A rant about Facebook and the way we treat others.
It's not often that I see something on the internet that rattles my cage so badly that it makes me want to scream. But just moments ago, it happened.
Browsing facebook and this scrolls into my view.
Ok. First, I don't even care that Trump is mentioned. You could substitute Obama for it and the message is still the same.
"OMG this person looks different, let's make fun of them!"
And every single comment was a gif with a disgusted or amused theme to make fun of the subject of the photo.
Excuse me? When did it become ok to do this?
Here was my reply...
I mean, just... what the fuck?
Ordinarily, I scroll past this junk without reading. But I stopped on this pic because I know this person.
This person struggles with pcos which causes her to grow excess body hair. Instead of conforming to what society would want her to do and shave it, she embraces it. She performs as the bearded lady and does quite well.
So for this person to use her face to try and prove some asinine political bullshit is like a slap in the face to anyone that's ever bucked the norm.
Well I say, FUCK THAT!
Be different! Be you! And stand up for anyone that's being marginalized. On the internet or in real life. We have to end this culture of cutting others down for profit, politics or pleasure.
Thanks for reading. Lemme know in the comments how you would have handled this situation. I'm still fuming, but I feel better having ranted about it. 🤣
I love your response. And yeah ...there are days where I want to Kill Society With Fire. There is just so much heartlessness and cruelty for absolutely no reason at all. Why do they give af what someone looks like? I give af if that person is kind or an asshole.
Being trained as a personal trainer, I used to be in all these fitness groups on fb, right? One day someone posted a meme making fun of someone for wearing a branded workout t-shirt who was rather obese. You can imagine the comments about how that person couldn't possibly do that workout, blah blah. So i responded, a) there are medical reasons they might be obese even if they workout a lot, like PCOS. I know someone who runs marathons but is obese. My skinny ass certainly can't run a marathon! And b) how do you know that person didn't start out at 400 lbs and now they've lost 100 pounds doing that workout? You don't know where they started.
A lot of people called me a party pooper, etc. But then I got a private message from someone else in the group thanking me for speaking up. Because they literally were a person who started out at 450 pounds and was down to 300, and people treated them like that all the time.
You probably made others in the group who were afraid to be targeted, feel better seeing you speak up. You rock. 💛
Thanks phe. I just couldn't stay quiet on that one. I'm pretty sure the guys a troll on that page, but still. Have some common respect and decency. 😐
Good for you for saying somthing!! Im not on facebook and thank god im not cause of so much stuff like this. THeres actually a meme going around of a lady that works at my local walmart and she puts on a heavy layer of blue eye shadow. The meme says "you know your from salinas if you know who this lady is". When i first saw that i was so disgusted cause who gives a damn, shes really nice, and she obviously likes putting on her make up in a different fashion then most people. Im so sick of mean fucking people!! Hell im even starting to see it here more often. smh
PCOS sucks! It makes life hard for women in so many ways - and I have only a very mild case, but I still think it sucks. I hope your friend makes a ton of money doing what she does! People suck. I always say I'm a total misanthrope, but that's not really true. I like individuals, but humanity as a whole makes me so mad sometimes. I really wish people would just think a little more before they say and do shit like that. I was just talking with my son and his friends yesterday about how they were treating each other...gotta start young, huh? You did the right thing!
You are quite right about this issue, many times people are rude, not very hamable and not at all respectful. They take advantage of this network to behave unpleasantly. I support you with your publication
well done on getting involved and adding your voice to help support this women, some people have no respect and self decency.
I think this act is annoying. This manipulation situations to one's benefit
You are quite right about this issue, many times people are rude, not very hamable and not at all respectful. They take advantage of this network to behave unpleasantly. I support you with your publication