How to Flirt Successfully (strictly for men)

in #relationship8 years ago

Every heterosexual man grew up being fascinated by the opposite sex. And soon after puberty kicked in, this fixation assumed a whole new dimension. How to get the girl you liked to say yes, go on a date with you and probably cinch in a kiss or two at the end of the night became the new game among your peers. When you finally got into college, this game began even more interesting because of the whole thrill of bedding the finest and hottest girls on campus. However this whole flirting and winning thing didn’t come easy for some men. In fact it is a big challenge to most. In fact the more classy or highly sought after your target is, the greater the need to up your flirting skills.

In view of this, here a few tips on how to successfully flirt and score big time with that lady.

1) Understand the time and place

Putting moves on that colleague of yours in the office might seriously amount to sexual harassment in the work place and you will probably get your ass sued or fired. It’s best to wait till after hours when you’re gathered at the bar for a few glasses of wine or any other place more relaxing away from work. While at work, you could drop a few, however, very mild hints. These could include smiling brightly, fetching her coffee, helping with her photocopy, helping her put together that presentation, etc.

2) Understand your target

This is a very vital one. Before you go chasing, take a few moments or even days (if you have this luxury) to figuratively size up your challenge. Is she putting out hints that she is single and searching, this could include smiling easily, dressing provocatively, paying you enough attention, etc.? Or is she totally off the radar, like flashing her wedding band in your face, barely smiling, obviously waiting for her date, etc?

3) Look the part

To successfully flirt and score, you have to look appealing yourself. Be clean, dress well, smell good, brush your teeth regularly or keep a steady supply of breath mints. Besides looking good, you have to be confident or look it, even if you don’t feel very much so. Get your lines right and keep it short. For example, when you walk up to a lady at the bar, don’t say, “How are you doing? What’s your name? Where do you work? Can I sit beside you?” A simple, “Please oblige me the honor of sitting next to a pretty lady like yourself.” Then go ahead to order a refill of her glass.


4) Go in for the kill

As the drinks keep coming in steady, introduce yourself and ask her about herself or how her day went. Make sure you do ninety percent of the listening and ten percent of the talking. Act as if you’re deeply interested in what she’s saying and drop in a few comments, intelligent ones too, from time to time. If you listen well and ask the right question in a subtle manner, you will find out in time if she’s looking for a nice time or is up for something more serious like dating. 

5) Close the deal

As you guys talk, there are a few points you should take note of. For example, lean in when talking to her. Try to brush her hair if it’s falling out of place. Do this gently and quickly. Ensure you make her laugh a lot and drop in a few hints she’s giving you the green light. For example, “your lips look so soft. I just want to taste them.” If she laughs or encourages you to, make sure you do it before the night is over. Ladies do not like to be disappointed. 

If she’s looking for a date, make sure to set up one too, before the night or occasion (it might be at a friend's gallery show or birthday party, etc.) is over.


 (images courtesy of pixabay) 


Can confirm

Best advice ever.

"Be French" works as well, but only when you are NOT in France ;)

:^) Just like being from the US when in Japan.. in the 1980s.
THAT was a blast. But now... maybe its different?

Haha I like the source reference!

@repholder, it worked for me as well

lol the source

Please read carefully what this blog says and do the opposite. You're welcome.

P.S. Having a ton of Steem is the ultimate aphrodisiac

Yip, this blog is 100% the opposite of what actually works lol.

Agreed. This post is great advice for what women should do. If a woman brings me coffee, asks politely to sit next to me, looks good, hangs on 90 percent of the words I say -- I know she's interested and will either give her a positive response or a negative one.

I don't think it has any business being marketed to men as serious advice. Nobody wants to date or have sex with a guy who acts like an interested woman would act.

Checkout my most recent post for more effective advice ;-)

Her G spot is a woman's best kept secret, I know because my name is Grant

come on craig, go and so the girls work at the office,
that really works :)

That comes at the last stage when u have already penetrated, i.e. u r already successful at flirting with a target.

What if g-spot stimulation is how I flirt?

HA! Then you must be flirting with unconscious women!
um... kinda sorta enjoyable, especially if they wake in a good mood.
Difficult to admit to though. ;^P

lucky your name is Grant as by the sounds of it if it was any other name you would have serious issues

Rule number one... don't say/do/be like every other dude who approaches her on a daily basis. The worst thing you can do to attract a highly desirable woman is act extremely interested. The best thing you can do is get her to wonder why you are not chasing and obsessing after her.

When you do something that immediately sets you apart from the droves of "Can I buy you a drink. Please give me a chance! I'll do anything you want" crowd you will have her attention.

Then you must carefully communicate indirectly and often nonverbally, that it is her who should be seeking your attention. Confidence is the fundamental mechanism by which this is nonverbally communicated.

Sadly most people don't like those who show too much interest in the beginning.

I never did.
Made a strong attempt to seem less interested.
I'd even get a number and refuse the first attempt to 'bed' me.
If the lady wouldn't talk after, so what? Don't need her. But if we stayed in touch, bingo.
Women will more often than not, never speak to you again. Turn them down and you might as well never been born.
Men on the other hand will try and try and try...
Which of these approaches would be most likely to gain the user a sense of power over the other?
I say women. The 'take me when I say or never' game REALLY turned me off.
I always wondered, do mothers tell their daughters to act this way?
Few women don't, and its not dependent on age I've found.

Yaas, confidence is incredibly sexy. Not talking about being cocky or chauvinistic, but being smooth and confident- regardless if you have to fake it til you make it.

Okay seriously, where has this guide been for the last 30 years of my life.....I am still trying to figure out Am I Religious or Spiritual?, well I was....finally figured it out and wrote all about Religions and Spiritualities today....

Dude, you and i are related or something


Some great tips, thanks for sharing

There are some good tips that I agree with so I upvoted. Unfortunately a large majority of men will fail to have success with the women still. They can't face rejection. It is like all the people who have signed up for Steemit and then quit. We are the elite! Muahahhahahahha

Unfortunately a large majority of men will fail to have success with the women still.

I guess all of our fathers were in the minority then... lol

I'm a woman.

Guys, you have no idea.

Great elaboration! Very Constructive thinking! Just Wow! That's some good advice! Way to help out!


If I wanted to manipulate more efficiently potential dates/partners with a-la-cart pop-pop culture techniques, I would have skipped the talking and pay a prostitute.

Saves time too...

OMG, you are killing me dude, you're my hero

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