Redirect Your Energies
When life happened what happen? When life stood the way how do you confront it? Do you challenge your challenges headlock or you simply take a deep breath and hold on a little more time just before you swing it? You'll need to redirect your energies and wait on the lord.
Destiny helper are people who's mere presence could change the course of our lives for good as such was that of Abigail in King David's life. Our case may not turn out like that of the story of King David and Nabal, who was a scoundrel and cheat to David's submission and service to him:
According to 1 Samuel 25(Abigail's Arm), "David and 400 of his men were on their way to seek vengeance for Nabal’s foolish response. But one of Nabal’s servants informed Abigail of her husband’s lack of social graces, and what David’s intentions were upon his arrival. Abigail’s response was in stark contrast to that of her husband. She knew who David was and the One that he served. Without hesitation, and without telling her husband, Abigail gathered together food supplies and loaded them on donkeys. Then she headed out to meet the future king of Israel.
When Abigail saw David, without a word, she fell on her face before him, bowing herself to the ground. Falling at his feet, Abigail delivered the most humble, heartfelt plea for David to spare her husband’s household. But her request was not made from a heart of fear, nor was it from a heart of anger toward her husband. Rather, while she admitted that her husband was a man of bad character, she reminded David that his life was in the hands of God. His enemies would be destroyed because of God’s justice, and his own house would endure. She only asked in return that, when God had fulfilled everything He had promised, that David remember her.
Abigail’s humble response turned David’s heart. He saw the error he was about to make. He himself had just recently spared the life of King Saul, who sought to kill David. Yet David had been quick to exterminate the household of a man who had merely insulted him. His life of exile had angered him, and this anger had nearly driven him to seek vengeance against a man who was not the real enemy.
"David heeded Abigail’s wise words. He respected her for the great respect she showed her husband’s household, despite his faulty character. He sent her away with a blessing, promising her safe return home and the preservation of the men of Nabal. Abigail’s name is mentioned in Scripture only one more time, as the mother of David’s second-born son. But her story echoes in the hearts of all women as an example of true submission and courage, even in the face of danger. Abigail truly is one of the unsung heroes of the Bible"
What this story thought us in our today's narrative of confronting life's challenges and mysteries can never be overemphasized. When we are faced by unjust treatments from life and people, we must learn to surrender entirely to the saving hand of God who have everything that happened to us under control and to whom we are like pencil in His unfailing hands. Knowing fully well that, we are and can become nothing on our own; our own idea, feelings, directive, actions etc are self destructive, of futility and can lead us to nowhere in the our journey of life. We must submit entire to God's judgement and ensure keying into, in all our thinking, dealings and endeavor, righteousness of Christ, where in our abundance, our rights, our destiny, our salvation etc are sure to come through.