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RE: 'Whats been going on with UK HipHop in the last few months!!???' 白蚁.
Does SAS still rap? I was a big fan, even after he left dipset europe! These guys are pretty good!
Does SAS still rap? I was a big fan, even after he left dipset europe! These guys are pretty good!
Dont know anything of SAS, just googled him, seems theres a few SAS's. haha
UK grime spitter yeah??
nice!!! .. not my kinda beat but dope rapper!!! there is 66million people in the uk, you know? thats a lot of rappers!! I dont know all of em!!! haha! (NY state is 19million to compare!!!) U know any other uk mcs that I dont?!!
Just S.A.S. b'cuz he was in dipset and i was a huge dipset fan when i was a teenager
who would ya say your fav is out of these KEN?
I like Datkid and i like the way Ocean Wisdom rode the beat. They're my top 2 on here, it's hard to pick just one but yea Ocean Wisdom and Datkid went the hardest bro!
Yeah I cant choose, it was hard enough to stop at 5 tunes!! All these are dope and do this shit even better live!!!
You ever make beats for any of them?
Only Dabbla, made a few tracks together back in the day!!
with the others, im waitng fo' da call !!!
Hell yea! They better call or i'ma diss'em next jam! JK LOL