Balcan cuisine - Tasty Cherry Jam

in #recipe7 years ago (edited)

My yard is a fruit paradise. I am very happy that my children can eat fresh and healthy organic fruit, which is not treated with any chemicals. Since we have plenty of fruits I often make compotes, jams and juices and I keep them for the winter days. Namely, this is a tradition in the Balkans. Our grandmothers and mothers mostly make larger amounts of jam at once, put it in jars and wait for the winter to open them. I don't do that because I don't have time. I pick fruit for about two to three jars of jam. May cherry is the first fruit that matures in my yard. Probably this is the reason that this cherry is the favorite tree in our family, and the jam of these cherries is the most delicious of all that I cook.


The first step in making my jam was cherry picking. For a kilo of jam you will need about 2-3 kilos of cherries, it depends how juicy they are.

What do you need for cherry jam?

1 kg cherries
150 g granulated sugar
1 Vanilla Sugar (7g)
Juice of one lemon



Wash and pit all the cherries. Combine the cherries and sugar and leave for about 2 hours. The amount of sugar depends on how sweet your cherries are. My cherries were very sweet so I put less sugar.

Then put cherries in the saucepan, add vanilla sugar and bring to a boil over high heat. Stirring constantly until the sugar is dissolved. Then reduce the heat to medium-high and continue to cook, but stir occasionally. When you notice that the mixture is thickened, mix it with a stick mixer. Take care not to make a mushy mixture, leave some cherries whole. Then add the lemon juice and stir. Spread the jam with a mixing spoon and if a trace stays at the bottom of the saucepan (as shown in the picture) jam is over. I cooked jam for about 40 minutes.


Wash the jars well. Then place them in the oven at 50 degrees C for about half an hour. Fill the such hot jars with hot jam. Then put the jars back in the oven at 100 degrees C for about 15 minutes. Leave until the jam cools down, then close the jars well with the lid.


Happiness is in small things, big things don't happen often. This jar of jams made my family day better, especially when I made pancakes. I hope I sweetened your day too. :) Thank you for reading!

With love,

Here are some more interesting recipes from the Balkans:

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Moja mama je jedna od onih koja džem pravi u velikoj šerpi! :D
Kod nas su šljive glavne, ali imamo i višnje. Jedne godine ih bilo toliko da sam ih nosila i drugaricama u kesi jer nismo znali šta ćemo sa njima.
Mama je pravila i džem od njih po nekom receptu sa interneta ali je ispao jako redak. Ako bude višanja ove godine, probaću ovaj recept definitivno, ovako količinski manje jer ja sama ga nikad nisam pravila. :)
Fotografije su vrhunske, čitav tekst vizuelno izgleda odlično i naravno stil pisanja i recept, kao i uvek, za pohvalu.

Hvala ti @nikolina na ovim divnim rečim, delujem kao neki profesionalac :D Šljive su klasik međ' džemovima, njam. Što se džema od šljiva tiče tu se ogrebem od mame :) Inače, džem nisam pravila dok nisam postala mama, niti me je kuhinja preterano zanimala. Ali se raspored prioriteta i interesovanja pretumba kada postaneš roditelj. Sada (za sada:)) uživam u spremanju hrane. Probaj recept, odličan je i krajnje jednostavan. Bićeš oduševljena kada staviš svoj prvi džem u teglu :D Pozdrav! :)

Ух, палачинке… где ме нађе, @ladysnowhite :)

Постајеш тата-мата за рецепте. Или боље речено мама-мата, @tupakamaru би заправо био тата-мата ;)

Hvala @lighteye :) To mi je u genima :D A Ivan je tata-mata za neke specijalitete, ali na moju veliku žalost pranje sudova mu nije uža specijalnost :D

Wooow, svaka cast! :) do sad sam pravila samo slatko od dunja od tih slatkih poslastica, dzem jos nisam, moram da se ugledam na tebe :)

Hvala ti Anđo :) Kao što vidiš, nije neka prevelika mudrost. Jedino je dosadno čišćenje trešanja, ali tu može da se uposli više ruku pa da bude zabavno :D

Ja za neki dan pravim moje omiljeno slatko od jagoda! Jeeeedva čekam! 😁
Moramo seka i ja da dođemo da ocenimo to tvoje slatko. 🤗

Mmmmm, obavezno ga nakači :) Ja ću opet džem :) Dođite Mico i povedi decu da se malo družimo, sedimo na terasi, pijuckamo kaficu i jedemo palačinke :D

Ma kakva si ti carobnica covece, obozavam ove tvoje recepte @ladysnowhite :) Ko zna mozda se odvazim i ja da napravim nesto domace :)

Jooooj, hvala ti @jungwatercolor, prejake reči :) Nije loše vratiti se starim dobrim jednostavnim ukusima. Ali, kapitalizam nas ubi, radimo k'o konji po ceo dan + deca + kuća + obaveze + da daneš dušom(ako za to ima vremena), a radnje su prepune svega i svačega i ko će još da se bakće nekim stvarima koje za male pare mogu da se kupe iza svakog ćoška - smese za vanilice (prašak), smese za palačinke (prašak), razni sosovi (opet prašak), a da ne pričam o rafovima prepunih slatkiša i grickalica koje mame mališane. I takooo, ovo je već tema za sebe :)

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