Coronavirus a Stress Test of your most important relationship.

Coronavirus and Quarantines, another Stress Test of your most important relationships
Tomorrow’s my wife’s birthday, and for the first time in over 25 years I won’t be home.
We are am separated by distance, an ocean and the realities of our new life with Coronavirus: cancelled flights and unexpected layovers. I and my wife were already going through some challenges due to my job requiring frequent travel, but we adapted well. The kids are out of the house and we manage to feed and clothe ourselves independently :)
My work now requires frequent travel, I accepted this new position because it pays more, and both my grown kids and my neglected retirement fund can use the extra cash :)
Additionally, in this economy I consider myself fortunate that I still work. My wife worries about me traveling more now and getting sick. But it’s how I pay our bills, so I wear a mask, sometimes gloves, wash my hands and practice social distancing. Recently travel changes are a daily thing and I may get stuck different places from time to time, because of closures and quarantines. But these are manageable problems that don’t involve life, death, sickness or bankruptcy. I am sure there are people facing bigger and more serious problems. Now while that rationalization doesn’t make our problems go away, it does make them seem less annoying.
This Coronavirus thing has been another unpredictable wild card in our life. We cancelled trips, our kids cancelled visits home and all have vacations. There has been worry, heart break and disappointment. But my wife has been a trooper and I like to think that I and our the kids are doing well also.
I think that although we are under significant stress my wife and I have managed to remember what’s important: us.
We greet every challenge, every decision and outcome good or bad with a shrug of our shoulders and reassure each other that we are doing the best we can and that’s good enough. I think that our decision to support each other through our mistakes has been like a fountain of strength. And my wife and I often share with each other that it has been a great stress reliever not to worry about what will happen when we get home.
As I reflect upon it, our relationship would have been damaged if we acted any other way. Life outside the home is stressful enough. There’s got to be one place you can feel safe and accepted, no matter how much you messed up.
After all, I truly believe that the mistakes mostly wont matter in an hour, day, week, month, year, etc...
It’s how we treat each other through the mistakes and difficulties that matters.
WE have always been what’s most important, and the rest be damned.
Lastly, I feel that your relationship and the way you treat each other when one makes an error defines your relationship. It either builds up the confidence and sense of peace within each of you or it tears it down.
Love each other and you weather any storm.
*For My Queen
And Flowers
Written by Shortsegments. ✍🏼
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Title: Coronavirus a Stress Test of your most important relationships
Tags: #relationship #love #friendship #partner
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Great job, well done bro. Good for you..
Thank you!
This is great advice for relationships. Thank you for sharing your wise words with us. Sorry about you can't be home with your wife on her birthday. Stay strong and stay safe. ❤️
Thank you. I hope it helps some couples survive Corona and beyond.
Life is full of compromises, you change your job for more money but on the other side you don't have time to be with your family.
The right balance must always be found.
Best wishes for your new challenge!
Thank you.
Yo trabaje en telecomunicaciones por muchos años, viajando para diferentes lugares en mí, país, se cómo es eso, más en tu caso, que tu trabajo es fuera del país, más difícil es. La relación de pareja sea exitosa y prolongada la clave es, como mencionas el trato mutuo es muy importante, le agrego el respecto, suerte y mucha resistencia en esta cuarentena prolongada.
Gracias. Estoy de acuerdo en que el tratamiento mental es muy importante. Y tengo la suerte de haberla encontrado.
Thats sad when you´re seperated at her birthday.
Years ago I canceled a trip to be home when my wife and me had our first anniversary of our wedding....
Stay strong, stay safe and have a good time! :-)
Thank you.