How (and Why) to Love Your Enemies!
You remarked recently on stream that c02 makes up a fraction of 1 percent of the atmosphere, and that we are perhaps overly fixated on the tiny portion in regard to climate change.
But surely the fact that atmospheric fluctuations in C02 can has such a huge impact of the growth of plants, nullifys your suggestion that it is 'too small a proportion' to be significant.
Sorry if I'm butchering your analysis but it seemed somewhat contradictory and I known you love a good critique!
Stefan, I’m a bit Spectrum and sometimes the way I articulate is misinterpreted as offensive (accusatory, passive aggressive, critical) when I make an assertive statement or a simple interrogative (albeit, I acknowledge the awkwardness in my language).
I often have difficulties getting even family members, who should be used to my style of language, to understand my questions as genuine, non-antagonistic inquiries.
How can I get people to just take my words at face value. It seems the more accurate I attempt to form my words, the worse it gets. I’ve totally given up on communicating with the emotionally dysregulated marxist on the left (their linguistic format is the extreme opposite of mine - seeking to disguise their actual intent in sophistry), but at a minimum I want to find a way to indicate to the people I care about most that my intent is genuine without guile.
Stef, your recent dream analysys call in was spot on! I was listening to it thinking "how can he be describing my life som accurately"
Hey Stef thanks for everything with your show. Helped me so much in life. Do you have a recommended reading list on things you’ve read that have helped you come to your philosophical perspective?
Listened to several Harvard Lectures on Philosophy today, I wonder if the amount of utilitarians change from before and after to any significant degree. There were very few Libertarians out of hundreds of people, even 13ish years ago
When I was younger I used to think the wrong politician getting elected would cause the end of the world. It was a nightmare living like that.
I hate utilitarianism. It makes no sense to say you can define the greater good, when you can't even define normal good.
Took this truth flamethrower with my dad recently and resulted in massive insults. Then he looped my brother into it, where he insulting and name calling me too and it’s still difficult to tell myself that it’s for the best. Do you have any tips on how to better deal with this?
How do you process guilt of potentially giving up too early on a friend? An old friend of mine died this year from alcohol withdrawals. I had not been in contact with him in 4 years. Probably not enough info here...
Stef is that why some gravitate to determinism? Some sort of narcissistic grief?