STACHPAY weekly articles recap (VI) --- Authors and articles featured the previous week.

in #readinglog6 years ago (edited)
Hello guys, it's @pangoli here with this week's report of the articles submitted in by the members of the STACH community. For the sake of numbers and as far as records go, this is the third week that has been running flawlessly, helping and supporting newbies by putting their posts up on the community's blog and then rewarding them accordingly. Regardless, every support from far and wide would be fully appreciated as we keep in line with our vision of showcasing and supporting new talents on here every day.


Perhaps the unsung part of every human are those little things that differentiate us, and make us unique from the rest of the world. One of them being talents. Talents are innate abilities that everyone has, and should work towards developing. Regardless of what you think about yourself, you have one too, and with the right focus, i believe you could awaken that giant in you. Join @victordaniels in his article titled Discovering and working on your talents and get to read about his journey, as well as draw inspiration from the tips the author outlined clearly in this article.


If you've ever gotten to that point where your tummy hurts so much for no particular reason, and it feels heavy like you've just finished a whole bowl of the family-sized Kelloggs, search no more. That was your stomach bloating, filled with air. Read @elizabethscarlet's article titled Bloating to get to understand why perhaps carbonated drinks and a host of other sweet stuff aren't good for you.


Let's face it, it's high time someone called the Nigerian SARS to order. Recently with the complaints of well-meaning youths flying around, issues have been raised and it just might seem that the protectors are turning to become the terrorists. In his article SARS - Protectors or terrorists, @francistagbo takes a deep dive at the history of SARS as well as relating his personal experience with the boys on the blockchain for all to see. Interest piqued already? Should be. Read it all by clicking on the link above.


There's nothing quite like the sting of having friends you were once very close to desert you or stab you in the back. For a lot of people, this becomes a very critical moment in their lives and things could change for good, or worse, depending on the decisions they take. @mizdais calls this In her article The after-effect and she discusses the right approach to dealing with rejection and neglect each time it comes. Forget about the hurts and pain. It's past. the best thing to do is to not let the world squeeze the sweetness out of you. Get up, stronger this time.


Ever written someone off because they simply didn't look the part? Ever felt like withholding your excess stuff from people in need because you're sure they're never gonna be able to return the favour? Well, a lot of people think that way, and it probably isn't the right thing to do. @scarletmedia had us at the hello on this one she titled No one is useless. So click on the link to read a well-versed fable narrated by a young girl who had a father with a good heart. For what it's worth, i think you'll find it worth your time.


If you think you've got what it takes to make it on your own, you're absolutely right. However, things tend to be smarter and a whole lot easier when you stand on the shoulders of giants as they lead you along each step of the way. Mentors can have such a great impact on the lives of the upcoming. It's very little wonder why a lot of prodigies in the past all had mentors. You name it; Liszt, Handel, Bach, Ronaldinho, Kaka, etc. They went on to live very memorable lives and they owe a gret part of that to the people who helped guide them. In her article Mentorshiip 101 - Having a mentor, blog contributor @fejiro talks about the perks that come with having a mentor, as well as tell us why she feels everyone should own one.


Life indeed is a gift, and each day presents an opportunity for gratitude and improvement. There's nothing good about being gullible in life. Good things happen. true, but so do stuff we readily wouldn't choose too. Learning to live life as simply as it comes and getting to not expect too much from people perhaps is the hallmark of a balanced life. In her article titled Lines to inspire - Living life freely as a gift,, @cyntibellar takes us through the basic tenets for living in the present times. A good one, filled with lessons for all who would read.

Well, that's all folks. To our readers, writers and supporters; We appreciate you all for being here, and for taking out the time to read some of these articles. We do hope to bring more your way the coming week. Thank you!

Contests and giveaways shall be announced soon, stay connected and don't be a stranger. Meanwhile, Join our discord channel here.

Editor: @pangoli, for the community! is a community innovative account created to promote and provide rewards for the creative commons seeking to get rewarded for their works on the Steem Blockchain. If you like these articles above, feel free to click the , and as well support the community in ways that you can. Thank you for reading


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