Critical thinking
Being the analytically minded Virgo that I am, I'm often a little too hard on myself. I like to believe that I don't project those expectations onto other people, but I know inside of my mind that I have the tendency to lean on myself.
This helps to push me into a good place, where I'm able to be more productive.
As my new boss pointed out to me today though, the pressure I put on myself doesn't always show on the outside. I tend to internalize things, even though I do like to share my ideas with others. And keep an open heart.
A few times, he's come to me with a question about what is taking place at work. I unwittingly respond in jest with some humorous reply, which has left him wondering about whether or not I have recieved the message from him. Which is a tendency of mine, and has been relayed back to me on more than one occasion.
I enjoy my new job so much, that I tend to forget some of these baseline fundamentals at times. But, I can rope myself in in a hurry.
One of my co-workers doesn't easily relate with the discussions me and a co-worker have, given her age. Or maybe her level of experience in the things we talk about. Whatever it is, its caused a bit of friction which I was well aware of. But my boss brought it to me in a discussion, as I came to him today with feelings of unease after the recent loss of my grandmother.
I'm just so glad to have a healthy supportive team around me in my place of employment. More than that, the family I keep close to me. The friends who have been there through thick and thin, and various encounters I have along the way. Without them, I would be but a fragment of myself. Wandering aimlessly across the planet.
Thank you for having a look inside of my mind.
Just try and remember, if you go through similar things. It's okay to discuss them with others. Support is always there.
It's okay to make mistakes. Especially when you're going through troubled times.
You just have to give yourself permission to be human.
Have a blessed day!