Another rapist

in #rapist7 years ago


 Rupa was returning to his house by way of the footpath. There was also a large grasshopper on his head. The 'sneezing' of the feet of his feet buds away in the ears of Birju, so he left the shade of the tree and saw the footpath.

Birju's heartbeats grew closer to Rupa, and his heart began to strike to meet him. When Rupa came to him, he stood up in the way as a rock and stood there.

'' Birju, Hut from my way. The cow has to feed, "Rupa said, removing Birju from the way." "You feed the cow every day, but you do not put me to the grass. Your Bapu will marry an Arigire, it is better that you marry me. I will keep you queen You work all day, I do not like it at all. "

"There  are more girls in the village, why do not you talk to them about their  marriage?" "You do not even think so much, I love you. Then why should I talk to someone else about my marriage?

"Leave  these things of love and get out of my way, or else you will throw the  bundle on you," Birju, on hearing one of them, turned on one side and  Rupa went on his way. In the evening when Ramdin was returning home from Sumer Singh's mansion, he was not in his senses. The villagers informed Rupa that he had been drunk in alcohol after the Bapu canal.

"This has made me lose my life. I  am doing it right now, "Rupa's mother murmured and in a short while  brought Ramdin home and slammed him on a broken cot and fell asleep in  the mat. In the morning, Rupa's mother Ramdin got upset and said, "You have been drunk in alcohol drunk everyday. All day Sumer Singh's wages and he gets drunk in the evening as soon as possible. After all, how long will it last? Rupa is also becoming a satyen, is there any concern about that? ''

Ramdin kept quietly listening to him, then he turned and fell down. Ramdin had been working as a wage for Sumer Singh for several months. Keeping the fields clean and giving water to the garden was his daily work.

In fact, Ramdin's younger son was hunted for pneumonia a few months ago. The whole body was pale. Due to poverty and tragedy, he was unable to get the right treatment. One day his younger son suffered a stroke, Ramdin immediately took him to the hospital. The doctor told him that there was a shortage of blood and water in the body of the child. This must be treated immediately. This can cost up to Rs. 10,000. Somehow he got admitted to the hospital and got involved in raising Ramdin. Asked for assistance from the passport, but no one helped him.

After all, he reached Sumer Singh and sought help from him, "Hurry, my little son is very sick. He had pneumonia I just need 10 thousand rupees. I will pay your wages by paying wages. Just  give me the money now. "" I give you the rupees now, but if I can not  return the money at the time, I will not even give a wage of wages. Say, is it accepted?''

"Yes, yes, all of me is approved," he accepted everything for the sake of the life of his child. At  first Ramdin used to drink alcohol to remove his exhaustion, but Sumer  Singh used to take him on a daily liquor and drink him for free. But now drinking alcohol has become a habit. Alcohol used to get it for free, but Sumer Singh would digest money for his hard work. This also increased poverty and distress in his house.

Ramdin also used to forget that he had many responsibilities on alcohol. On the day-by-day, the debt was increasing on it. This is how many months passed. When Ramdin was more intoxicated, Rupa would settle the work of Sumer Singh. One morning, Ramdin reached Sumer Singh, then Sumer Singh shouted a hukkah saying, "Ramdin, today you sit with us. We have to talk to you something important. "

"Hujoor, what is the special work today?" Ramdin said sitting beside him. "Look Ramdin, I will not talk about you today. How long have you been giving me the loan that you have taken from me? The day is also increasing day by day interest. Overall, so far, more than 15 thousand rupees have been made. " 

 "My gardener condition is worse. Do you do the same slavery of yours, you tell me what should I do? "Sumer Singh began to think about something like a hunch. Then he said, "Look, Ramdin, the more you pay me, you drink more than that. Then I keep giving ranspan to you in the middle. In this way you will not be able to take out my debt throughout my  life, so I have decided that now should start sending my zodiac to work.  "

"But what will my zorro do here?" Ramdin said grumbling.

"I need a maid. Darsamham will sweep away here. Clean the clothes of the house. I will give thousands of rupees for that month. By deducting 5 of that, I will recover your loan every month. "If you can not even do this, then you know me that I will take Zoro and land all over."

"But  my heart is in my stomach and there is always pain in her waist." "I do  not forget to give birth to children, but I definitely forget to pay my  money. It's okay, do not you right, send your big daughter Rupa only. 

 "Rupa will be fluttering here and at noon we will bring a fodder for animals from our fields. Go home and explain it to all the work. Then  again, I will not give you such an opportunity. "Now Ramdin seemed to  be feeling like he was falling into the whirlpool of her. Apart from not accepting the condition of Sumer Singh, there was no fodder left to him.

When Ramdin returned home in the evening, he told all the things of Sumer Singh to his wife. After hearing this, the wife got upset, "Rupa will not go to Sumer Singh's mansion at all." You know only. She has already played before the honor of many women. I myself will go to Sumer Singh's mansion. "

"No mother, you will not go anywhere in such a situation. It is better than slavery in life, that for a few months, I should slap all the debt by slavery, "Rupa showed his restlessness. From the second day Rupa started working on Sumer Singh's mansion. That darsham dumped on his mansion and in the afternoon

Going to fetch fodder for animals Now Sumer Singh's eyes were always on the lookout. Jawani Sumer Singh, who was drunk, was waking up the devil who was sleeping. In front of Rupa, her own wife started feeling slighted.

Sumer Singh used to keep a crowd of people all day on the mansion, but in the evening, his eyes were fixed on the roof. There was a lot of grief in the way of Rupa. In the evening, all the quick work was ready and ready to go home. But Sumer Singh always kept up with some other small tasks till late evening.

One afternoon when Rupa was moving towards the village through the footpath, Birju came in front of him. Rupa turned his face on seeing him. Birju began to say to him, "Whenever I come in front of you, why do you turn your face back?"

'' So what do I do? Do you take it from the chest? I do not want to be like strangers like you, "Rupa gave a raging reply.

"Look, you can hate me, but I will continue to love you. Nowadays, I have heard that you have started working on Sumer Singh's mansion. Maybe you do not know about Harmony of Sumer Singh. It's just like a dragon. When nobody gets it, when he swallows the hunter in his clutches and swallows it. "Now I am afraid now that he does not make you a mistress from the maid, therefore still say, you marry me."

It was Rupa's mind that he would give Birju 2-4 sloping, but felt that there might be truth in some of these things. Rupa had already heard about the popularity of Sumer Singh from many people. In spite of this, what could he do besides the slavery of Sumer Singh? Here Sumer Singh was reluctant to feed Rupa's youth, but the rupa was not easy to come by its hoax.

Rupa was not a big fish for Sumer Singh, for which he had to knot. One  day Sumer Singh called Rupa to him and said, "Look, you have been  working for me for many days, but my loan is not going to come up so  fast as Rs.500 per month, as much as you are thinking . This may take several years.

''I have a suggestion. If you want, you can take away all my debts in a few days. Your age is right now to write and do something, not to do my slavery. "There was a sweet poison like Sumer Singh's words. "I do not understand your point of view?" Rupa looked at him with a question.

The eyes of Sumer Singh began to penetrate the rupas. Then she thought and said, "I will not talk to you about it. You have to make a deal today. If you have approved my deal, then I will forgive all your debts and  not only that, I will give you the expense for your marriage. "Rupa  said," What do I have to deal? "

"You just have to give me your youthful juices for a few days. If  you fulfill my wishes, then I will definitely fulfill your promise,  "Sumer Singh's tired words had set fire to the form of Rupa. "You did not feel ashamed when you talked to me like this slurry."

"Take away the words of shame and accept mine. What do you think, will your Bapu be able to celebrate your wedding? No, because he will borrow from me for your marriage. "This time I will make your whole family slaves. If you come back to me again for help after marriage, then I will not make you to the mistress. Think well I give you a few days' money to think about this. If you did not listen to me even after this, then I came to adopt another way. "

Every thing spoken of by Sumer Singh went on stinging like a thorn in the way of Rupa. Sumeer Singh's intention was so preoccupied that he was already, but he could be so scoundrel, he did not know it at all.

Rupa now remembers Birju's words. Now there was no complaint for Birju in his mind. Rupa did not understand it saying it to anyone. At night he could not sleep at all. She kept thinking about her existence all night. 

 Rupa did not have any reliance on the things of Sumer Singh. He started worrying that if he gave his body to him, would he also fulfill his promise? If it did not happen, then without losing its everything, he would not get anything except infamy. Here Sumer Singh was also tempted to take the juice of Rupa's juvenile. He was just waiting for Rupa's yes. It was a slow time. But Rupa did not give him any sign so far. Sumeer Singh had thought more of his mind.

Thinking that Rupa was also increasingly uncomfortable. It seemed difficult to save himself from Sumer Singh. One  afternoon when Rupa came to bring the fodder for animals in Sumer  Singh's fields, before all, his eyes started looking for Birju, but  Birju did not have any intimacy. Then he got into his work. Only then did someone put their hands behind their mouth.

Roopa may have been thought to be Birju, but when she turned backward she was stunned. He was no more but Sumer Singh. His eyes were hungry for lust. Then Sumer Singh fastened the rupa into his strong arms and said, "Yes, today you have no one to save me from me. It is useless to wait for you now. "

"I was just about to come near you tonight. Now you leave me, or else I will cry, "Rupa tried unsuccessfully to escape from the clutches of her. But Sumer Singh was eagerly awakened. He did not listen to Rupa and he completely encroached him in the grass bush.

Rupa tried his best to get away from him, but the delicate cast of Rupa could not do anything special in front of him. Now, Sumer Singh's huge body was roaming around Rupa, then slowly he began to tear the clothes of Rupa.

When Rupa tried to create a noise, he tied his mouth with a scarf so that he could not even shout. Now Rupa was completely in the clutches of Sumer Singh. Like a man-eater, he was in a hurry. Before this, he could make Rupa a victim of his lust, then only someone started hurting him with a strong stance on his head. In a while he got stacked

When Rupa saw it carefully, it was Birju, but not anyone else. Then she got up and wrapped Birju. There was a victory in his eyes. Birju encouraged him and said, "You do not have any need to panic anymore. I will continue to live your life in the same way. "

Rupa took Birju's hand and walked towards his village. 

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