I'm breaking the rules - Political Rant

in #rant7 years ago
Somebody once told me a long time ago, that if you want to keep friends around, try not to talk about politics. I think they meant well, I really do. But, it's impossible to ignore these things, at least for me. It's my fault too, because I keep on consuming political derivatives. You know what I'm talking about right?

Every single comedian today loves and I do mean that sincerely, loves RussiaGate. It's the happinessGate to their Jobgate and without those gates they would probably be still inhaling second hand smoke in an old Bargate.

That is precisely why to me this whole thing is kind of silly, because if the Trump era was to end, if let's say tomorrow he was to be impeached and what not. We might have a media unemployment crisis as a consequence of that, and I'm not even trying to be funny. You could list the name of any comedian out there, and I could possibly find tons of material they've written about Trump, yet all of them claim to hate him so much.

Now, I'm not going to lie, I laugh too, some of them are very funny no doubt. But, do they really hate Trump or do the love to hate him, which is something different entirely. To me the situation could be a lot simpler, we could be talking about facts, statistics, and keep charged opinions to a minimum. But, that is not what's happening, not even close. Why? Because that does not create ratings.

This just in... TRUMP TWEETED

OH NOOOES.... Break out the gas masks, let's stop everything. "What are you doing you stupid surgeon trying to remove a brain tumor, get in here, read this trump tweet. " Oh, yes... The talking heads are out of their caves, they are doing their thing, using their anti-poker faces, pretending to be outraged.

Talking head: Did you see the four dots at the end of his tweet this time? What a disgrace.

Talking head two: The soy enthusiasts can't deal with anything more than three dots. HA, jokes!

Rinse and repeat...

Every day for more than a year now, one side pretends to be outraged, the other one pretends to see absolutely nothing wrong. But, you are a good 'merican so you picked a side and you are willing to fight your uncle if he disagrees, because... 'merica.

As @eonwarped once poetically said to me...


Why is this relevant? Why should we care? We are just watching corrupt people who have be lining their pockets for decades calling each other out for pocket lining. It's ridiculous, its pathetic, I want to send them gay cakes and bibles respectively. What happened to... "Hey, Im human you are human, let's get along."

Wow, that's some radical stuff right there. live and let live are for the deviants and those who say things like that need to be put down apparently.

Will we ever learn? Wait... no... don't answer... I know already...


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There is certain wisdom in not talking politics over dinner when someone is bound to have a steak knife close at hand.

I rarely talk political and try to mute those people in Social media that manage to inject political discussions in every topic.

I can;t go there because of the traffic - It's the fault of the previous president
It would make sense to buy a gaming laptop in Singapore's electronic sale rather than here - its the current president's fault for the rising dollar
It's flooded so I can;t go to you - It is the corrupt mayor's fault

Every single comment has to be because of politics.

Well regarding Trump I do think most people just love to hate him though but it got him elected which I still scratch my head but hey it is what it is.

LoL.. "You just sound stupid! Obviously every bit of news is completely real." Thats what my fiance and i say to eachother whenever we hear the ridiculous "news" these days.. i seriously feel dumber just watching it.. They are trying to seperate us and to be honest they are doing a kick ass job! We the people have the power unless we are divided, and we are more divided than ever before (atleast in my lifetime).. Its not just about Trump either, seriously, just pick a topic and be prepared to argue with someone.. my fiance and i picked up trash on the side of the road a week ago (because it was the right thing to do) and on her Instagram people were pissed we didnt use recycled bags and said we had white privilege?? I don't understand what they even meant by that? We are privileged to pick up other peoples trash on the side of the road where we take walks!? Awsome! LoL..
Its all bullshit and people are eating this shit up..

Politics are two sides of the same coin.. CORRUPT.. and the media and comedians are one in the same, they just wants ratings..
Great post!

I'm so exhausted with the white privilege crap... its become a default none argument. It means nothing now, absolutely nothing.

I would have laughed if someone said i had white privilege because I didn't recycle.. Laughed.

Trump wants attention. They want to give it to him. It's a match made in heaven lol.

The reason why it will never stop is simple, and ironically it is a thing about which both Trump and the media completely agree: they both love ratings.

And both know how to get them. Because no matter what we say, Trump and the media must be giving us something we want if we are still watching. WE are the ratings, after all. :)

OMG Rodney, you went for the kill..

Guilty as charged..

It's not that simple anymore , ratings are not so relevant when media companies get bazillions of dollars in "advertising" from big corporates.
All they ask is to keep the masses distracted with whatever creates sensation , sensation that will stimulate our lizard brain so that we can't focus on the daylight robbery that is going on with corporate government collusion (the real collusion).

Every western country can afford expensive arms and ammunition but no money for human needs ( domestic and abroad) ....that's the conspiracy right in front of our eyes!!

I'd say this was all about the ratings if these news shows had any. They are some of the lowest ratings to be found. I'd believe people really cared about it, too, if they were consuming their news this way, rather than finding it online or getting it from the Daily Show or Stephen Colbert.

U.S. Politics has been for decades, over a century now, of defining the narrative, and the watchdog has been eating some pretty fine table scraps while turning the other way. The only collusion is that everyone is in on it.

Someone figured out long ago that a one party system, or basically some kind of despotism (monarchy, dictator, communism, socialism), was doomed to fail because the opposition actually was the opposition. But, if you can fabricate the opposition, have two parties seemingly equally pitted against one another and then succeed in splitting the people behind it, or perpetuating the lie that the people are so split, then you could have your agenda continue on long after you were dead, because the believers would fight each other while the rest just went about their lives, hoping for some peace and quiet.

It's all about power and maintaining it. There are some believers, but mostly, they're the useful idiots. The true power brokers are the ones that manage to stay in the shadows, out of the limelight and are quite happy to have Trump tweet and the media go beserk over it.

you speak some truth there glenal....

just some? :)

Well, thank you, @meno. Just trying to call it as I see it, having pretty much worked through the political progression of, I'm a Republican. No, I'm a conservative. No, I'm an independent. No. I'm unaffiliated, and leaning towards fiscal libertarianism pretty hard.

"hate" or "love to hate", "be serious" or "be entertained", "care" or "pretend to", "bend" or "break" --? Meh, so many choices...

odrau brother.... make your choice

A) Yes, its true
B) Its all bs
C) Meh

There is indeed humor in what is going on in America. There is also violence and deep concerns about it getting worse. I've seen this before. People who are used to ignoring laws and getting away with it want that status quo to continue. Enforcement is always unwelcome to law breakers. History repeating itself is interesting when you know what will happen next.

Yes, history is cyclical no doubt... we seem to just be expectators, that's all...

We are spectators by choice. My wife and I were involved in political activities and were delegates. We talked to people, passed out brochures, and voted for platform points.

don't be afraid to say that it's a truth, even though it's political @meno

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I look at politics as i look at big brother, or the real housewives, they are all there causing drama just for the money... there is nothing else!

And the worst is that people are to blind to see it! or they don't care because they think that even if they tried to fight the system nothing would change... well, if no one fought the system some decades ago my country would still be rulled by a dictator!

I guess we are all going on politics rants now, i actually went on one today too :P I love writing about politics, because even if i don't share the same ideas other people do, i can still see other opinions and maybe change my own, maybe there is a better system, maybe x guy is better then y guys, etc...

Its the modern soap opera right? I forget at times we are the weird ones and make comments on twatter and get rekt by trolls.

Hey wut ... Why did I get dragged over here? Yeah I think we all love to hate this guy. He just makes it so easy. Or maybe I'm just drinking too much of the liberal kool-aid. I will grant that it's really hard to sort through the rubbish and get down to the hard unspun facts. I guess I'll repeat it though. Meh! Let's SQL the government...?

Eon bro dood... you are the "meh" poet... member?

Ya I don't really debate politics with people anymore. I'd rather spend my time questioning and breaking down all the beliefs that lead to the stupid political ideologies in the first place. Don't get triggered bro. Don't do it.


hahhahahaha - clay, lets start a new radio show called triggered.

I am triggered by you not debating politics...

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