My self-esteem!!!-reflection

High self-esteem is essential to living a worthwhile life. It facilitates my growth, I can access my inner energy and allow me to be happy and free.
"I can"
"I have the possibility to choose how to live my life"
"I'm happy to be who I am"
I recently heard a phrase that I liked: "I feel comfortable inside my skin".
When I feel good about myself I have high self-esteem.
The opinion I have about me is good, I relate properly with others and I do my work or daily work with pleasure.
I have high self-esteem when I appreciate myself, when I feel that I have courage and that I am important in the environment in which I move.
Benefits of High Self Esteem
Feeling like this allows me to perform without complications, freely, openly and spontaneously. I succeed in raising my spirits to those around me and I radiate a positive energy of benefit for everyone.
I gladly assume the responsibilities that I choose to have and thus achieve greater success because what I do I do by choice and with affection.
I have an optimism that is contagious and for this reason others want to collaborate with me. This allows me to more easily build the life of my dreams and that makes me happier and happier.
In this joyous way of high self-appreciation, I am of unequaled benefit to others, not because I sacrifice for them, but because I inspire each one to be and express the best of themselves. When in a family, social or work environment, we all connect, things are accommodated gently.
I face the challenges by trusting that I will be able to address them or seek the help I need to achieve the goals I have set in my life.
I accept myself as I am and I recognize that I can develop more in some areas. With gusto and conscience I look for my transformation to be an ever better person.
From deep inside I love, respect, and feel good about myself. If I could choose, I would choose to be myself again. I am happy of who I am and how I am.
Such a condition assures me of physical, emotional, and mental well-being. When I as an organism I am functioning optimally, my systems keep me within the ranges of well-being. Health is a logical consequence.