Intent to vilify or incite on grounds of 'race' or religion
Offical statement of 'offense' and of knowledge of clear intention to racially villify on the part of the makers and distributors of 'The Toymaker' (And every other 'Holocaust' book every written or film ever made)
Firstly, know you for an obvious, easy to prove, verify, document, and research fact, in case you were not aware, that the motive and intention of nine eleven, like the mass murder of the crew of the U.S.S Liberty, was to demonise Islam and Arabs, and incite the entire world to fear, and kill, Arabs and Muslims. The motive and intention of most of the 'false flags' and 'CIA orchestrated genuine terrorist attacks and revolutions around the world, is to demonise Islam and Arabs, so that the public in the 'West' will support or at least tolerate the mass murder of Arabs and Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on.
In the same way, the motive and intent of 'The treaty of Versailles' and 'The Holocaust' was and is to demonise Germany, and Germans, and then Nazism, National Socialism, and Hitler, and to justify all the war crimes committed AGAINST Germany and Germans during and between and after both world wars. This is easily demonstrable, documented, verifyable, provable, beyond any reasonable doubt.
These facts dove-tail with the following strategy for using the 'jew world order's' own system against it, and in the interests of real justice for Germans, Palestinians, Muslims, Arabs, Iraquis, Syrians, Libyans, Africans, and every other victim of the jew World order.
Now as far as all precedents and court cases regarding 'racial villification', it appears that all that matters is the intention of the person making the comments, that another finds offensive, and racially based, and villifying.
In every instance where someone has been accused by a Jew of anti-semitic, racial villification (using the laws totally arbitrary and meaningless definition, and not my own clear, precise, and useful definition of 'anti-semitism'), the judges determined, and instructed any jury members in the case of jury trials, to ignore 'facts'.
Legally, it does not matter whether the statement you made that the 'Jew' finds offensive is factual or not. And let's not play games here. It is Jews who got the laws written and enforced, and it is Jews who have been the ones having people charged, prosecuted, and imprisoned for 'breaking' these laws. It is exclusively 'Jews' that are the 'beneficiarys' of these laws.
And in fact all some 'Jew' needs to do is claim they find that statement offensive, and that they 'know' that my motive for writing it is an irrational hatred of 'jews' and a desire to incite hatred against the putative 'race' of 'Jews', and they could have ME charged and prosecuted and jailed for merely writing this.
So if you call a convicted pedophile 'Jew' a padophile, they can have you charged with anti-semtic racial villification, simply by claiming they know, through mind reading, or who knows how, that your INTENTION was to racially villify them. That your motive was an irrational hatred of Jews. That you were motivated by what is conventionally termed 'anti-semitism', and NOT by the fact that they are a criminal pedophile.
So this should mean that if some 'Jew' calls me a 'nazi', it does not matter if I have swastika's drawn all over my body, am wearing a replica SS uniform, and am a member of an openly declared national socialist or 'neo-nazi' group. These are all facts. And inadmissible in court. All that should matter, if the laws are to be consistently applied to Jews and non Jews alike, is that I claim to be offended, and 'know', 'intuitively', that the motive of the 'jew' was to racially villify me as belonging to the 'German race'.
Now let's take the most recent 'Holohoax' Jewish German demonisation / propaganda film 'The Toymaker'. Now I AM extremely offended by the implications in this film. It, like the hundreds of 'Holohoax' films defaming Nazi Germany, are extremely offensive, and clearly intended to racially villify Germans, and Nazi's in particular. Now we know these films are pure fiction, but in fact it should not matter whether they are totally historically accurate or pure fantasy.
If the laws are to be applied to non Jews as they have been so far exclusively applied in favor of Jews, then the directors, promoters, and distributors of 'The Toymaker' should all be open to prosecution and prison sentences, similar to those Brendan O'Connell was 'punished' with. The scriptwriter and the author of the book it was based on, if it was based on a novel, should all be given multi-year prison sentences for inciting the world's populations to violence against Germans. And especially violence against Nazi's. Especially any who like to wear SS uniforms.
The same goes for ANY and ALL ADL type racial villification of Nazi Germans.
The 'Holocaust' museum boards of directors should all be imprisoned for offending me and millions of others, and for racially villifying Nazi Germans, and Germans generally, and neo-Nazi's. It is clear that there intent is this. They have been brainwashing children in Israel and around the world for decades with their irrational hatred of Nazi's, of Germans, and of Nazi Germans in particular. Surely they would not even bother to deny this fact?
Now if the laws are to be applied consistently, independent of the 'race' of the 'perpetrators' and 'victims', then it 'facts' are inadmissible in court. Even if by some miracle the 'Holocaust' museum purveyors had any proof of any 'holocaust', this would be inadmissible. Irrelevant. For so far the ONLY thing of interest is that some party claim they have been 'offended', and that they impute the 'intent' to racially villify themselves as part of a 'race' or 'religion' to the 'perpetrator' of the 'offensive' video, movie, book, public statement, or whatever other 'form' was 'intentionally' used to 'offend' and 'incite hatred or violence towards a group based on their 'race' or 'religion'. Watch the film 'Defamation' if you need 'evidence' that in fact people HAVE been incited to want to 'kill all germans' by 'The Holocaust' films, books, and other media.
So clearly the judges can no longer claim that their motives are to protect the innocent from racial villification, or incitement to harm, or 'irrational' hatred based, 'offensive' materials.
I challenge someone to test my theory. Go to your local Western Australian police station and state that you find 'The Toymaker' film offensive, and are sure that the intention of the Directors, writers, and distributors, is to incite racial villification of your people, and is based in an irrational hatred of your people. Show the video excerpt of 'Defamation' the movie on my Jewtube channel as evidence. Get a petition signed by local German-Australians who feel 'offended' and 'threatened' and 'at risk' and who are 'sure' that the 'intent' of the film makers and distributors was to incite others to hate them, and harm them. Make it a class action lawsuit.
According to EVERY precedent it is irrelevant what the 'accused' claim. All that matters is YOU feel offended, and YOU 'know' for sure that their intent was racial villification and incitement. There is NO way to defend yourself against such charges. The judge MUST accept YOUR ability to 'know', by mind-reading and 'intuition', that the INTENT of the film makers and distributors is to racially villify and incite it's audience.
If the law is applied consistently, using Brendon O'Connell's case as a precedent, then the 'defendants' will NOT be allowed to bring in ANY 'expert witnesses' to give testimony that might 'justify' the content of the film. They will be forced to plead guilty. Because there is NO defense against the law as it has been written, and so far enforced.
Note that I can quote passages from the Semitic texts which form the official basis of 'Semitism' and 'Jewishness' and recent statements by the highest Israeli religious, political, and military figures, that openly villify all non-jews and incite 'jews' to kill men, women and children, and to enslave the entire world. But still, if I 'hate' the ideology of 'Semitism' or 'Jewishness', I will face jail sentences. Even though my response of self preservation and national security is perfectly rational and reasonable and lawful.
So 'jews' would NOT be allowed to refer to 'The Nuremberg show trial verdicts', any laws in any nation, any 'testimony' of alleged 'Holocaust' victims. It would not matter if they had a video of Adolf Hitler ordering the murder of every Jew in Europe, and hours of footage of gas chambers in operation, with Germans throwing jews alive into gas chambers.
If the law is applied consistently to jew and non-jew alike, then none of this 'evidence' would be admissible in court. The jurors would be told to 'disregard' any information they had been 'given' before entering the court. It is that simple. And THIS is what we need to highlight.
Because we have mountains of evidence of the jew world order conspiracy, and mass murder, and genocide, dating back to the Old Testament, and continuing right up to the present day. But no-one is ever going to be allowed to enter any of that evidence into any court records, since Ernst Zundel and David Irving DID do exactly that, and almost defeated the jew world order in court.
And please, if you are Islamic, or aware of the current demonisation of Islam and the role it plays in the jew world order plans, organise Muslim groups to lay charges against EVERY film maker and media outlet that actively and passively demonises Arabs and Islam, beginning with ANYONE who continues to promote the 'official' fiction of Arabs hijacking planes and flying them into the WTC and pentagon during nine eleven. The official 'investigation' was clearly motivated by anti-Islamic, racial and religious villification.
The actual events of nine eleven were all motivated by anti-Islamic, anti-religious, racial villification and incitement motives. THAT was one of the main motives for 911. A 'new pearl harbor' to 'justify' a 'war on Islam' and the invasions of Iraq etc that have resulted in the deaths of millions of Arabs and Muslims and Americans. Nine Eleven was used to cover up the largest financial crimes in the world's history, but also to demonise Islam and Arabs, in the same way that 'The Holocaust' lies were used to demonise Nazi Germany, and 'justify' the allied war crimes against German civilians and even after the war was over, german military personnel, german industrialists, and german political leaders. The treaty of Versailles which demonised Germany, ascribing it, legally, and 'morally', the 'sole guilt' for World War One, is just an earlier expression of the jew world orders plans to destroy germany and genocidally eliminate Germans, by fire bombing and starvation, and today, by 'weaponised immigration'.
Note that if the police and courts behave consistently, that is, treat your accusations the same as they have treated the 'jews' accusations against Brendon O'Connell and the 'Holocaust correctionist historians', then any 'facts' will be irrelevant. It will not matter what any other 'authority' such as the U.S goverment has 'published' on the subject of nine eleven. All you need to argue is that the MOTIVE and INTENT of the U.S government, and every other person or group who have placed the blame on Arabs and Islam for nine eleven, was the religious and racial villification of Islam and Arabs, and the incitement of their audience to racial and religious villification. In the case of nine eleven, the actual factual results are documented. The reporting on nine eleven, (even if it had been honest and factual and true, and not mere propagandistic lies and a massive cover-up, deliberately, or even 'accidentally', blaming Arabs and Islam for nine eleven), has clearly lead to the deaths of millions of people, most of whom are Arabic and/or Islamic. So the 'victims' cannot be overlooked. The 'victim's are documented in their millions, unlike 'The Holocaust' where almost NO records exist to support the claims of the 'jew world order' propagandists.
I am telling you for a fact, if you didn't realise it, that the motive and intention of nine eleven, like the mass murder of the crew of the U.S.S Liberty, was to demonise Islam and Arabs, and incite the entire world to fear, and kill, Arabs and Muslims. The motive and intention of most of the 'false flags' and 'CIA orchestrated genuine terrorist attacks and revolutions around the world, is to demonise Islam and Arabs, so that the public in the 'West' will support or at least tolerate the mass murder of Arabs and Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on.
Of course probably you will be threatened with some sort of misdemeanour charge for making the accusations. The Muslim community will probably have a much better chance of forcing the police to take them seriously than the German community, especially any openly National Socialist or 'neo-Nazi' groups.
So be sure to document the entire process, filming your 'victims' seeking legal redresses for their suffering, and the police response. Fill out the paperwork and publish it immediately. Bring local press or other local 'independent media' people with you, to report on your attempt to gain justice.
If you film the entire process as a documentary, you will highlight the absurd nature of the law, and the fact that this law is nothing more than a typical form of Semitic exceptionalism, enforced by the 'Jew-diciary' as part of the jew world order plans for total hegemony of the entire world.
If you are interested, I would be happy to work on the project with you. We could highlight all the recent cases and historical cases where the defendants were charged by Jews, were not allowed to appeal to 'facts' or 'experts', and thus were never given a real chance to 'defend' themselves, let alone draw attention to the jew world order's inordinate current power, and future plans to take total power of the entire world for themselves.
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