RealityHubs Road Map and plans. #1

Since the launch of Realityhubs, we've seen so many people take up an interest in writing reviews, or making review videos. We made our platform to be kind of all-inclusive. That is; we ensured our sphere was wide enough to accommodate reviews on virtually everything. This is a good thing because we have given everyone the chance to share their opinions, and give more insight into what they like, or do not like about anything. Your perspective or opinion about something(no matter how basic) has more value than you think.

The atmosphere of our platform has been pretty lit since the first day we launched. And the major objective(connecting more with our reality via reviews) why our platform was created has been actualized, and we are still revelling in it. However, over time, we've been able to gain more clarity about how our platform can be more useful. How the activities on our platform and the content of our reviews can be more valuable (especially to makers/manufacturers/software developers/etc). Everything we've thought about will be discussed extensively in this article.

How would you react to the pop-up message asking you to rate an app or product?

We've been doing a lot of brainstorming behind the scene, and now feels like the right time to share some of our plans with you(the community).

The power of feedback is invaluable, but it is often overlooked or even underrated. And as such, we(as consumers) tend to overlook it. Despite our negligence, it hasn't deterred them (manufacturers; especially software developers) to include a feedback form(or questionnaire) in their product. They know and understand the value of feedback. Unfortunately, they don't get much of this feedback from the consumers of their product. This is a problem that needs to be solved. We (The RealityHubs team) have identified this problem and we are seeking ways to bring companies and valuable reviewers together. The Steem Blockchain is just the perfect technology to make this happen. And we are hoping to use Realityhubs as a platform to change this narrative.

Just as you love to review your favourite products, the project owners and companies are seeking to get feedback to help them improve their products. There's a lot of added advantage these companies get from feedbacks. We will discuss those advantages in this article.

Before we delve into the importance of feedback to a product owner, here's the result of a short survey we did. We surveyed to find out the number of people who would select one of the three (3) options as shown in the previous image (Figure 1). The result is represented in a pie chart as shown below (Figure 2)

From the chart, 75% answered with "No, Thanks," 20% answered with "Remind me Later" and only 5% answered with "Rate it."

Without much argument, you can see that many people aren't keen on sending feedback about the product they use even though it's beneficial to them. We see this as a problem and to solve it, we are coming up with a system to reward people who'll take on the task of providing valuable feedback about a product. This isn't any different from what our platform was created for, However, we are moving towards a more direct approach where reviews are not served randomly, but directly to the owners of the product.

Without further ado, let's delve into the benefits or advantages of feedback/reviews to product owners.

How do these reviews benefit the product owners?

Improve product/service.

The core value of feedback to a product owner is to help him/her ascertain the areas of their product/service that needs to be improved. As product owners, they don't exactly know if their product is amazing or not. Most times, they design or manufacture these products based on how it affects them personally. There's only a handful of product owners that put the consumers into consideration; when they manufacture their products. Either way, they still need feedback.
With the right amount of feedback(positive or negative), they can make the right adjustments, and improve their product/ service. Consequently, these improvements will bolster a positive user experience. Now, this is a direct value to the product owner, and even to the consumer of the product too.

Concerning writing and publishing reviews/feedback on Realityhubs, it benefits the product owner as it;

Creates an awareness of the product/service.

When a review about a product/service of anything is published, it subconsciously registers in the mind of a reader. If the same person reads more review about that same product/service, he consequently becomes aware of it. Once again, that's one reader. Realityhubs currently hosts over 500 active users. So for each review of a product/service that is published, there's a possibility that 100 persons will become aware of it.

The whole thing doesn't stop at the awareness of a product/service. If the reviews are decent enough and positive, it will;

Attract more consumers/clients or even investors.

For a product that is doing very well and getting a lot of nice and positive reviews, it is bound to attract new consumers/clients, and even investors. We might not be conscious of the fact, but most of the products we consume or purchase are because we heard someone say the product was good. Or probably we read it somewhere. Either way, after trying out the product, and we like it, we become a frequent consumer of that product, thus adding value to the product owner.

Now, for a product that's receiving great reviews, lots of people are talking about it, and people are buying it, there's a high tendency for the product to attract investors.

These are a few of the benefits of reviews/feedback to a product owner. There are quite a lot of benefits, but looking deeply into all the possible benefits, they fall back into the 3 benefits already discussed. And don't forget, these benefits happen only by a simple review.

Now you've seen how user feedback or review can affect a product owner, let's talk about the benefits for consumers/reviewers.

Benefits of writing reviews and giving feedback about a product.

The benefits of leaving feedback or writing reviews about a product benefits you as a consumer of that product/service, and as a Realhubber. With that being said, the benefits are;

Monetary reward for reviewing.

Naturally, there's no scheme set up to reward people who leave feedback about a product, service, or anything else. Unless the product owners decide to monetize it. And that's what we are looking to achieve on Realityhubs. Like it was said earlier on in this article, we are seeking ways to connect makers, manufacturers, or generally, owners of any product with reviewers. We are optimistic that these product owners will consciously agree to pay for the services rendered by the reviewers. And this can be easily done using the Steem blockchain and Realityhubs as a platform.

Aside from getting a direct connection with product owners who'll likely pay for a review, rewards can be earned with our current existing model. That is; you publish a review, and it gets curated by the community. Remember that we(Realityhubs team) are also actively curating content on our platform.

Improve product/service.

The improvement of product/service is also beneficial to a consumer, as it is to the owner of the product. The benefits of feedback to a product owner has already been discussed. Now, how does this benefit you as a consumer? The answer is; before you give feedback or write a review about a product or anything, you first have to be a consumer. If you leave feedback about that product, and the product owner rectifies the issue, it becomes an advantage to you as a consumer of that product. You enjoy a better user experience.

Opportunity to become a freelance reviewer contracted to a product owner.

In several articles we've published, we stress the need for you as reviewers to publish quality and valuable reviews. That's because your reviews have the power to convince someone into trying out a product. But that's only on the premise of Realityhubs as a community mainly populated by reviewers. But this narrative would change as soon as we can onboard product owners and companies. This time, your reviews won't only be noticed by just the other community members, but also by companies onboard. And these companies may seek for your service to help them review their product first hand. But such opportunities would only come if they notice how efficient you are at providing quality reviews.

These are some of the benefits associated with being a reviewer and sending feedback to product owners. There are several other benefits you can think of, but in the end, it is indirectly linked with the benefits already stated above.

Overall, feedback is very essential and getting involved in sharing your opinion about something gives the world a chance to become a better place.

The end to everything we've said so far is that we are working towards bringing more value to our platform(Realityhubs). This will not only affect our platform but the entire Steem ecosystem. To achieve this goal, we plan to create a portal that would not only attract reviewers but also attract potential investors, product owners, etc.
We are confident that we'll attract a lot of companies and product owners/manufacturers. And with these companies using our platform, it'll bring more value to our platform, and the Steem ecosystem.

Below is a simple illustration of how the next Realityhubs interface would look like which is quite explanatory.


We keep working towards making our platform more valuable, and the value of our platform stretches out to the entire Steem Blockchain. This announcement would seem as though we are changing our "modus operandi" from what we announced when we launched. But contrary to what you might be thinking, we aren't exactly changing the core of our platform. We still encourage and implore you to write and publish your amazing reviews about anything that fits into our description.

We are always grateful for your support towards the growth of this platform. It is the fuel that drives us to do more. This announcement is just to give you a hint of what we are working on behind the scenes. Stay tuned!

RealityHubs Team

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

~Smartsteem Curation Team

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

I am happy to read a riad map and plan of Realityhubs because this information can be a new hope for Reviewer to earn more income from Manafactures/companies of the products. I am sure they will focus on their reviews to be better than before.

Thank you so much for this useful post.

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

You must also focus on the price of RHB. It is must to bridge with the outside world of businesses to bring investment into the ecosystem so that the reviewers will also find a genuine reason to review more. A better and healthy approach can be set up in this platform which is essential for the long term objective. But I am happy that you are looking into it.

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

I appreciate your feedback.

You must also focus on the price of RHB.

Of course. The RHB market is completely decentralized and anyone can set the value they want to sell or buy. However, we are looking to bring more value to the platform and that is what this update is about. Also, we are not just looking for investors within the Steem community, we are already inviting potential investor from outside the steem ecosystem. The good news is that we got a lot of positive feeback and we are happy about it. We are more than happy and ready to share in depth information of our product to potential investors.

It is good that you are concerned about the long tem objective of this project. We are even more concerned and we'll make sure that we come out with the best product that everyone will be happy with.


Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Good, but how is it going to benefit curators?

Autor reward is split 50%/50% between the reviewer and the content curators just as it is done now. So, there's a lot of benefits.

In case you are still curious, here is the graphical representation:

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Glad to see all the new things planned for the project. I think I had about 4.5K RHB staked. You should check out and see if there is anything you can learn from the project and build to STEEM. Revain has been around for over two years. The current price of RHB is no concern. People need to learn to HODL something for few yeas to see real results. That is what real investing is. Behemoths like Facebook had their "overnight success" AFTER years of work.

Best of Luck!

I think this is a very interesting idea. One of the big things always touted as an indicator of value is utility. I think it is a good idea to look outside the platform with an idea of creating a new use cases for the platform, which can increase value long term.

If you are able to bring polls “in house” you may also get new business from with our own blockchain as different projects try to better serve their members.

I think the fact there are one million plus accounts on Steemit and growing is a good reason for Advertisers to look here to potentially advertise their product.

Since the users here already have demonstrated some computer sophistication and disposable income this place becomes more attractive in terms of directed advertisements.

If the Advertisers grasp the added value of polls also being an ‘infomercial” a commercial advertisement disguised as or serving the dual purpose of both educating and advertising or in this case polling and advertising this Tribe becomes an even better place to conduct these polls.

I also think that an advertiser could easily purchase 1 million RHB to reward posters and depending on how much is hodled and how much is sold back into the market this could slowly improve the price. As new advertisers join and purchase RHB we could see this process repeat itself, but of course there are no guarantees.

I am going to add however at this point in development, I am very glad that the focus is still on building the community inside here and attracting outsiders to the platform and the Tribe. This long term view is reassuring to me, as we know price is reflective of market forces which can be independent of value or potential. However knowing that the project leadership is brainstorming use cases and thinking outside our “Steem Box” is a good.

✍🏼 By Shortsegments ✍🏼

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

These are all nice road maps. I am one of the few that would rate a product only if it requires me to just click on stars according to what I think is appropriate and without having to input text.

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

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