Ideas on what to do if your confronted by Order followers/ Pt 2 Anishinaabeg Ideas on some things going on with these points as well as all humans to gain info knowledge and share

in #reclaim7 years ago (edited)

Ideas What to do when arrested, or confronted by order followers in uniform
Do, not give evidence against yourself no i.d no name they have nothing to go on, nor do they have a witness to your case. You ask the questions and assert your status remind them they are under oath as a public servant they are either a peace offer or variant their of and You have every right to do anything except hurt harm or cause loss to a human or damage or kill human under their laws.
You are a human flesh and blood you are the executor beneficiary of your being that is answering to this, or any matter. Your name id is heresy. You admit or deny anything the burden is on them to prove the case. You address the fictitious judge by name, not your honor that is their cult code you don't wanna be a part of and if you say it your rights are stripped and you just gave them permission to treat you like a slave citizen. Also when you are addressed to do something you remind them you are answering or sitting or standing whatever that cult ruler is asking you to say or do, but not giving up your rights for the record you want that stated. You state you know your rights and no where in their laws codes or constitution have you committed, or intended to commit any such crime, or murder you are here under direst from whatever cop, or cops arrested you illegally and it is an assault and battery on your being. Always Get the names and badge number, of cop, or cops and record whenever possible and let them know your prepared to make them accountable for their crime by filing a criminal complaint, or complaints. This is just fast wrote for anyone needing it. ...p.s you have a right to resist illegal arrest. Do, not engage in conversation with them its agreement to commerce if you do. State your status assert your rights tell them your free to go or you will file criminal complaint....repeat repeat till they leave you a lone. They have no authority over us to stop us some believe they do but have they tried nor learned how to handle themselves the oppressors count on our fear to do nothing therefore we have nothing we want and so go ask our slave keeper this is why there is nothing by letting them rule.

Pt. 2
None of those laws exist when were not part of the indian act become a tribe no more indian act no more status self governing starts when you let go of the goverments hands.

Share awareness about what is respectively appropriate to call a First nations tribal member when describing them to other humans.
I see some of us saying aboriginal or indian or indigenous these are all government terms to belittle, or (ignorantly use against us to be a citizen) us to slave status when we use them. We are Anishinaabe Ojibway Tribe for example nothing else. Every tribe needs to use their own identities and, not falter to their systems and/or their labels. Any thing You sign from government is agreement to contract with them "foreign corporation" they need to engage you in commerce in order to do business with humans. Your name in capital when printed on birth certificate was the birth of you becoming a corporation a "fictitious entity' a corporation where the government uses your all capital name and sells it on wall street to make capital gain. Any thing from the government is their offer to get you to relinquish your human "rights", not human rights as per their legalese "roman cult" term and become a slave "person" "public citizen" see blacks law dictionary..and give you new set of limited rights from the "roman cult" we fail to recognize its their law. First Nations primarily are born with identities where they came from such as us Anishinabek, Ojiway NOT (native , indian, indigenous, or aborigonal) and, so on and other born here humans are a variety of cultures that they are from and are occupying parts of our territory. "canadian" government adopted this name tittle for government such as parliament and it is contained with in its compound, not to be confused with land mass this is repeated for america it's contained only with in the white house. Health care, schools and churchs are available to anyone, because its part of their assimilation project and genocide they are Roman Cult terrorism. What do they do if you don't have a health card threaten no health care (a lot to write about this later and what remedies we need to start using) illegally to their law while they go against their oaths at every turn to make us believe and sign their government offer to give up our rights become their property and use their facilities. what is chief and means inherent Anishinaabeg become (corporation First Nation) and give up their inherent rights that were gifts from our Creator. They become part of a (slave) trade and commit cultural genocide in exchange for foreign government (definition:mind control) title with limited rights for a position in contract form. To carry out acts of commerce, assimilation, indoctrination, non disclosure, belief in a false power, or fake leaders cheif and counsel...This sets an example of everything Anishinaabeg are, not!!!! It is our responsibility to de-register from the indian act and "demand" (it's their legalese gibberish terms) have our (Creator)Inherent given rights back. Your "ACT" belongs in a circus it holds no tittle, value, or honor it's government property we are NOT that of, or agents. All "ACTS" they come up with are available to de-register from their cage.

Freedom of choice when it comes to every thing with in the jurisdiction of Our every day lives excluding causing harm. We have the right to ,not be lowered and de-humanized to levels of citizens of a democracy. We have a right, not to join a government society and resist being stripped of Our rights and freedoms. It is Our choice, not be part, of, or be a prisoner in a political paradigm and recognize if we do we are giving up one fundamental piece in Our rights and that's to self determine.

Self governing remember that the only purpose this canada government holds is to a responsible sum to pay us back for every tangible debt they created into existence. Remember they can only deal with other governments they are a corporation not a person they make us contract with them by signing our name to their offers making us go from human to corporation thats how they are able to deal with us and they sell our capitalized birth certificate name to wall street to generate revenue and more fake money while they dangle ice cream acts to make us believe there is a shred of care in them. Go back to the days when there was no birth certificate no government existed look what you've done only 150 in we governed our own lands family grew our food took care of our lands our clan grandmothers and knowledge keepers told us who we were by ceremony and taught us sacred teachings and daily held powwows and sacred fires. NOW we carry birth certificate except and sign anything the government offers even work for the oppressors because they stole our home and dignity and left some of them with out choice and beg for like treats cause that's all we get and believe that you will make it right. We are not meant to be dealing with government. Human settlers yes to share land how did that turn to pipelines poisoning world domination vatican ruled roman cult descendants of genocide assimilation fraud criminal activity conspiracy and war starters. Your history and constant show of your corporation obscene atrocities of why you are truly here to most humans are unknowing they see things here and there but it takes digging to expose the warfare and outline your itinerary to what is really going on I read your bloodshed disdaining story I see your path your past and your conceded trust in us we wont do anything but buzz around you like a mosquito ..I see differently perspectively relevantly and with more knowledge and angles first nations see we know we help up through the never ending battles we are still here and fighting knowledge is our power freedom is attainable bringing our hearts together will end this war

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