Cookies coklat cappucino

in #recipe6 years ago


Cookies Chocolate Cappuccino

Brown is identical with the source of happiness and love. One of a pair that fit if combined with chocolate is coffee. The soft flavor of chocolate combined with the assertive flavors of coffee to produce a flavor that is really interesting. One of them is presented in the recipe that we present below: Recipe Cookies Chocolate Cappuccino.


Ingredients Cookies:
150 grams of butter
75 grams of powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla powder
1 egg yolks
15 grams of cocoa powder
50 gr powder capucinno ready-made
100 grams of dark chocolate, melt
25 grams of cornstarch
200 grams of wheat flour proteins are being
Topping Ingredients:
½ Egg white grains of small size
125 grams of fine sugar
1 tbsp lime juice
25 grams of the powder made ready-made
50 grams of pasta brown


How To Make Cookies:

  1. Beat margarine, butter, powdered sugar and vanilla until blended.
  2. Enter the egg, stir well
  3. Mix the flour, milk, cocoa powder and cornstarch, then enter little by little into the batter, stirring with a wooden spoon until the flour mixture is exhausted
  4. Enter the dark chocolate that has been melted, stir until blended
  5. Milled dough ½ cm thick, the print is round or according to your taste.
  6. Bake at 160ºC until the cake is cooked, set aside to cool.
    How To Make Toppings:
  7. Mix egg white and powdered sugar, little by little, until blended
  8. Enter the lime juice to the batter, mix well.
  9. Mix the dough with cappuccino powder ready-made, chocolate paste.
  10. Enter the material toping into the main spray, cut the small ends.
  11. Decorative cookies that have been cooked with the toppings.
  12. Bake 5 minutes at low temperature. Cool.


Cookies Coklat Cappucino

Coklat identik dengan sumber kebahagiaan dan cinta. Salah satu pasangan yang klop jika dipadukan dengan coklat adalah kopi. Lembutnya citarasa coklat dipadukan dengan rasa tegas dari kopi menghasilkan citarasa yang sungguh menarik. Salah satunya tersaji dalam resep yang kami sajikan di bawah ini: Resep Cookies Coklat Cappucino.


Bahan Cookies:
150 gram mentega
75 gram gula bubuk
1 sdt vanili bubuk
1 butir kuning telur
15 gram coklat bubuk
50 gr serbuk capucinno siap pakai
100 gram dark coklat, lelehkan
25 gram tepung maizena
200 gram tepung terigu protein sedang

Bahan Topping:
½ butir putih telur ukuran kecil
125 gram gula halus
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
25 gram serbuk cappucino siap pakai
50 gram pasta coklat


Cara Membuat Cookies:

  1. Kocok margarin, mentega, gula halus dan vanili hingga rata.

  2. Masukkan telur, aduk rata

  3. Campur tepung terigu, susu, coklat bubuk dan maizena, kemudian masukkan sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adonan, aduk dengan sendok kayu hingga campuran tepung habis

  4. Masukkan dark coklat yang telah dilelehkan, aduk hingga rata

  5. Giling adonan setebal ½ cm, cetak bulat atau sesuai selera anda.

  6. Panggang dengan suhu 160ºC hingga kue matang, sisihkan hingga dingin.

Cara Membuat Topping:

  1. Campur putih telur dan gula halus, sedikit demi sedikit, hingga rata

  2. Masukkan air jeruk nipis ke adonan, aduk rata.

  3. Campur adonan dengan bubuk cappucino siap pakai, pasta cokelat.

  4. Masukkan bahan toping ke dalam kantong semprot, potong kecil ujungnya.

  5. Hias cookies yang sudah matang dengan topping.

  6. Panggang kembali 5 menit dengan suhu rendah. Dinginkan.

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