Entitlements are at the heart of any reform, in EVERY sense

in #reform5 years ago


I made a video, but it kept freezing, and stopping, and then stopped working. Lame old 2 euro webcam with lame old 240 Euro laptop. It was on the subject of entitlements.
I spent most of the night in a very Buddhistic state of mind. Feeling Buddha was right. And noting that Buddha's real teaching probably was suicide. But of course no beneficiary of your existence would want you removing your human capital from their resource base. No King would allow a 'religion' to exist that promoted suicide. The wealth of the King is ALL produced by his subjects. Like the wealth of the Priests. So I am not in the state of mind for 'striving' to optimalise this world. But when insights intrude on my peace, I feel obliged to share them. I am too conscientious not to. The idea of 'being in this world but not of it' is lame. I'd end up either wasting away or becoming a chubby Buddha idol. While I exist as Markus I can't 'cease striving', because even to spread the message of release / liberation from this world requires striving. Striving to get the logic of the message understood. Simply even heard. The truth underlying the lies of all the organised religions.
The insights I feel obliged to share clarify the notions of 'entitlement' that are in circulation. This notion of 'entitlement' is framed by different beneficiary groups / self-interest groups, differently. And when we honestly reveal the abuses the term must suffer, things really enter the extreme 'theatre of the absurd'.
For example Cult of Judah Marxists feel entitled to physically harm anyone who disagrees with their dogma. As entitled as any Inquisitor during the dark ages.
In our 'holocaust denial law age', people feel entitled to physically assault 'historical revisionists' and 'holocaust deniers', and even scientists, chemists, lawyers, or anyone else that associates with them.
Like the Cult of Judah Islamic fundamentalists who feel entitled to murder authors like Salman Rushdie, for writing books which 'offend' them and challenge their dogmas, and their own 'revisions' of historical fact.
Priests feel entitled, like officers in the military, to rape, and then be free from ‘civil’ prosecution. From accountability to the general public. To the normal laws operating in ‘society’.
Many people feel entitled to ‘cut down the tall poppies’. To ‘cut down the tall timber’. Because the tall poppies ‘make’ them feel less worthy of acceptance and approval themselves. In a competitive world, where people compete for limited approval, acceptance, privileges, benefits, status, and resources, the laziest way to prevent someone ‘outshining’ you is to ‘outlaw’ shining’ at all. To set a ‘cap’ on how fast the competitor is allowed to run. How clever they are allowed to be. How ambitious. How hard they are allowed to work. How much sacrifice they are allowed to make. To limit the risks they are allowed to take. How beautiful they are allowed to be. How well they are allowed to play. How much discipline they are allowed to exercise. For if anyone is allowed to be ‘superior’, then reflexively they ‘make’ all the others feel ‘inferior’. And less worthy. Of acceptance and approval. Of love. Of status. Of privilege. Of access to resources. So the logic of the Cult of Judah’s Cultural Marxism, just like its previous Soviet incarnations, is to not just level consumption of goods and services, but to level, limit, and impose ‘caps’ on, actual personal achievement. It is an old working class concept. That simply ‘shining’ yourself, hurts others, who are not able to ‘shine’ in the same way. Leaving them feeling less valuable. Less worthy of acceptance and approval. Feeling inadequate. Feeling inferior. And thus it is considered a ‘crime’ among working class people to ‘strive’ and be ‘ambitious’ and to ‘shine’. And all the ‘inferior’ feel entitled, thus, to ‘cut down the tall poppies’. T o ‘cut down the tall timber’. To compel the ‘superior’ to ‘pretend’ to be ‘equal’. This is just one notion of ‘entitlement’.
I started making a quick video, which wouldn’t work. I didn’t want to write anything. It’s just so much work and frustration and stress, trying to express the very complex and intricate concepts I comprehend. To hold so many ideas in my head at one time. A head which does not feel ‘designed’ to do this sort of work. A sort of low tech computer designed to do simple tasks. With low RAM and a slow CPU. A very poor short term memory. Like this computer I am working on. I feel even the slow ‘rendering’ of images my own CPU carries out. I am very aware of the limits of my minds processing power. Even as I walk along the street, trying to focus on different objects, and shift focus among them, realising how little of the sensory inputs I am capable of processing. If we were designed, then we were designed, as the stories go, to be good little miners and workers. Our lifespan made so short that few people would ever have the time to comprehend their world. By the time anything became clear, they would begin ‘losing their mind’. And be dead and gone before they could expose anything our ‘makers’ wanted to keep from us.
Yes, so that video was a response to a television series President demanding that ‘entitlements’ be reduced. And the original ‘entitlements’ that struck me were those the rich feel entitled to. The rich feel entitled to consume millions of dollars a year in goods and services. They base this entitlement on the idea that they personally ‘produce’ millions of dollars a year in goods and services. Like a history book that claims that some King or other ‘built’ a particular castle. Or bridge. Or won some war. When clearly Kings don’t build anything. They facilitate. They direct. They plan. They orchestrate. They work as one member of a very large team of builders. With all the myriad professions and skilled and unskilled labor required to realise their projects.
For any individual to claim they are entitled to consume millions of dollars of goods and services is absurd. Ideas are just one element in any project. The brilliant idea is the catalyst. It facilitates. It promotes. It makes something possible. But it is no more than potential value. In the mind of the inventor. The discoverer. The innovator.
To realise the potential of any idea, of any ‘intellectual property’, or any invention or innovation, requires the collective work of many people. And then for that idea to become valuable, it requires a consumer. A user. And end user. And so both to produce the value, and to give it any ‘market’ value, we require a society. A group of people. To produce the good or service. And to consume it. And thus ‘make’ it valuable. To give it value.
No-one can do anything on their own. The genius can’t realise their brilliant visions without the laborer. The laborer probably would never have stumbled upon the idea they are working to realise. It is a team effort.
However one group ‘frames’ the concept of entitlement in a way that allows them to TAKE more from the social product than the other.
Consider the hypocrisy of a ‘rich’ person criticizing a poor person for feeling entitled to basic free health care, basic free housing, basic free clothing, basic free nutrition, and basic free education. When that same ‘rich’ person feels entitled to live in luxury, with other people at their beck and call, styling their hair, cooking their meals, cleaning their luxury homes PLURAL, maintaining their luxury cars PLURAL, performing plastic surgery on them, and other medically ‘unnecessary’ procedures. The same ‘rich’ person who feels entitled to consume so much, is criticizing the ‘poor’ person for feeling entitled to consuming so little. That is the sort of hypocrisy that provokes me to think and write. Even after having given up on this world, as a potential habitat for my soul.
The lazy person feels entitled to the same approval and acceptance, love, lust, and other benefits of society (society forming any time you have two or more people interacting), as the person who works hard, long, and makes the sacrifices required to achieve something.
The person who takes as much pleasure as they can from eating, and thus becomes obese as a result of this focus on food as their main source of sensual pleasure, and (here I feel my CPU over-clocking, and my RAM struggling to find the ideas I know I want to express) and ‘purposeful action’ (data retrieved!), feels entitled to the other pleasures that people who discipline their eating, and as a result attain higher levels of fitness, health, and physical beauty / attractiveness, enjoy. In terms of the pleasure of being ‘desired’ as a sex object or object of romantic interest. In terms of a sense of pride in appearance. The pride that flows over into all areas of life.
So the obese feel entitled to be defined as ‘equally attractive’ to the people who sacrifice the pleasure to be gained from over-eating, and discipline their eating, and force themselves to exercise, and as a result become objectively more attractive. The inferior in this sense feel entitled to deny the superior their superiority.
The only solution to the problems which are within our power to address, is to address such notions of entitlement at their lowest levels of abstraction. At the lowest and most basic levels at which they operate. To identify the problems and challenges within human nature, that become ‘institutionalised’ as legal systems, economic systems, social structures, and what we call ‘society’.
All the senses of entitlement I have considered have been institutionalised in one ‘concrete’ form or another, in our society. In the form of legal codes. Expectation. Norms. Cultures. Religions. Ideas. All of which form the foundation and backdrop to any ‘reform’ you might consider making. If you fail to address any of these ideas of ‘entitlement’, you will fail to change the institutional backdrop, the cultural and social context, your particular ‘problem’ inhabits. Your reform will fail. Your spiritual teachings will be institutionalised as just one more ‘religion’ that serves the beneficiary classes. Your attempts at ‘social justice’ will become untenable. Because you are not being honest with yourself about what any person can truly claim to be entitled to.
Those who work harder, longer, and more intensely, making greater sacrifices, and taking greater risks, are entitled to consume more value than those unwilling to do these things. Even to more than those actually unable to do these things. Most of those people who claim they are unable to do such things are deceiving you, and themselves. We cannot all do the same things. We cannot make the same sacrifices. Or take the same risks. Or work at the same things as intensely. As hard. As long. But each of us is capable of contributing in our own fashion.
It is a fact that some people, making the same effort, taking the same risks, making the same sacrifices, are going to produce more value than others. And this is not fair. But this is reality. And to ensure that each individual is motivated to make the most of their individual talents, abilities, intellect, beauty, strength, and realise their positive potential, there must be unequal outcomes. This is human nature. Denying it is a recipe for failure of any reform.
And remember that the same people who complain of their own inferior genetic inheritance, insist they are entitled to reproduce this exact same, unfair, genetic inheritance. In other words to force their own children to suffer this inferior genetic inheritance. The hypocrisy of humans knows no bounds. The way selfish people reconcile their own ‘right to complain as victims’ with their sense of entitlement to reproduce this very same ‘victimhood’, is to claim that they are entitled to have their ‘inferior’ qualities overlooked, and to claim that ‘all people are equal’. In every way. Basically to deny objective reality. To claim that no-one is more attractive than another. Or smarter. Or has a better personality. Or is more talented. Or has a more ‘noble’ nature. To claim we are all equal. In every way.
Of course in a just society, the rights of the not-yet-born would be considered and given equal weighting as the rights of existing persons. So a future-person’s right to the best genetic inheritance we can offer would trump the existing person’s right to reproduce themselves. The woman could be host to an ovum fertilised by a man not her partner, and they could thus become the parents to other person’s biological offspring. They need not miss out on the pleasures of parenthood. That they would insist on forcing their own inferior genetic inheritance upon their children speaks volumes about their supposed ‘love’ for these not-yet-born children. They are acting selfishly. Satisfying a selfish desire. And these same people would accuse child-free couples of being ‘selfish!
Two questions we much answer follows. What is the minimum every participant in a social contract is entitled to, simply for agreeing to participate? And abide by the rules of society. And what are the maximum entitlements anyone should be allowed to claim, simply as a result of good luck, windfalls, a superior genetic inheritance, having the right idea at the right time, being in the right place at the right time, having the ‘right’ parents, inheriting the ‘right’ resources and potentials, and enjoying some superior talent, intelligence, ability, or potential?
Marxism is a Cult of Judah ‘straw man’, as much as the form of capitalism we have been allowed to experience. Both are not honest. They are deliberate ‘straw men’ set up to be knocked down. We have never been allowed to enjoy either a functional capitalism, or an honest social democracy. The Cult of Judah has ensured that any such attempts have been blocked, shut down, sanctioned, blockaded, and forced to fail. Often by the most violent means at their disposal. Such as war.
The ‘levelers’ during Oliver Cromwell’s time had a sound idea. To set a ceiling on just how much any individual could consume. To set a limit to the ‘entitlements’, at the top end of the scale. The Social Democrats set a ceiling at the other end of the spectrum. Setting basic minimum entitlements for every citizen of a state that was willing to put their shoulder to the collective harness, in the manner most appropriate to their innate abilities, talents, and powers.
Until humans are will to be honest with themselves about what they are really entitled to, all attempts at reform will fail. We must honestly distinguish between a politics of envy and jealousy, and a politics of social justice.
I cannot demand and insist that I am entitled to something I am not. If I do this, all we end up with is special interest groups fighting with each other for benefits. We destroy the motivation for both the weakest and strongest contributors, to make THEIR personal best contributions. The result is that little value is consumed. And only those with the greatest social power get to enjoy it.
Honesty is the real enemy we face. Human nature is self-deceptive. We all want as much as we can get. To enjoy as much pleasure and relief as possible. To secure our enjoyment of this for as long as possible. To avoid pain. To enjoy the maximum benefits at the lowest personal cost. To enjoy benefits produced by OTHERS. That we are NOT entitled to.
If we stop buying the products of billionaires, they would have no markets for their goods and services. Their corporations would become worthless overnight. If the genius finds no-one willing to work with them, to realise their inventions, visions, and ideas, then their genius will become worthless to them, overnight. I could go into more detail, and dissect every human interaction, down to the most basic LIE and self-deception. In fact if I were your philosopher king, that would be my task. And you would have to give me the power to enforce the truth upon people unwilling to face facts.
But that won’t happen, so now I can return to my Buddhistic contemplation of the worthlessness or all striving on this plane-et. For what needs to be done will not be done. By you. You want injustice, so you get it. You of course hoped to be the beneficiary of that injustice. You want to lie to yourself. You don’t want to face facts. You want to get away with your lies and have others pander to your self-deceptions. So you become the victim of your own lies and self-deceptions, when you become the victim of OTHERS lies and self-deceptions. For you have made yourself a role model for others. The standard for comparison of what is ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’. You all must live as hypocrites. And ‘enjoy’ the consequences of what you will for others, and what you accept for others.
You feel entitled to exceptional status. To be the exception to the rules you have for others behavior. This is the basis of the Cult of Judah’s ideology of ‘Semitism’. It is unavoidable that you face the consequences of your own decisions and actions. The exceptionalism your feel entitled to will backfire upon you. You sought to transfer the costs of your own pleasures, reliefs, and avoidance of pain, onto other sentient beings. But what you will get to enjoy is those same costs, multiplied, and amplified. In the ‘karma’ that is ‘The Cult of Judah’, and its ‘New World Order’.
In theory you could empower people like myself to do what needs to be done. To expose the hypocrisy. To expose the lies. The self-deception. To re-build institutions from the ground up, based on principles of universal justice.
In practice you never do this. It is alien to YOUR human nature. And THAT is the true tragedy of this plane-et. And the more honestly I face it, the more Buddhistic become my thoughts. And more peaceful. More tranquil. More calm.
There is nothing I need to do. Action on this plane is all counter-productive. Buddha saw this. There is no way for sane, honest, person to affirm this world. We must reject it. We must reject the human nature that manifests as the cruel horror that is this plane-et.
I have reached the limits of my response-ability. And thus the limits of my responsibility.
I hope I can accept the facts. That alchemy is doomed. The true alchemy. The alchemy of human nature. Of taking human nature and re-molding it into something noble and just and beautiful. Of taking the base lead, and turning into gold.
Or to be more precise, alchemy is the response-ability of the individual. You. You must transform your own base natures into golden, noble, natures. I cannot do this for you. I can, like the teachers who went before me, share the tools I have found useful. The insights. The logical, compelling arguments.
But I cannot compel you to stop deceiving yourself. About your entitlements.
You are not entitled to avoid the consequences of your own choices and actions. All Karma is, is this necessity. That of consuming what you produce. Of experiencing the effects of your actions. The consequences of your decisions.
You can deceive yourself, in your mind. But the world will manifest that deception. You will experience the consequences of your self-deceptions, and your lies to others, in concrete forms.
I cannot defeat the Cult of Judah. Because it is merely the contemporaneous expression and manifestation of your will and desire. It is your will and desire represented in a concrete form. As the world you experience. The world as will and representation, as Schopenhauer put it.
You need to change your will. Your desire. That is the only way to reform this world. Until you will the reforms required to make this plane-et a world worthy of noble, just, beautiful, peaceful, creative, constructive, loving, affectionate, compassionate, and passionate, people, such reforms will never manifest.
Any time someone like myself proposes such reforms, they will be derided and ignored. Or adapted to the purposes of the current beneficiary classes. The Cult of Judah are simply the manifestation of your own will. They represent that will. They are the expression of it. The moment enough of you change your will, the Cult of Judah will transform from the force for destruction and cruelty and injustice that it currently is, into a force for truth, justice, and beauty, on all levels.
This plane-et is the manifestation, the representation, of the will of the majority of beings that inhabit it.
If you love this plane-et as it is, then perhaps this hell is your idea of heaven, and you will get to enjoy it for as long as it appeals to you.
I can only hope that there are worlds that are the manifestation of my own will to truth, justice, and beauty. And that by willing truth, justice, and beauty, in my own life, in my own mind, I can manifest it. But probably never in this world. On this plane-et.
I will continue to practice Zen Humean Skepticism. And to share any further insights that appear in my mind, with you. For as long as I am Markus. And inhabit this plane-et with you. My mind is open. I entertain all ideas and beliefs and never limit myself to any of them.
Perhaps tomorrow I will find myself philosopher king. Or even better, the citizen of a kingdom of philosophers. People who love truth, justice, and beauty. People willing to give up trying to benefit at the expense of other sentient beings. People who will work hard with me, to build a world worthy of our highest aspirations.
Are you looking for a better game to play? Are you, like me, looking for a better way to be? Are you like me?
I fear there are simply too few people like me on this plane-et.
And suspect it was never my job to transform the world. But merely to transform my own will.
And all else follows from this.
While I am Markus, I offer my services to others. It is in service to others that we serve ourselves. For all goods are social goods. Social products. There are few goods that we can produce, or enjoy, alone. Which accounts for the existence of plurality in the first place. Whichever way you want to conceive of the world. As one unit of awareness-consciousness-energy-matter that is hologrammically self-reflexively divided into ‘selves’, or as a huge number of individual awareness-consciousness-energy-matter units, seeking out fellowship, and play-mates. Either way a game. Intended to be enjoyed. To be satisfying. To be rewarding. But which the players decided to try to ‘rig’ in their own favor. To attempt to enjoy benefits others were forced or otherwise tricked into paying for.
Oh my TROONATNOOR books and videos have so much to offer. But I fear so few people are interesting in benefitting. The moment they see that they must give up on the idea of slavery, in order to secure their own freedom, they reject what I have to offer. The moment they see that their ideas of entitlement are challenged, and threatened, they reject what I have to say.
It all comes down to your sense of entitlement. What you feel entitled to. What you feel other sentient beings are entitled to. And of course each individual tends to feel entitled to the pleasure, relief, and avoidance of pain that they feel would maximise their own happiness. And the result is collective misery. With flashes of pleasure and relief which the beneficiaries temporarily enjoy, and quickly become (CPU overclocking again, searching, exceeding RAM limits) habituated to (slow but still reliable processing of Markus brain!).
Masturbation is great, in the right context. But this is not the right context for masturbation. For self-pleasuring yourself with delusions of entitlements you have not EARNED by having PAID for in some honest fashion.
I won’t waste my time with religious masturbation, where people tell themselves stories about angels and gods and heavens to pleasure themselves. Or even worse, to claim some special, exclusive, entitlement.
The ‘Jews’ who have illegally occupied Palestine claim ‘legal’ entitlements to commit their crimes against humanity, and war crimes, based on fictional narratives and imaginary gods. On faked history. The Cult of Judah elites claim the ‘legal’ entitlement to rule this world. Based on laws THEY wrote.
Any time YOU claim some exclusive entitlement (claiming that as you do unto others, shall NOT be done unto you), you are behaving the same way as the illegal settlers in Palestine. And you will manifest the same violence as they do. In your own life. In the world. For the world is YOUR will, manifest, and represented in the 5 sensory realms of sight, sound, touch, taste, and feel.
Please take advantage of my offer to download all my books at zero cost to you, using my TROONATNOOR Patreon page, and links in my Marduk Tyr facebook page, and TROONATNOOR WordPress page, and on Scrib’d. You can order paperbacks of most of my books still, at Amazon. However many of my most important and timely works have been banned even by Amazon, after almost every other retailer blacklisted ALL my books. So if I were you, I’d hurry to take advantage of this offer, while my books are still available. Please seed my books and videos as torrents, if you can.
And thank you to the ONLY person who has EVER helped me in my TROONATNOOR enterprise. I guess HE is the main motivation I have to continue writing and publishing. And yes, of course he is an Israeli ‘Jew’. For ‘Jews’, as Nietzsche and many other philosophers before me have noted, are both our greatest blessing, and our greatest curse, on this plane-et. We must embrace those ‘Jews’ who are our natural allies. While being wary of the Cult of Judah agents, whether ‘Jew’ or ‘Gentile’, who have declared war against humanity. And how draw their power from our inhumanity. For the Cult of Judah is the very expression and manifestation of our own will. Our will to abuse power. To seek it. And to abuse it.
Markus Rehbach
October 10, In the year of our Cult of Judah Occupation, 2019


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