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RE: Real Talk #2 - The Pain Of Loving A Toxic Parent

in #realtalk5 years ago

I just took a minute up standing and clapping for you after reading every single word in there. I even had to go through the pain of reading it three times.
Most children all over the world are suffering from these toxic parents like you said and it has made these children lose hope in the great things they wanted to do.
But for the courage to man up and let it all out like you did is the very best first step to do, since keeping them in you can cause serious sickness. One thing which is always constant after saying all you did or letting out all from your chest is, you begin to calm down like a normal human being. Deep down within you a sense of hate that was in you all moves away and you begin to wonder where they actually went.
I really admire your courage and the bold step you took. You and I can cause a better tomorrow.

Lastly I loved how you ended by saying even after everything they do you still love them. Yes.... Love is always to live with. And no matter what they do we must keep on loving them.
I wait for the real talk 3😁😀

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One thing which is always constant after saying all you did or letting out all from your chest is, you begin to calm down like a normal human being. Deep down within you a sense of hate that was in you all moves away and you begin to wonder where they actually went.

Totally agree with you on that one. There's something about writing it out that just sucks out all the hate and grudge that you've been holding in. That's also the reason why I keep a journal. Makes me feel understood for some reason. Kinda strange and weird, but also quite amazing.

Thank you so much for such a lovely comment. Hope to see you in Real Talk #3! :)

I glad you are free now. And yes you will see me around on the 3rd.
You are humbly welcome too

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi! Just letting you know the third part of #RealTalk is out, since you seemed to like it so much :)

Oooo I see....... Let me get to the fun there. I really don't want to miss them

Posted using Partiko Android

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