Playing 0x universe
I got into 0x universe eth chain game about 3 months ago. It is a fun space strategy game that buys and sells collectable planets denominated in ethereum, eth. I put in enough for 0.10 eth some while back when i started and throughout, then on discovering then selling the found plum planets made enough to have my money out and thats what i did. Same as any other investment. Plunk some money. Make some money. Get the money out to go look other cool games to play. And that any positive return is a good return. Put $20, goes up by $1. There is then $21. take the $20 out, leave the $1 behind. Circle complets. Picked up some collectables. Got my original out. Left the $1 behind and my retrieved $20 can go look other things to fetch me resources.
I may have limited myself too much because it took two months to get my original out but I now have the money plus a few dozen planets to show for it. By following along per Vektors' articles and advice I went on the shoestring and now can buy some shoes. The game goes on also.
The current crypto crash in progress has me wary but i have all my original small cryptos into dollars right now to pick up edge as price goes down on most of them. I still buy crypto with profits to use but most of my positions are in neutral waiting on the technical analysis charts tell me to follow along again.
0xuniverese got really fun collecting up some of the 1 million planets available. I think i have moved to mid-game and shapeshifting but i keep putting off shapeshifting with another account. It's been a great experience so far to see micro-investing in action. Maybe only with cryptos are such small investing principles at work. But the principle scales to millions and billions of dollars. The practical matter is most crypto games are going to be pennies to dollars.
Comments on the look of 0xuniverse planets. The planets themselves have graphical distinctions as the rarity goes up. I place extra value on planets with rings and below that with moons as thats just me. I doubt it has any real effect on price but given other things equal i pick rings, then moons.
Population is usually the deciding factor when i buy a planet. That and the resources my already invented ships need. So my buy process goes, resource, population, rings, moons, and in that order of first to last.
The artists did a great job of distinguishing the planets from each other by using smoothness. roughness contrasts, extra graphic artifacts on the higher rarities and an exploding theme leading up to legendary rarity planets. The commons of course smooth and earth style colors then brighter and more neon on up colors for the higher rarities of rare and epic, then legendary. If I were to draw up my own collectables it would be stick figures of human stick figure with one arm, then two arms, then up to 10 for a legendary stick figure. Pack in the something extra, might have a winner.