A Simple Solution to ReBlog Button

Do we need a simple solution to this new #reblog?
Not everyone, Cuppa Tea, One may like the ideas of #reblog ;
I find it actually SPAM my FEED; for every new things there is a Pros & Cons.
Here, A simple solution is to have a On / Off Button for it, this will stop all arguments . To those that want it, they can On the ReBlog Button.
Previous Link By @dantheman
Original Intro by @dantheman Click Here
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If you (ob)use it then your blog isn't yours any longer. So, yes - switch off button is mandatory!
I have the same opinion as you and that's great solution
should we not use it?
You can use it, I can still Follow you with this option.
Otherwise, if you use too much , I may kick you out of my FEED. In result.
naw im not planning to use much anyways. :D
seems a reasonable enough solution - lets see what happens
I agree
Я полностью согласна))
This is a good idea. I also thought we should have some filtering and probably this may be the easiest way to implement it.
voteback ^_^
Check your wallet
I've only used the resteem option twice.
Once was because it was an interview with me that a person did, so it made sense.
The second one was a post that I was trying to upvote on my mobile device... Next thing I knew, my big finger missed that little button and I had suddenly resteemed that post!
Accidental advertising!
Before, I could handle following almost 500 people, now I feel seriously spammed out.
That's why I am hand-typing in my favorites now just to see what I missed, like this post from you, @bullionstackers.
got it in one - make the option user dependent i.e can turn off for individual users. 'Twitter' mods already do this - (such as Plume) (a Twitter API platform)