Two New Testimonials from Freedomain Listeners!!
"Dear Stef,
Around, idk, 15+ years ago, I accidentally stumbled upon a vein of YouTubers calling themselves 'Anarchists.' I didn’t know anything about philosophy at the time and the only context I had heard the term 'Anarchy' being used in was by punk rock bands to invite reproach. But what those vloggers had to say struck a chord in me and I began to devour their content. Then one day, I saw a video thumbnail of a guy holding up a CD and the title under it said something about concept formation. Clicking on that video would change my life. Up until then, I had no idea that there were people in the world like you; as erudite. I was raised in an unloving home by dysfunctional trailer trash, so my youth wasn’t exactly a hotbed of intelligent and thoughtful ideas that fostered virtue and self improvement, which made the quality and scope of your knowledge and ability to convey it, seem almost superhuman. I feel incredibly blessed that those powerful, transformative ideas were able to reach someone like me living in a rice field wasteland somewhere in the decay of [x]. You taught me about truth. You taught me about reality, however unpleasant it might be at times, and how to respond to it in a self aware and rational way. You taught me about the ideas that bring forth happiness and human achievement. You taught me how to recognize and respond to the machinations of this world that threaten those very ideas. You are by far the most important mentor that I have ever had and I wanted to say thank you; thank you for all of your amazing work. I know that you’ve reached many, many people in this way and I'm sure that you're aware of the positive impact that you’ve had on the lives of your listeners; doubtless ones that can express their gratitude better than I, but I hope this reaches you all the same.
Thank you for everything.
'..we are all fed by the overflow of the magnificent wealth of their spirit, and that we are glad to accept it in gratitude and brotherhood.'"
"Hello Stefan
This email is purely a thankyou, for both your contribution to society and to my life. You are a credit to us all. To this day, I still watch many of your videos (downloaded before youtube showed their colours).
I understand why you stepped away from the spotlight, respect for holding your ground as long as you did, truly.
You are one of the best among us, that is my opinion of you. Respect for your contribution, a guy from a broken home, and the world at large. Thank you.
Best wishes"
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