yakisoku des
allmother be praised for letting the cat run and warding off the inquisition, nothing good would have come of it
the cat gladly accepted the offering too ( we noticed carrefour still has it but its not listed on the list, but if you SEARCH for it its there - STRANGE - but bem)
mister sir,
We fear obfuscating it will not change physical reality though
have at it
clear !
insert your pink unicorns anywhere but up our ass thx
Tough one to resist : so pakistan has 30 days to see if thats true
we're gonna have to put our own stability first now
ask your great leaders for solutions
we know nothing (thats why the oracle speaks to as and we in tongues)
tongues ?
just like time is the obversation of (mostly decaying) energy states in 3 spatial dimensions (visible), not a proven physical entity there IS no passing of eras, everything just happens again, what you PERCEIVE is due to the fact that the entropy in the universe has increased every time it happens - so its moving in spirals, never perfect circles
tongues ...