Obama told us who he was. . .Many refused to listen! Hand picked by Saudi Arabia to further the Muslim Brotherhood! He wears a ring with inscription, "there is no god except allah!"

in #redpilled7 years ago (edited)

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From admitting where he was actually born in his own words. . .Kenya, to wearing a ring inscribed in Arabic, “there is no god except Allah” one needs to look no further for proof Obama is Exactly who he repeatedly showed himself to be. . .not who he claimed with lying lips of slippery, silver tongued phrases known to tingle the ears and give God fearing people what they wanted to hear. . .”I am a Christian.” He only attempted to further the goals, cause and infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood with their blessing and at the detriment of weakening America! The Muslim Brotherhood has made their plan clear and told us precisely what their goals are. . .Obama played a Major Role in their dividing America, getting the leftists on board while spewing their targeted message and furthering their infiltration! This was part of the plan in conjunction with the globalists, who were only too anxious to support a group dedicated to bringing down America, orchestrating war and chaos so they could take over with one world government to save the masses from themselves. The “Create the Problem, have the way of life for everyone become so horrid that they beg for a solution, and then are willing to accept Any solution, even if it means giving up More Freedoms. I guess they haven’t met enough True Patriots. . .or maybe they have and this is why they have ramped up their game of attacks through their mouthpiece. . .MSM, Hollywood and the music industry controlled by the globalists, controllers, cabal, luciferians, illuminati. You can take your pick because they all serve the same master and the people at the top know Exactly who that is! Their blatant worship, symbolism and adherence does not escape those who are awake. Our eyes are not Wide Shut, we are no longer drawn into your seemingly cozy web of distraction, they are Wide Open to your bold and blatant corruption! We will not turn a blind eye, we will Not Stay Away from speaking the truth no matter how many social media platforms you have under your control to ban us. We Will Be Heard! We See You! We are Not Afraid! This may be your master’s domain, but God’s Army is strong, courageous and No Weapon formed against will prosper! In the end you will not win!
See a short clip here,


Remember how during Obama's presidency they started forcing children to learn the 5 pillars of Islam in the public schools and justified putting in the curriculum by saying they were covering all "religions?"

Refusing to wear a flag pin or stand with his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, Obama repeatedly showed who his true allegiance was to. . . not us the American People. He let us know his roots were steeped in the call he heard twice a day in Indonesia and it was not the call to worship our Creator! He was also heard saying my Muslim faith, then trying to correct himself. Why didn’t he state who he really was, just tell us the truth, what was he afraid of? Most likely because he needed to fool the Christian populace as our country was set up on Christian Judeo values, not Muslim values. In the same manner Muslim countries do not adhere to Christian values, our country should not be forced to adhere to Muslim values. Freedom of religion, yes as long as it does not step on the rights of others or cause harm as sharia law does by it’s very rules of no other religion except Islam. This is in direct opposition to freedom of religion. The devaluing and taking away of women’s rights, goes directly against what our country stands for. Perhaps this is why Obama blatantly and boldly lied about Who He Was. The truth was caught in this video. People can’t help but expose their true nature, as it is the core of who they really are. As he stated himself, “I have known Islam on three continents.” A true Christian never adheres to a man made god being above our Creator. He stated his father came from a Kenyan family of several generations of Muslims. Obama told us who he was, many did not want to hear the truth! People tell you who they are, you just have to listen! He also said, “you are absolutely right, John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.” He told us who he was and what his belief system was. He recited in a 2007 interview with the New York Times, the Muslim call to prayer in an Arabic accent that was spot on. Why does this matter? How did he do that without muslim influence? He also stated in that very same interview, “the Muslim call to prayer was the prettiest sound on earth!” “But he told us he’s a Christian”, some still argue, why would Obama lie to us? He quoted from the Koran which he called holy numerous time. As a Christian, the Bible, God’s Word and God are holy, no religions before God our Creator as our Creator is AGAINST religions. Jesus took out the money changers. It is about knowing God, a relationship with God, not a set of rules and religion. Religions are false, God is real! Religions require, demand Works, the Creator offers Freedom from slavery and works, our Creator offers acceptance, love, help, courage if we Trust Him rather than Fear based religious requirements. The Creator sending His son to take our place for the slavery of sin grants those accepting the Creator’s gift to us. . .Freedom from the practices of Law and Rituals. There is no need for rituals, there is no need for someone to Tell Us What is Required. The only requirement is acceptance of the Creator’s gift. . .belief that He sent His son to take away the sin and bondage that religion offered. Not religion, no specified prayer rooms or mandatory time of worship, but rather a relationship with the Creator Who Changes Lives if you accept it and you talk to Him whenever you want! You don’t have to face a certain way, you don’t have to be in an expensive building, you don’t have to give a bunch of money. . .it’s free. Satan hates that it’s free and he does everything he can to convince you , you must work for it, you must harm others to get it. Not true! That is society and religion’s way, not God’s way!

Obama did everything he could to further Jihad and the Muslims ways. He paved the way for the Awan brothers. He got rid of four star generals who saw what he was doing and would stand in his way. He put into the DOJ and FBI those who would support his weakening of America and look the other way as he infiltrated with muslim supporters. He allowed extensive infiltration and the leaking of information of our government. He gave billions to fix up mosques while our veterans, homeless and Americans suffered from his weakening the economy and giving more to illegals which included many illegal muslims. The same muslims that took advantage of Obama’s offerings for free handouts which they were able to get more per family due to their numerous wives, extra children (all while bragging about it), therefore numerous dependents allowing them more financial aide off of the backs of the middle class, hard working Americans. Free healthcare for them as our doctors and working healthcare were taken away from us under His failed Obamacare which sent our rates soaring, many times quadrupled, our rights stripped away as we were no longer allowed to keep our doctors.

Obama stated he would not wear a US flag pin on his chest because he didn’t like how it represented patriotism in America. Where he did speak as plainly as he could. Islam and muslims were who he defended during his presidency in preference over America. He told us, He is a Muslim!

Hand picked and paid for through Saudi Arabia and Soros funding, a hand picked handler from a known communist family, Valerie Jarret aided the Muslim Brotherhood. They had Obama pave the way to infiltrate our government, set up jihad training zones right here in the United States and begin their goals of take-over as in Dearborn, MI, the educational system with the implementation of bold Islam teachings as we see all over the country and Obama even setting up specific prayer rooms for Islam right in the White House. Is one free to adhere to the religion of their choosing, yes as long as it isn’t being forced upon everyone else and as long as people do not claim to be one thing as Obama tried to present himself, while demonstrating otherwise. Just be honest. He and the Muslim Brotherhood knew first hand this would not get him elected. In the same manner if a Christian claimed their true allegiance. . .they would never be elected in a Muslim country! Why is it always okay with leftists to not play fair? To expect us to do something other’s would never do? Why?

When one wears a ring for much of their life with the inscription, “there is no god except Allah in arabic, that clearly goes against what he Tells people he is. A Christian believes there are no other god’s but the Creator! Obama’s ring is the opposite of this. Instead of pretending, you should have told the American people straight out who you were and who your allegiance was to. In all fairness, you did slip and tell us who you really were on many occasions. Some, maybe many were too proud to admit they were wrong. Found in the Holy Bible, the Creator’s word to us, Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. The Great Awakening is here!
Here is an excellent video with the clips of Obama's slips and at times outright boldness in stating who is allegiance was really to

No Go Zones in the United States

Sharia Law in Dearborn, Michigan

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