gira221#colorchallenge Mondayred contest
Hi, morning. Here I want to share with you a beautiful image of an Indian woman dressed in red. Red is passion and love, It is also enthusiasm and energy. It moves you into action, no matter where you come from or who you are. Red is always a color which draws attention from people. It is an important color for us, no matter our blood is red, right? By the way, I wan also to share with you the Blood Song Lyrics from Kirk Franklin :
So many different religions
And so many different churches
And if God really loves me
Then why does life keep hurting me?
Have you ever asked any of these questions?
Well my friend I've got the answer just listenYou have the power
To make the seasons change
The river flows for you
The wind whispers Your name
For me you left Your throne
And traded crown for thorns instead
I'm safe within not by Your skin
But because Your blood was red
Note: You can listen to it at this Youtube link:
Have a very good day. UPVOTE ME. THANKS