Take Notes! There are 9 (nine) Signs To You, Meaning Your Sixth Sense You Are Highly Active
Everyone has a sixth sense. But only people with these 9 signs have a very active sixth sense.
You ever feel something terrible will happen and then true happened.Atau you ever dream of an event and then become a reality.If you ever experience it, do not feel weird because actually everyone has a six sense or sixth sense that can tell you of a danger .Only, not everyone has a very active sixth sense.
Here are 9 signs you can recognize, whether you belong to a person who has a very active sixth sense:
1. You Want To Get Away From Negative Energy
A person who has a strong sixth sense, is a person who has great empathy. You can feel the pain and emotions of people around you very strong. Because very sensitive, you feel very tired if you are around people who are too full of drama or very negative. it takes time to distance yourself from negative thoughts and want to be alone for a while.
2. Dreams Repeatedly And Become Reality
Dreams are a common phenomenon often experienced by a person with an active sixth sense. The reason, when you are sleeping, your rational mind does not hinder your intuition. And during sleep, your level of consciousness becomes more accessible and open. Well, if you often have dreams about the situation in your life, then you can think of it as an intuitive view.
3. Often Feeling Pulsed In the Forehead
You may often feel the throbbing sensation between the eyebrows or the middle forehead area (third eye) .You who have a strong sixth sense, then your cakrasa tends to open up to capture the energy signals that cause a strange sensation in this area.
4. Have a strong hunch
If you have an active sixth sense, then you will catch a strong feeling that something will happen to the people around you. Maybe you will know whether someone will have an accident before it happens or that a friend is pregnant before she knows.
5. Hearing "Sound" in the Head
Listening to the voice on the head does not mean that you are mentally unhealthy. Our intuition often sounds like a "voice" inside the head, to advise or warn of danger.
6. You can explain what other people think
If you often catch what other people think and you can say the exact same thing other people think. No need to be surprised, because it is one of the telepathic skills possessed by a person who has an active sixth sense. Even telepathy is one sign the most striking of the active sixth sense.
7. You Got a high score on the Zener Psychology test
Karl Zener made a set of cards to test extra sensory perception (ESP) in 1930. Although the test has been criticized by many, he can measure strong fortune-telling skills. If you score high on this test, you have the sixth sense strong.
8. You Can See Exceeded Visual Signs
Do you sometimes get visions of events that may have occurred in the past or will happen in the future when entering a new place? If so, then your sixth sense is very strong.
9. Headache
Headaches can be caused by some medical reasons. But if you feel that your headache or feeling is not a medical problem, your sixth sense is probably the cause.