Overpriced Sex Robot Brothel to open in the UK , we need to open local real doll brothels or rentals! Pay with bitcoin (or steem! )
Following text From @DailyMail article:
"Robot BROTHEL could soon open in the UK to allow punters to perform 'any of their sexual fantasies'
Lumidolls opened its first robot brothel in Barcelona earlier this year
The firm has said that it is 'actively looking' for a UK investor for a second brothel
The realistic dolls will allow people to legally fulfil any fantasy
A robot brothel could also wipe out the risk of STIs in the sex industry "
"In February, Europe's first sex doll brothel opened in Barcelona, allowing keen visitors to pay to get intimate with animatronic models. Now, the firm behind the brothel has announced that it is looking to set up a second shop in the UK.
Lumidolls, which describes its dolls as 'totally realistic', is actively looking for a UK investor to finance the brothel."
......end of article text.....
But honestly we need our own real doll rental place where you can go in the back and fuck the real doll for like $20...
These things are already great without the robotics...just static realdolls or other generic highquality sex dolls are fine!!!Wwe can rent them out with detachable vagina fleshlights ...We can make so much money and it wont be illegal because the dolls arent real women! I smell a franchise! Here is my previous article on how lifelike and sexy these dolls can seem from pictures when fully dressed!!! https://steemit.com/realdolls/@ackza/after-hearing-about-men-being-forced-to-pay-child-support-for-children-that-arent-even-theirs-i-looked-up-real-dolls-and-after
Thankks steemit! I wanna start kickstarter or indiegogo or gofundme projects to raise money to pay programmers to build steemit plugins an steemit upgrades....steemit enhancement suite SES chrome extension! Like in my proposal here along with my other ideas for things we need here on steemit https://steemit.com/enhancement/@ackza/to-make-steemit-grow-with-more-users-and-content-here-is-my-list-of-digital-accessories-and-enhancements-i-believe-steemit