my partner and not just dump him to be with someone else. It made us communicate better and made me appreciate him so much more. I also did not get sexually frustrated, as I can get easily in closed relationships. I simply have a thing where I like to meet new people and get to know them in an intimate way and if I can't do that it makes me frustrated. This is more of a -me- problem that I can work on rather than demanding that it is a proper need of mine but being in an open relationship definitely helped with this issue. When it came to trust, I actually trusted my partner more than I have ever trusted a mono partner and I had to worry a lot less about cheating. Even though we were allowed to sleep with others cheating was still a possibility if any of us broke the rules we had set up.

So how did it go from an open relationship to poly then? Well, I had an ex, the classic teenage romance stuff but a lot more toxic. It had ended badly but a part of me still cared deeply for him. It is really hard to write about this, to be honest, as this whole thing makes me feel guilty, stupid and selfish but you deserve to know that about me and not just my good sides.

Buuut! That will have to wait until Part. 2, the final where I will talk more about poly and also answer some common questions about it.


I hope you all enjoyed my first serious post on here, don't worry, I will continue writing fun guides and other content but I felt like I had to challenge myself a bit and not get stuck in a single genre, even if humor is super fun to do. Until next time, my dears!


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Ive never tried the whole open relationship concept myself however I did work at a nudist and swingers resort for many years. I always asked the couples that had been married many years what made their relationship so successful. The response "everyone gets bored and wants a different flavor ever now and again, it's not the cheating but the lying about it that kills relationships. Sex is just sex and the love of spending your life with someone and understanding each other's primal needs is something totaly different.

Like I said I havnt got there yet however I certainly wouldnt rule it out of future relationships.

That response is soooo true! And like, there is no rush, if you ever feel like trying it out you can but if you are happy without it that is great too :)

I have had couples want me to bang the wife before in front of the husband. I was sort of surprised and didn't know what to think. The husbands wanted to see their wives be naughty.

It seems to me swingers and polyamorous are quite different. Both swingers in the couple get satisfaction in the same time, but polyamorous get separately. It is like your wife make dinner for you or for you and your guests or just for your neighbour, without inviting you to taste the main dish). Although I believe this model of relations has right to exist, but does not look like win-win approach.

Not at all! I've seen swingers at this resort where I worked where the husband just like to watch other men or women fuck his wife and visa versa and I've seen full swap couples with or without watching/participation/mixed participation.

Maybe I use the term loosely, perhaps there are all different kinds of swinging?? My definition would be openly and honestly having sex with others while in a committed relationship.

My partner was cheating me last January. We talked a lot then and ultimately we decided to keep our relationship with no drama. She just agreed that I will have my chance to cheat in turn, though "cheat" is not the correct word in the case...

Oh, that sounds like an interesting solution! How has that worked out for you?

I went through many negative emotions at the beginning, such as grief, anger, dissapontment and desperate. Then I just realized it will be the wisest solution to preserve our family intact. Each of us now has the freedom to do whatever want with whoever wish...

Can she cheat again, if you do not use your option, and if you do, do you have to inform her on this matter?

She can cheat, of course, so can I! There are no specific obligations to inform each other about cheating, but why not after all?!

Any will do, it is just curiosity)

Hello, I do very much hope that you are well. What a fun article its always delightful to run into other people that are poly and happy. I hope to keep up with your articles in the future. Followed🦄💜🦄

Thank you for the kind words :) I have part 2 planned so it should be out sooner rather than later!

Wonderful I look forward to reading it🦄👑🖤

Oh hi sister! I am openly polyamorous and in 3 relationships. Two of my SOs have been dragged onto steemit by me. If you scroll down my profile for a bit, you'll find my old posts about polyamory.

Oh and you got a new follower! Hello!

Hi! That sounds amazing and I will make sure to go and read what you have written about it right away. Always feels good to meet other poly folks as it can get kind of lonely haha.

Lonely poly folks! Are you on discord yet? If you hang out on any of the steemit servers, we should totally talk. You know, fight the poly-lonely. :)

I'm on the girlpower discord and joined one of the podcasts ones yesterday :) think I have seen you around!

Very likely. DM me there.

Love how you talk about this so openly and freely, and express your feelings, too. Anxious to see part two!

I'm a really open person, for better and for worse, and I am used to talking about poly stuff since my friends and other people I meet do not know that much about it. That certainly makes it easier to write about this but part 2 will be hard since well, I will not look all too good in that one.

I want to know more. I will be waiting for the part 2.


Happy to hear! Will get done with part 2 tomorrow i believe :)

So glad that you differentiated between poly and an open relationship. At first I’m reading and thinking hmmm ok, she has it mixed up. But sounds like you don’t, and I’m off to read part 2!

@beingnonye look at this post

This was really interesting to read. I really enjoyed the fact that you were able to tell societies closed mindedness to go f**k itself.

People are always trying to fit in with what Society wants; there's pressure from family and friends, and mostly because they are wanting to fit into society themselves. When you up the middle finger to society then you free yourself from a constant burden.

Well done you!

I've never been into Polyamory, myself - but you know, I believe in live and let live. If it's good for you then who am I to say otherwise? :)

Thank you so much for the kind words and well, also some very wise words too! I've always tried to find ways to give society the middle finger so lucky me that I turned out to be poly.

Good for you :)