William Shakespeare was born and died on the same day: April 23.
Ketchup was once sold as a medicine.
Napoleon suffered from a fear of cats.
In 1900, 1/3 of all automobiles in New York City were powered by electricity.
The 4th Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich so he could eat and gamble at the same time.
In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was considered an aphrodisiac.
Ancient Egyptians believed the "vein of love" ran from the third finger on the left hand to the heart.
The word "facetious" features all the vowels in alphabetical order.
The standard Chinese typewriter has 1,500 characters.
A flea can jump 30,000 times without stopping.
"O" is the oldest letter of the alphabet, dating back to 3000 B.C.
The Japanese word "judo" means "the gentle way."
No two lip impressions are the same.
It took Leonardo da Vinci 12 years to paint the lips of Mona Lisa.
Top-performing companies are called "blue chips" after the costliest chips in casinos.
The name for the space between your eyebrows is "nasion."
The word "purple" does not rhyme with any other word in the English language.
The legs of bats are too weak to support their weight, so they hang upside down.
75% of people wash from top to bottom in the shower.
On average, you'll spend a year of your life looking for misplaced objects.
Chewing gum was invented in New York City in 1870 by Thomas Adams.
The Statue of Liberty features 7 points in her crown- one for each of the continents.
The world's first escalator was built in Coney Island, NY, in 1896.
The top of the Empire State Building was originally built as a place to anchor blimps.
The area code in Cape Canaveral, Fl, is 321.
Ohio is the only U.S. state that does not have a rectangular flag.
Long Island is the largest island in the Continental U.S.
Maine produces more toothpicks than any other state in the U.S.
The last letter to be added to our alphabet was J.
There are more doughnut shops per capita in Canada than in any other country.
There is an underground mushroom in Oregon that measures 3.5 miles across.
Of the 92 counties in Indiana, only 5 observe daylight savings time.
California and Arizona grow approximately 95% of the fresh lemons in the U.S.
The term 007 was derived from 20007, the home zip code of many Washington, D.C. agents.
Leonardo da Vinci discovered that a tree's rings reveal its age.
The popsicle was invented in 1905 by an 11-year-old boy.
The medical term for writer's cramp is graphospasm.
A male firefly's light is twice as bright as a female's.
It is estimated that the world's oceans contain 10 billion tons of gold.
Cold water weighs less than hot water.
Storm clouds hold about 6 trillion raindrops.
The weight of the moon is 81 billion tons.
Bamboo can grow three feet in one day.
A tune that gets stuck in your head is called an earworm.
You exhale air at 15 m.p.h.
A baboon is a variety of lemon.
Butterflies were formerly known by the name Flutterby.
Mexican jumping beans jump to get out of sunlight.
"Arachibutlphobia" is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
Pearls dissolve in vinegar.
Borborygmi is the noise that your stomach makes when you are hungry.
The center of some golf balls contain honey.
International tug of war rules state that the rope must be over 100-feet long.
In 2003, a 6-year-old from Naples, FL was ticketed for not having a permit for her lemonade stand.
On Valentine's Day, there is no charge to get married in the Empire State Building's chapel.
Heat, not sunlight, ripens tomatoes.
A housefly hums in the key of F.
Endocarp is the edible pulp inside a lemon.
Thomas Edison coined the word "hello" and introduced it as a way to answer the phone.
"Way" is the most frequently used noun in the English language.
The "high five" was introduced by a professional baseball player in 1977.
"Disco" means "I learn" in Latin.
It costs the U.S. government 2.5 cents to produce a quarter.
Baboons were once trained by Egyptians to wait on tables.
The official state gem of Washington is petrified wood.
Mount Katahdin in Maine is the first place in the U.S. to get sunlight each morning.
Each year, the average person walks the distance from NY to Miami.
New York City's public school students represent about 188 different countries.
In the U.S., all interstate highways that run east to west are even-numbered.
Three out of every six Americans live within fifty miles of where they were born.
The raised bump reflectors on U.S. roads are named "Botts dots."
Nearly 9,000 people injure themselves with a toothpick each year.
It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
The dragonfly can reach speeds of up to 36 mph.
Hippos can open their mouths 180 degrees.
Christopher Columbus brought the first lemon seeds to America.
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