Love Your Liver + Spring London Fog Recipe

in #recipe6 years ago

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Hey Steemians!

If you're in a warmer climate (sorry, my northerner friends) you've probably noticed the arrival of spring. Much like the strong winds and rain are cleansing our soil and preparing it for new growth, our bodies are actually doing something similar on the inside.

Spring is the best time to show your liver some extra love! It's always working hard to process the food & toxins we're constantly putting in our body, and we should be taking advantage of the warmth of spring to help our bodies naturally detox.

To be clear, I'm not referring to going on a restrictive diet to detox. Our bodies are so intelligent & it's constantly detoxing all of the chemicals from our environment, processed food, and even negative emotions all the time without you having to do anything.

I'm talking about helping our bodies do what they already do best. By eating more of certain foods to support the liver we can just help our bodies work a little more efficiently. And how cool is it that the very foods that support our liver are growing in abundance in the springtime?! 🤓

❤️Love Your Liver❤️

Here's some liver-loving foods to load up on right now:

Fermented Foods
Sauerkraut, Quick-Pickled Veggies, Miso paste (light yellow is best for spring), Tempeh (sub in place of tofu)

Bitter Greens
Dandelion Greens, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Kale, Mustard Greens

Sour Fruits
Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Green apples

Dandelion Root, Stinging Nettle, Alfalfa, Milk Thistle, Cilantro, and Burdock Root

Spring London Fog Recipe

Makes 1 cup

This is my take on the traditional London Fog - normally made with Early Grey tea, I went with a dandelion root tea to make it detox friendly, and infused it with 100% therapeutic grade lavender and rosemary essential oils from Young Living. Dried lavender and fresh rosemary would work just as well, but I love using my culinary grade essential oils when I'm on the go. Warning - a little goes a long way!!


1 cup of boiling water, divided
1/2 cup of coconut milk
1 dandelion root tea bag
1 drop of Lavender Young Living Essential Oil
1 drop of Rosemary Young Living Essential Oil
1 tablespoon raw honey, agave, or your choice of sweetener


  • Boil cup of water & steep your tea bag in 1/2 cup of water, reserving the other half for later.
  • After steeping for about 10 minutes, re-boil the other half of water & add to the tea. (This makes sure your drink is still warm when you drink it)
  • Discard the tea bag and add the tea to a blender, along with the rest of the ingredients
  • Blend on high for about 15 seconds, or until frothy!


I don't recommend using just any essential oil - make sure they are listed as 100% therapeutic grade and they're safe to ingest. As with anything, do your research :)

Let me know if you try this recipe!


All images are original


I will love my liver from here onwards!
I promise..
I was actually just scrolling down your blog to see if you have made a post regarding the upcoming #Steemcreators conference :), this beat me to it. I noticed you are listed as a key speaker and I wanted to say on behalf of #DynamicSteemians, and our leader @dynamicgreentk, we are really looking forward to learn from you and the many other great mind taking part.
Clearly we are all working towards the same goal :)

Im greatful that Steemit is filled with people that appreciate good food. You should crack open a Vienna lager and celebrate a great meal.

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