How engaging in Primarital sex, make you major shareholder in divorce company.

in #relationship4 years ago

The story would be different for young women who are currently facing divorce cases, if they had harkened to voice of Steve Maraboli that cried; “Never compromise your values.”
Premarital sex has gradually become a norm in 21st century relationship. Our society has accepted the concept of sex before marriage, undermining it contribution to the high rate of divorce in our society. But just how does premarital sex contribute to high level of divorce?

To Effectively analyse the damage of premarital sex to marriages, we need to theoretically analyze men's mentality and approach to sex. All men were naturally design to seek for what they do not posses. So a man naturally be default, long for things that will satisfy his wants. Anything a man has not conquer, his obsess with For instance, I drive an Audi car for example,an I sincerely love the car, but the moment a better brand of the Audi I currently drive is out, my mind naturally begin to flame for that car, until I buy that car,the flames won't cease to burn. So also the same principle applies in the way will handle our sex life.

When a guy and a girl start dating, there is certain level of sexual attraction that exist between both of them, like a flame. This flame create a romantic scene every time this two are alone, an appetite for sex like a vampire appetite for blood, at this point you lost in the wilderness to have sex and you eventually give in, cool right? Yea, this process continues, until the sex life reach a climax and there is only one way to go from the top, down.
This is solely so because While you both mingle and jingle, the flame that burned as a feeling or sexual pleasure was going down as you both engaged in the act of sex, more frequently. Just like my flame for new Audi care went down at the sight of a new brand, same principle is fully functional in sex life.

Still not clear right? Okay what are the common cause of divorce;
Late realisation of goals and vision, issue of compatibility, empty love tank, and many other reason. Do you know all this listed causes can be traced back to PRI marital sex as root cause? Let's analyse them one after the other;
Late Realisations of different goals vision, and expectations. please note, premarital sex is not a product of true love, rather a product of lost. So what lost does is to cloud your judgement and your vision, you accept anyone into your life, because you both enjoying sex and you forget your life vision. What make you sexually attracted to a girl for instance, her beauty, her shape, how she dress, how hot she is, how popular she is, this reasons makes you want to have sex with her and be with her forever, and it never ends well. See how all the reasons are identified with lost and not love, love will make you see her visions and goals, not how to have sex with each other. Any relationship were sex is welcome hardly ends well, because it does not allow you both to see were you both headed early, if it the same direction, to avoid regret in the end.

Okay now,How premarital sex is the root cause of compatibility issues in marriage, which eventually lead to divorce. Like I mentioned earlier, sex has the capacity to control the way you think and see things, when flamed by sexual lost and apatite for sex, they can end up doing anything, just to get into the pant of their lover, they can camouflage into anything, so when they have gotten what they want and overtime, and now you both have kids and have started a family, there just no fun again to exploit. Then they realise you not compatible with them. This is the most common of all reason why people file a divorce paper. Because there is now a third party to have fun with you no longer compatible with them. It a sad experience.

Last reason I mention as the cause of divorce is the issue of no love in their love tank. The truth is they were never any before in the tank, it was all full of lost, because you were still sexy and sex was good while you both still young. Remember I told you sexual feeling is like a flame right! Just like gas it going to run down at some point, and when that happen, boom! Divorce, reason;no love.
I know you probably thinking that, why if we do not engage in premarital sex, won't they still get tired when we married and have sex? Good question. While premarital sex needs to be avoided is that, not engaging in it will allow you both to think and see clearly what the future hold for both of you. Building a future on sex, i definitely going to collapse, so what avoiding premarital sex does is to help you both to build on your vision and goals rather than sexual attraction which fades away with time.

This practice need to be given a try, it will help cub the level divorce from it root, which is college, this combine with other measure to reduce the level of divorce will go a long way to help the society and the children who are victims of divorce parents.

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