Work Is Facking Up My Steemin' Life!

in #rant7 years ago

Work Is Facking Up My Steemin' Life!

I'll start this off by saying I'm tired. I'm actually really, really tired. I love Steemin' so much and work is getting in the facking way.

I get up at 6:30am and head out to the freezing cold molester van in the pitch dark and head off to slave. Spend my entire day doing something that I don't want to do because other options don't really exist. Now I know some people are already wanting to get their comment going "It's not work if you like what you do" but hear me out first. I do like constructing things but I would rather do it by choice or out of necessity or need. I would construct HVAC and ventilation systems in my own home with joy. I would willing and freely install my knowledge in a family members or friends home but day in and day out come on.

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I come home from work and it's dark again. The best part of the day is spent entirely at work. Time for supper then a little bit of time with my boys. Get them ready for bed, read some stories then finally can crack into Steemit. I have to make my post, check both my tags #thegoodnews & #hendrix22lovesyou and reply to all my comments. Lately it's been at least 100 every night. Then I love to search around my feed at everyone's posts and read interesting blogs and search the new section under different tags and find cool posts and curate a bit.

@lyndsaybowes heads off to bed usually and I end up putting another hour or so into Steemin'. Lately it's been getting later and later. I haven't went to be earlier then 1:30am so far this entire week. I'm seriously tired as shit and some might say "you should use Steemit in moderation" or "make a pact and shut it off at a certain time every night" lol what the hell did you just say?

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So what I'm getting at here is that "Work Can Fack Off" it's driving me nuts. I don't want to be there, I hate it, it's freezing outside, the basements are damp and dark, the metal is freezing cold, I can't work with gloves and I just want to live my life and enjoy my wife and children and I want to keep Steemin'

I really appreciate anyone who read my little rant here today and just remember I will quit my job before I quit Steemin'

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I love you all


Speaking my language brother. I’ve seen you active on tons of music posts here so I started following you awhile ago. Based on what I’ve seen (literally just my worthless opinion as a new music content creator on here) you are def a noticeable member of the community, and that’s gotta mean that fast forward one calendar year and you (and hopefully me) will be quitting our day jobs.

I built a record studio over a decade’s been my be all, end all time sink for years and years and in no way do I regret it or begrudge my daily grind. I just think by getting serious on steemit I can hopefully eliminate some need to take every project I’m offered and instead focus on recordings I’m completely engaged in (and on making my ridiculous modular synth and drum music!!)

Also: molester van. Classic. That’s image specificity only a dude who shelps it out in a tour van for half the year can appreciate. : )

Thanks man! I appreciate it. I don't think i'll be as cold tomorrow now. Not because of your comment but because it's going to be 11 degrees hahaha.

Totally Steemit could allow me to work less as well. That's awesome that you built a studio and it's definitely a place to go and time warp :)

Yeah brother. It’s funny how our passions can become our jobs, but even a job you genuinely enjoy will always have a grind component. As I use the modular to escape my job, it would be only too funny if it facilitates me quitting my day job.....only to become a different sorta hustle, making eurorack jams for income! The hustle does not end. Period.

As long as there's money there will be hustle. The only cure would be an abundance based world.

I hear you. I have it cushy in my studio but I don't dedicate more then 15% of my time to what I'd really like to do :I I have hope I will break free of the system one day and you will too!
Going to bed way too late, waking up way too early...
We'll get there, steem on!


I'm jealous of your studio. It's a much better job then mine and you're not freezing in there. lol

You would think that. Sometime I have so much stress with responsibility on big projects and tight deadlines that I end up envying the guy that mops the floor in the building of my studio. This guy looks happy with no worries in the world. I did a generous amount of shit jobs in warehouses and stuff don't worry your boy vache morte was not born in delicate silk. I have to fight everyday just like you. But at the end WE win brother don't forget that! Steemit is one thing that gives me some kind of hope to achieve true freedom. As always my best wishes to you and your lady.

This. Exactly. When it’s mix time and a record is a week over schedule and people are still hammering you with revision notes, that dream career in audio you carved out for yourself starts feeling awfully like any other high stress, deadline based gig!

Haha I see poster in the metro all the time. Do a career in audio engineering/tv production/etc "Live you dream" (it actually says that) I smirk a little because I am doing that dream on a daily basis. The unaware gullible passerby will believe anything... I know better and you know too. I was SO impressed with your intro video. I am rarely impressed because I am old and I don't take any bullshit. I think we should be friends but I already told you that. You join us at a crucial new phase of the steemit development as I am releasing the first ever world premiere feature film on steemit. I would like you to check it out if you feel inclined to do so.

Already following you homie! I totally feel like I got here at the right time and am meeting the right people (like you and hendrix!)

WORD! Glad we are connected
@hendrix22 he's a true warrior and I invite him to check my film too :)

I will be watching your film! I loved the landlord documentary hahah

I do work on Steemit every single day and I love it. I told you already work is in my way.

Yes...but hey who knows you better than you? me. if you HAD to do this every single day in order to survive and nothing else would it become just like everything else? Which means you MUST sit down and blog , rather than I choose to or wish to. The whole key is really to be able to do a little bit of everything of the things you like/love and that those like/love things bring in the $$ to sustain a good life. Where it's not forced but needed and enjoyed. Just mentioning these things as you said you were so so can still do what you wish but make time for sleeping....... just saying

Been there, done that. But I'm retired now and have plenty of time to do whatever. Hang in there.

Thanks! I have no choice but to hang in there lol

You will get there eventually. It seems like it takes forever, but once you get retired and can do what you want, whenever, you will wonder where all the time went.

I hear ya on that. I think there is just better uses of time in this world. I would rather be farming my own land for my own food then installing metal for money to purchase food. :)

Been there, done that.I done a lot of shitty works,but i found good job now.Im not earning much money,but i have a lot of time.Change your job.There is always something better out there.

Ah yes freedom and time are very important. More important then earning lots of money. As long as you can get your needs met that's all that really matters

Steemin' is your consolation @hendrix22, be strong friend.
Your reality is the same for many of us

You're wise! Probably the same reason why a large percentage of us are even on here

I've been there man yeah sometimes the job we have sucks, but that doesn't mean that is has to be bad, think it like it is a step to make something better, and bigger, that you never imagined that you would be able to do, best wishes!

Thank you for your uplifting comment. I usually try to make the best of it. I just can't stand being so cold

so I hear ya...the weekend is coming, sleep in, I am making soup and take one day off Steeming and go for a walk with me with @LyndsayBowes and take a hot bath..drink some tea...nuffsaid xx

No no, I take zero days off Steemit. I am gong to bed early tonight though it's only midnight lol

ok then..take a walk or two on the weekend with @lyndsaybowes

I'm lucky enough not to have to worry about this, but I've got to sleep sometimes or I'd never be away from Steemit. I really feel for you. Here's hoping you make a fortune, quit your job and earn a living writing full time on here

Haha yes sleeping and running out of voting power are the reasons to log off for a while

Hang in there man! I hope one day you will be able to make enough off Steemit to live off of. Keep on trucking and know you always have support from your family and us as well!

Thank brother!! Loving all the support on here