Rapids Network / Rapids / $RPD, where are we after 1 year?
Hello everyone!
Rapids Network was born in August 2018.
It's been a little more than a year since Rapids Network and Rapids ($RPD) has been evolving at its own pace in the world of Cryptocurrencies.
And that's where we are to start 2020, you'll see, Rapids is not just a name, or a simple crypto (drowned among more than 6,000 other Altcoins that can be found on the net), it's a concept adopted by thousands of people, it's a supported community of several thousand active members around the world! And much more
A new Revolution is on its way!
First of all, Rapids Network is a team of 15 passionate Members, all with specific skills to make Rapids & $RPD evolve every day.
- Corey STRONG: Founder & Project Manager
- Vang YANGPAO: Blockchain Developer
- Erik UZUNBOYLU: Developer
- Matt CIMELLI: Community Outreach Manager
- Stuart LLOYD: Social Media Manager
- John DEE: Online Manager
- Kamil NERWUCA: Technical Support Manager
- Willy BEAMIN: Lead Experience Adviser
- Allan PARKS: Visual Designer
- Blake E. RIZZO: Attorney & Charity Advisor
- Nick HELLMAN: Executive Advisor
- Jason BERLIN: Executive Advisor
- Wendy O: Advisor
- Lisa: Community Administrator
- Christophe WILHELM: Official Writer
It is through this hard core, the soul of Rapids, that all this has been possible (but also and above all through our community), and much in the coming months will be unveiled, and possible through to their fabulous teamwork.
But Rapids Network is not just a team, it's also a big community of members around the world, and still active Telegram Channels (for reminder, in 2019, the channel telegram "Rapids ($RPD) Tipbot" has been twice the most active Telegram Channel in the world).
Here's the main Telegram Channels from Rapids:
- Rapids Official
- Rapids ($RPD) Tipbot
- Rapids Announcements & News
- Rapids Community Group (and tasks)
- TeamRPD Gaming / #TeamRPD
And to complete this, 24 additional Channels, managed by our Ambassadors, to represent Rapids Network & $RPD around the world!
We are also Present on Social Networks
- Twitter Rapids
- Twitter TeamRPD
- Snapchat
- as well as the Twitter accounts managed by our Ambassadors! (and click on "Members")
But also :
- Medium
- Youtube
- GitHub
- Discord
- Twitch, where you can now watch 24/7 Live Crypto Price & Charts, as well as Giveaway and other activities , join us on Twitch Rapids Channel.
Rapids (RPD), is also available on 4 Major Wallets
- Core Client: Which you can download directly to your computer.
- Coinomi (Desktop & Mobile App)
- SWFT Blockchain
- Coin Stats Wallet
Rapids (RPD) is also a solution for earning passive income, through Staking, and Masternodes & Masternodes Shares.
- 4Stake
- Evonodes
- Honest Mining
- Midas Investments
- MyCointainer
- MyNodePool
- StackOfStake
- StakeCube
- StakingLab
And to conclude, Rapids (RPD) is also available on serious exchanges.
- Crex24 under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- Boa Exchange under the pairs: RPD – BTC/ETH
- Birake under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- Block DX under the pairs: RPD – BTC/BLOCK/LTC/ETC
- Cryptofuse.online under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- Graviex under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- Stex under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- SWFT Blockchain under the pairs: RPD – BTC/ETH/LTC/ETC
- Snode.co under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- TokenHouse under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- Zer Dex under the pairs: RPD – BTC
- P2PB2B under the pairs: RPD – BTC/ETH/USD
Thank you all for your support
Christophe WILHELM