nice article i bet you can't buy one of those cleavers anymore, mora still make good quality stuff, i have one of their cheap scout knives, still working fine after 3 or 4 years and many times sharpened.
nice article i bet you can't buy one of those cleavers anymore, mora still make good quality stuff, i have one of their cheap scout knives, still working fine after 3 or 4 years and many times sharpened.
Ive never owned a Mora , but have heard they are great for the price. I actually just noticed another knife i got from my grandfathers basement that is also marked "Premier " , but is made in Sheffield England.

Awesome looks great! would be nice to own.
Hey that's strange about the "premier" marking, i guess it's an old fashioned brand? i'm sure i have seen that marking before... mmm
The company could have ordered knives from all over the world and branded them . The company is long gone but their legacy lives on.