Milk Bread / Roti Tawar Susu

in #recipe6 years ago (edited)

English Version:

I often make my own bread for my family. the smell of bread from the oven is fantastic. the benefit of making own bread are: we can suit the bread with our own taste, for example, we can fill bread/bun with banana, chocolate, cheese , beef floss, walnut etc. shape and softness level also can be adjusted, and for sure: there is no preservative, bread improver and artificial glazed.
here is the recipe for milk bread (plain bread with addition of milk and butter), and full picture step by step below:

Milk Bread

1 kg high protein flour
15 g instant dry yeast
75 g sugar
40 milk powder (full cream)
600 water
100 g butter (softened)
15 g salt


  1. Mix all dry ingredient
  2. Put all dry ingredient (except salt) in to the mixer.
  3. Add water bit by bit.
  4. Add butter, then salt. Keep mixing it until the dough elastis.
  5. Proofing the dough for 30 minutes (in warm area) or longer in less warm area, until the dough is doubled in size.
  6. Punch the bread (to remove the air). Divide 4. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
  7. Roll the bread. Put in the greased loaf pan (22 x 10 x 7 cm)
  8. Let the dough rise until double size (about 90 minutes) or until the dough is as high as the loaf pan.
  9. Brush the surface with milk.
  10. Oven 200 C for 30 minutes.
  11. take out from the loaf pan, put at the rack until cool.

Indonesian Version:

saya sering membuat roti untuk keluarga. harum roti dari oven sangat enak baunya. keuntungan membuat roti sendiri adalah kita bisa menyesuaikan dengan selera kita, misalnya roti mau diisi pisang, coklat,keju , mau di kasih toping abon, kenari ,dll. bentuk dan tingkat keempukannya juga bisa kita atur. dan yang pasti, tanpa bahan tambahan: pengawet, pengempuk dan pengkilat roti .
Berikut resep roti tawar susu beserta gambar lengkap pembuatannya:

Roti Tawar Susu

1 kg tepung cakra
15 g ragi instant
75 g gula pasir
40 g susu bubuk
600 ml air es
100 g butter
15 g garam


  1. Aduk tepung, ragi instant, gula pasir dan susu bubuk
  2. masukkan ke mixer roti. tambahkan air es sedikit-sedikit.
  3. masukkan butter dan garam sambil terus di mixer sampai adonan elastis,
  4. diamkan adonan selama 30 menit
  5. kempiskan adonan lalu bagi 4 bagian. bulatkan setiap bagian. Diamkan 10 menit
  6. giling masing masing adonan, lalu gulung. Lakukan 2 kali. Letakkan dalam loyang roti tawar ukuran 22 X 10 X 7 cm yg sudah diolesi butter
  7. diamkan adonan 75-90 menit sampai adonan setinggi cetakan. Olesi adonan bagian atas dengan susu , lalu oven 30 menit dg suhu 200 C.
  8. keluarkan dari cetakan, biarkan di rak sampai dingin.

Step by step pictures/ gambar tahapan pembuatan:

Dry ingredient (flour, sugar, yeast, milk powder)/Bahan kering (tepung, gula, ragi, susu bubuk)

600 ml water/600 ml air

put all dry ingredient (except salt) in the mixer/ taruh semua bahan kering (kecuali garam) dalam mixer

put the water in to the mixer bit by bit / masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit

mixed the dough until elastis/mixer adonan sampai elastis

put the dough inside container and close the cover/masukkan adonan dalam wadah tertutup

Proofing until double in size/biarkan adonan roti mengembang sampai 2 kali ukuran semula

punch the dough until flat/tinju adonan sampai kempes

Roll the dough /gilas adonan

put inside greased loaf pan and cover with cling wrap/ taruh dalam cetakan roti dan tutupi dengan plastik

Proofing until doubled in size then brush with milk/biarkan sampai mengembang 2 kali lipat, lalu olesi susu cair

Oven 200C for 30 minutes / oven 200C selama 30 menit

take out from the loaf pan and put on the rack until cool/keluarkan dari cetakan dan taruh di rak sampai roti dingin

Thanks in advance for upvote this posting / Terima kasih telah upvote postingan saya.


Well done, good article! :)

Concerning the missing upvotes: try to stay patient, it's not easy at all for newbies these days on Steemit as so many people just only autoupvote their friends instead to read new articles from new users from time to time ...

Maybe you could connect (comment and upvote) to other 'master cooks' on Steemit like @mayasiam, @jumaidafajar, @ramengirl, @pamcooks, @pusteblume, @isshappy ... (I am sure I forgot many).

You could also try to convince your facebook friends to join Steemit as well ...

Anyway, just enjoy writing and stay patient.

Ok Thank you Jaki. I understand, Ana explained to me very well. It is good tool to train my writing skill anyway. yes I have to be more active build networking at steemit, and I will start to promote steemit to my FB and IG friend.

Uncomplicated article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

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