Help! I want to quit my job

in #rant7 years ago

I love helping people, but I love autonomy more.

If you knew me as a person, you would get tired of hearing me complain about my job. I've been working in a call center environment for 2.5 years. If you would have told me I would be where I am now for as long as I have been here when I was younger, I would laugh so hard I would be unable to breathe for several minutes. This just is not the type of work I excel at. It has been a tremendous learning experience, sure. And don't get me wrong... the way things have been for me, I am exceedingly grateful for it. But I HATE it. It's not the people I work with, my boss, or the people calling in... it's me! I don't like being on the phone talking to people 8 hours a day. I don't even like talking to friends and family on the phone.

The life of a developer is the life for me. I would like to be able to get up and go to the bathroom when needed, get a cup of coffee without management, team leads, or co-workers complaining, and tackle work without these obnoxious call queues and without being micromanaged (nature of the job rather than the people--and maybe this is just my perception). I would like to have some discretion and work I can go after instead of it coming after me.

I like sitting at a computer and hammering away on a keyboard in 25 minute - 2 hour stretches depending on how I'm feeling, take a moment to set up a dentist appointment, follow up with my accountant, check my personal email, maybe code a few minutes on a personal project, etc. then get back to work.

I did not get my Bachelor of Science in Biology to handle ~35 calls a day with an AHT of ~8 minutes. Nor do I spend my time learning new web frameworks and technologies to reset AD passwords, tell people to use Chrome instead of IE if they are having problems with a website, or politely ask them to restart their computer (again).


Hi, I saw you upvoted one of my post so i thought i'd check u out. I saw this and had to click because atm i have no job and i'm lit rally scraping my last pennies hoping that i can make it on steemit instead. Im 30 have a BA, i consider myself a hardworker, im always doing the best at the jobs ive hard but they never satisfying and im never appreciated. i also worked in a call centre (my last job) i enjoyed it as i was able to help people alot, i enjoy talking, writing, communicating, helping, it was quite fulfilling and fun (because it was technological support for android phone) but i was made redundant because they move the outsourced project to Philippines where they can pay ppl less. AS i dont live in my country of citzenship (england) im not able to claim benefits here in spain (i did not work long enough on the job) I applied for other jobs but the universe did not have that plan for me, it didnt work out. Now i found steemit i dont want to work in an office or crappy bar/waitress job anymore. i want to make and create my own content. but its hard getting started here. I think us minnowers need to support each other. there is a minnower support base check this out;
ppl also pay bots to get noticed otherwise us newbies just get lost in this big sea.
Good luck, wish me it too!

Well, that's how this job opened up. The contract was in Texas but moved here to save them money. I feel for the people there. They gave the folks some notice, but some of them trained us and kept taking calls while we learned the contract.

What is your savings rate i.e what % of your pay per month are you able to save while covering your living expenses? Make this % as high as possible by lowering expenses first and if still not sufficient see if you can find something better paying. I'm not sure what you're making at the call center job? Once you have enough saved to cover expenses for a period you deem sufficient just go for it and try getting into what you want to do. If you get low on funds and aren't able to make it work, maybe consider temp work while looking for something to get you back on track.

I'm not really giving advice, that's just what I did and where I am now, haha.

Been thinking about that. Biggest concern is probably paying for insurance. I probably have enough to last a year without dipping into my emergency fund/retirement savings.

I don't care for the job, but I have PTO, insurance, and 401(k) matching. Probably not going to find that in a temp job. Might just stick to this for now if I can find a way to keep my sanity in the midst of it.

I really appreciate the input. Thanks!

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