Why try to convince people to be like you?

in #ranting6 years ago (edited)

The most beautiful thing an individual can do to himself/herself is to learn self-love and acceptance. This acceptance of oneself, would in return extend to accepting others just as they are.

Many a time, we humans let our ideas and ways of doing things form a sort of standard, which we use as a yardstick for judging others. We try -sometimes unintentionally- to shove our religion, choice of food , political views, idiosyncrasies and behaviours that are borne as a result of our differing congeniality down the throats of others, and we treat them as outcasts when they seem not to buy into our school of thought talk more of acting them out.

This kind of behavior breeds religious contempt: You see individuals coming after each other so bad that you sometimes begin to wonder what the core values of religion are. For instance, many African countries have become war-torn as a result of senseless religious wars. Families have been torn apart,lives lost, properties destroyed and the destinies of the young ones left hanging in the balance.

Amidst all this propagation of self-interest, all I can see is SELFISHNESS.
Let's live and let live...Trust me, if everyone was like you, this world would be super boring place to live in!
Lear to love- regardless of your opinion

enough of my ranting....till next time when we meet with another exciting topic

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It's all about emotions - religious included - and emotions are never a reliable guide. You highlight some valuable points! I'll add that the proper place for emotions are not the steering wheel of the vehicle, but the fuel (accelerator) pedal, and only after one has thought out and chosen a logical destination - note that the words emotion and motivator are similar, as is the word motor. ...
Furthermore, steering a car with one's foot is difficult, yet that's what happens when folks thoughtlessly seek to impose what feels good (to them) on other people.

wow..just beautiful!

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