Ecotrain Question of the Week: What changes have you seen in the world in the last 10 years, and in which direction do you think we are headed?

in #relationship7 years ago

Before I am heading to answer the @ecotrain question of the week, I would like to say a positive change I found on myself in the recent days (Steemit platform helping me lot for this change). Yes!! I am happy that I have completely avoided writing blog posts for sake of just posting and I started waiting for the good post ideas.

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Right after published my last post in the tag under #familyprotection Post Here, I started thinking about next post and almost got around 30 post ideas, but I could not able to finalize one as all are just formal ideas. I strictly ordered myself to wait till better idea and luckily found this question today as it seems considerably interesting.

Big thanks again @misslasvegas letting me knows the existence of the steemit accounts @eco-alex and @ecotrain. What did I saw the Ecotrain question of this week: What changes have you seen in the world in the last 10 years, and in which direction do you think we are headed? is thought-provoking and I decided to write a post according to what changes I have seen in last 10 years in the world.

My very first post for @ecotrain and I hope people will find this useful.

My answer goes here:

Value of a Relationship a Big Question Mark:

Those who stopped by to read my answer I would like to say my sincere apologies to you all if you think I am too young to point out the particular answer. Yes!! Because I am just 29!! I have seen (seeing) big changes in a value of a relationship. I believe the relationship between people were changed a lot during this last 10 years. It’s rare to find quality in the value of a relationship.

There are huge differences between what I saw the value of a relationship among people during my high school days and what I am seeing nowadays.

I can guess two major reasons behind the huge differences in relationship value (Sorry, if I am wrong).

  • 1. Limited Supply but Unlimited Demand:

You already guessed? Yes!! It’s MONEY. I believe money plays a key role to break relationship value. No one disagrees the fact that “you can’t survive without money in this world”. Everything is money and earning money is not too easy.

How come Money break relationship value?

I may need around 400 to 500 USD in a month to run my life and I have the capacity to earn 500 USD for a month. But, will I just stop when I reached my target? Obviously no, and of course, I look for other sources to earn more than 500 USD and no one won’t blame me for what I am working hard to earn extra money.

My Reaction!! When someone asks me about my neighbors

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But, the period (hours) you need to earn extra income will definitely take you away from people you love to spend your time with and this is where the relationship value started decreasing.

When the importance of money (more than you require) increases, quality of value in a relationship started to decrease.

The second reason what I believe the value of a relationship has decreased in last ten years because of:

  • 2. Development in Technology:

I have not done any psychological research to point this matter. But personally, I believe this as one major reason. Improvement in technology every now and then actually a good sign and how lucky we are in this generation to witness such massive technological benefits as life becomes too easier.

But the problem is the way we use technology. You are absolutely wrong if you think video call over a Skype network to your neighbors or relatives is more than enough than go and meet them all in person.

But!!! Where is the Love?

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Don’t panic that your vehicle gets parking space or not, just get out from your apartments and buy groceries at supermarkets that give you space to interact with people socially than just ordering your requirements from your smartphone app.

The Final Portion:

Which direction actually we are headed?

Same like cryptocurrencies (ups and downs), you can’t predict the future. But yeah!! We can guess things according to what is currently happening. What I Guess? We are headed to live the life that we may not even know who residing left, right and opposite to your house.

I am badly afraid of that and I wish importance and money and development in technology will not affect the value of a relationship anymore.

You can’t feel the happiness (you get when you interact socially with your buddies in person) through technology or buy it from your bank balance.

“Be Grateful and Spend your Time with people you love most to live a healthy life (mentally and physically) and make the world a better place”

If you think, you can’t agree my answer anymore. It’s my kind request to comment here with the valid points why you can’t accept it? I am willing to consider and go for it as I am just 29!! And Still, I have to practically experience too many things in my life.
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Thank you for writing for the QOTW. A lovely post wth some good points!

Dear @eco-alex thanks a ton for appreciate the effort.

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