Red Triangle Puzzle Countdown Found? A Murder to be Solved + Seth Rich
Red Triangle Puzzle Countdown Found? A Murder to be Solved. The Storm is here, what happens next
Th Red Triangle Puzzle has Taken the Puzzle community by storm. Last year people where working on Cicada 3301 and Tengri 137 like madmen. I was working on a Tengri137 puzzle when an account called 0a0a posted a comment of an onion link. Normally anytime someone posts an onion link it's something that is off the beating path, this one happened to be right down to the depts of the Dark net. This isn't a regular puzzle like the others that play nicely and offer you a simple reward and recognition for your efforts. This one was a Very different kind of Animal that I think most solvers are taking for granted. A Red Triangle signifies Danger and oh boy they are correct. Here is a new timer meaning the next round is about to begin? Enter the Underworld
When I started into the puzzle I noticed a a few things that made me certain it wasn't Cicada 3301, but it was a new style of puzzle. This one started out with some big danger. I don't think some of the solvers noticed that there were more than just hidden files on the websites. There was code injections and other materials that were of the hacking nature. If you were not running the right system and software or doing it on windows. Your computer has been hacked. Myself included. I made sure to run threw the puzzle for the first bit before I dropped my stream and Nuked my laptop. I think other solvers took heed and beefed up their security, but it's clear we are dealing with an animal that not only wants people with smarts, they want security minded. I made some quick posts pointing out the code but Who know's how many people are trying without even looking at the deeper picture. The Mask is coming off it seems?
I knocked out the first couple of puzzles till i Hit Pasteware. It was clear to me that most of the hacking code that was used where copied and pasted onto the pages yet after more inspection I found them to contain extra code. That means it was dangerous and people should be on their toes. I worked my but off on pastewate then got an oculus rift and decided to put down the puzzle for a bit. It looked to be an unmasking of sorts, basically weeding out the fakers and folks who aren't ready for more dangerous materials. The Discord group used some of my notes and did the major decoding work on the page. I sat back and gave myself sometime to figure out a plan of attack since we aren't dealing with normal matters. That Seth Rich Death date really does make me think we are dealing with higher level hackers looking to play for keeps. I know the Discord crew is unphased so I guess it's time for me to get back into business.
Ultrimique Trebus was solved by the Discord community and it really gives you an understanding of Danger. This is not something that is mean to be taken lightly and only the true hacker will be able to survive this one. If you aren't up to it I would say turn back. Your not going to listen so I recommend you set side some move for a new computer. Your probably going to need it.
Last Steemit Update
"Welcome welcome, children of the corn. Questions are our answers. Intelligence may only be granted to those who are worthy of understanding. Intelligence is a pathway many seek, yet fail to understand. Granting security keeps everyone oblivious. One who is secure doesn’t understand. Security is Blue. Self reliance is Red. Happiness is Black. What is reality as we perceive it to be? A message delivered to the people by raven. A message delivered to the people by quail. The journey forth can only be answered through the fifth Be cautious and remain on the right path, stay and you will succeed A prize to be won, the crown of glory to be found."
Important details:
The word "Welcome" highlighted with red.
The signature logo of the Red Riddler at the top of the page between two wings and a capital R inside.
"A message delivered to the people by raven."
"A message delivered to the people by quail."
"The journey forth can only be answered through the fifth."
Morse code bit found in the top left corner. ".-"
"A messenger approaches. A message is received. Misunderstood by the people, misunderstood by all. Few are capable. Few are worthy. Few will be challenged. The mathematical structures of the universe are upheld by the gods. Math is proven through the understanding of the mind. The Sanhedrin gather. To influence a future. A candle burns providing light for those who dare enter. A light so bright only gods can withstand. You must seek this path to understand what is behind the darkness."
Pass Fifth the seventh.
Important details:
Fibonacci's tree at the top of the page, when contrast and color settings are changed numbers inside the circles become visible, with number 5 covered with red fill.
"The Sandhedrin gather."
"Pass fifth the seventh"
Morse code bit found at the top left corner. "--..-.-.-....-."
Two circle diagrams, the one on the left containing the letters Z, D, Y and 3 perpendicular lines along the 2 axis at the center, resulting in 4 center squares that are highlighted. Also, at the bottom a crooked line can be observed in each diagram on this book. The circle on the right contains the letters G, M, F and only 1 perpendicular line on each axis.
Between the two circles hebrew writing is hidden:
דָם Water into Blood
צְּפַרְדֵּעַ Frogs
כִּנִּים Lice
עָרוֹב A mixture of wild animals or flies.
דֶּבֶר Diseased livestock
שְׁחִין Boils
בָּרָד Thunderstorm of hail
אַרְבֶּה Locusts
חוֹשֶך Darkness for three days
מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת Death of firstborn
"The five forces of nature are united by a higgs-boson. The seven heavens open up. Man will be granted ultimate access. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The thirteenth soul is relinquished from hell.
The particles of the universe coexist in nature together that is unpredictable by man. To understand, one must break away. Cleanse the mind and rebuild it from the ashes. Pass seventh the eleventh."
Important details:
"The seven heavens open up."
"The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month."
"The thirteemth soul is relinquished from hell."
"Pass seventh the eleventh"
A picture of a dot-line symetrical contruction which has not been yet identified, having 7 dots highlighted.
Another pair of circle diagrams containing F, L, V (having 4 perpendicular center lines) on the left and Z, A, F on the right side (having 1 center line on each axis).
Morse code bit found on top left corner. "- ---"
"If they find you, your soul will be extinguished. If they find you, your body will be turned to dust. If they understand you, your mind will evolve. The deeper you travel, the more you understand. The further you remain, the higher you become. Be warned, if you attempt to enter without cause, you will be rejected. Be warned. If you attempt to escape without cause, you will be destroyed. The valley of trust. The road of intelligence. The path to enlightenment, they walk among the gods. The gods valk among all. The gods see all. To see the future is a power. To understand the past is a task. The gods may approach a being. But a being may not approach a god. A murder can be carri out by a god without thought. Humans may be executed without emotion. If you escape from the tunnel of the eyes. They will be burned. Do you wish you understand. Do you speak the tongue of the gods?
Pass eleventh the thirteenth."
Important details:
"Pass eleventh the thirteenth"
Left circle contains letters L, H, P and a non-perpendicular line arrangement. 5 (vertical) and 4 (horizontal+some angle). The right circle contains letters F, D, C and 5 lines on the vertical and horizontal.
In the middle, between the 2 circles there is a clock-like line configuration which if considered a clock would be 11:00 am/pm.
Morse code bit found on the top left corner. "- ... _"
"By his holy name we light. A gift given tonight. By the power of the gods. A spirit is lifted. A soul created from the ashes of a dove. A man is given the power of thought. A wish will be granted. A murderer caught. An idea opened for the public. Remain focused. Do not stray from the path. If you do not remain. You will be caught. The gods watch everything. See all. Hear everyone. Be careful. Be wary. Be quiet.
The thirteenth remains. The keys from the crown exposed. Use the rules given to escape the machine."
Important details:
"The thirteenth remains." where the word "thirteenth" is highlighted.
"The keys from the crown exposed."
First image gives the alphanumeric set: 0xFB98FA19, without capitals "0xfb98fa19". This is pgp format, a quick search determined that this is certainly a pgp, registered on the name Red Riddler on 2011-11-11. Confirm the PGP at the MIT PGP server
Morse code bit found on the top left corner. "...---.-.. ...-.-.."
005 Translation:
To continue forward use the following message we are going to provide. Keep it safe, keep it secret this is not for the common man To prove to yourself that you are worthy ask yourself the following question. What am I?p6spgmeyhsefim6j.onion
005 Solution:
By using the numbers provided on Snow, we shift each letter or number according to the number representing it on the Snow website. Check out Snow for more information.
Morse Code
When put together and adjusted the Morse code yields:
".- -- ..- .-. -.. . .-. - --- -... . ... --- .-.. ...- . -.." = "amurdertobesolved" > "A murder to be solved."
The magic circles
Important details:
The lines in each of the circles spell out the first 7 numbers of Pi, 3.141592
The lines on the bottom of each circle is very important, it shows which way to shift the letters, if it's pointing right, shift it forward, and vise versa.
There are 21 letters, enough to spell out a .onion link.
The circles gave us a .onion link yutlrkmscstyaweq.onion
How they are solved.
People realized you need to shift the letters according to which page it was on, each page gave a number to shift it by.
001 - Pass Fifth the seventh.
002 - Pass seventh the eleventh
003 - Pass eleventh the thirteenth
004 - The thirteenth remains.
Using these terms, and these numbers representing the circles for that page, we shift the letters on page 001 by 5, 002 by 7, 003 by 11, 004 by 13.
What seems to be random numbers on this page is actually the cipher key for the page 005 on the Utrimique_Trebus every number is associated with a letter. Shift that letter by the number given, it similar to the Enigma machine
With all the work put into this it shows us how much different it is from Cicada's puzzles. They have a simmilar style but the verbage and words are way different. They are leading us down to the dark path and it seems there is going to be a straight drop to the bottom. It's it going to be my downfall? Chapters are coming faster and faster and I'm just waiting like WTF is happening. I still don't think my thoughts on it have changed. Getting prepared for the end is always a drag. Watching the Discord make their way is always good. Better they than I make the push. If they need a rope. I'll be here.
Chapter 6 was found by the Discord solving group on 1/6/2018, chapter 6 was found via the 005 cipher.
When you enter the page, you are greeted by a image of a key with the Pi numbers 93234. Underneath it is exactly 100 lines of coordinates. In the background is an audio file playing named 931.mp3
More Is to come when directed. The New Lead into the Underworld is Below. Make sure you bring protection. School is out and if your not ready you could be stuck.
really mysterious, always want to stay with your post and glad to see your post.
I’m hooked on this, but not going to risk my computer, so I’ll be over here supporting your efforts in other ways.
Much love🤗
good artile friend
thank you for sharing