Occupational douchebags- The Bad Apples you meet daily
In every occupation, across all works of life, there are jackasses. Some bosses are the douchebags while employees could assume that position, also are the clients and customers. You can't do without these bozos so far you are working or running a business.
Today, this warehouse official displayed the highest form of stupidity and arrant work attitude that will make you question if you are in the right businesses. Every warehouse appoints staffs at their loading docks to keep records of both goods going out and the ones coming in, they also make sure each trucks are accounted for as they haul goods from a location to another. So I was there to load some goods for delivery as per my business of the chain and this guy was lollygagging for hours, he practically ruin the whole of today without getting any job done.
For reason best known to the Chief Logistic officer, I was at the mercy of this dude for over four hours calling and texting him to know the reason for the delay, why our truck never get laden. By 15:00, I got tired of waiting and had to fetch a senior logistics officer, on my long walk to one of their offices, I overheard some of the truck drivers saying they need to tip the dude at the loading dock before their trucks gets loaded. I was shocked and angry at the same time hearing this.
Bottom line; the guy wasn't bold enough to ask for a tip, hence he delayed and practically ruined a business day for a struggling startup owner like me. There are other bozos like this who will try to exercise their own power in their department, many business owners have been frustrated out of business due to this sheer act of wickedness from people like this. It takes absolute patients to deal with these lots, and nemesis will surely catch up with all of them roaming the earth.
Well, that sounds like a horrible day.
Yes my friend.