When M*ther*ucking Things Don't Work!!11

in #rant7 years ago

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< rant >

Fucking Dtube and Youtube and Steemit and everything in beta and technology and shit. I've now spend (read: wasted) an hour trying to upload a simple fucking timelapse video to Dtube but the fucker won't work. Video uploads in 10 seconds but it all fails when I try to upload the thumbnail.

And it's not like I'm stupid, I know how it should work. Upload a video clip - done -, fill in all the blanks - done -, upload a thumbnail - fail -! All I get is that stupid fucking rolling upload sign and errors saying upload a snap picture. I even tried making the image really small and tried both my own image and capturing it from the video. Neither works.

After giving the finger to Dtube, I tried the good ol' Youtube, but that won't work either. There the problem is that the video is somehow all mush. Can't deal with this any more today....

I get so mad when simple things like this don't work. It's not like I'm trying to send an 3 hour long 4K quality sex tape to another galaxy! How hard can it be!?

So no striptease for you, I guess I'll just stick to the photographs...

Maybe I'm just HANGRY... or PMS or what ever fucking excuse you wanna use.

</ rant >

Phew, I feel better now. Sorry about this, had to get it out.


I always have to upload snap first, then video, and I do it all through Opera browser AND I sign out of dTube and back in before each upload - whew!

Sounds easy and reasonable.

Do you also pray in between steps two and three and then give a human sacrifice before logging back in?

Human sacrafice is not required for Dtube uploads, they are reserved for making sure the sun rises the next day. =)

Whooops, I already did it.... But hey, we had a beautiful sunrise in here!

Then all is well. LOL!

Nice... you skip the sacrificing animals straight to the humans

Well humans like to believe that they are superior to animals. So naturally sacrificing humans should be more effective.

That was too good :))

It's not like I'm trying to send an 3 hour long 4K quality sex tape to another galaxy

Wait... whut? brb changing galaxy!

So no striptease for you, I guess I'll just stick to the photographs...

Did you want to upload striptease to youtube xD?

or PMS

😬😬 Now i'm afraid to even post my comment, I'm hiring some bodyguards after i post this comment

Lol had the same struggle today.

Now this could be just a coincidence (superstition) but managed to upload it using this formula.

  1. I've actually dragged&dropped the video - didn't go browsing my folders
  2. uploaded snap before the video finished
  3. entered all the desc field after the upload was done

Even using this method I've lost two tags along the way :)

Tried it all, in different orders, multiple times, nothing works. I gave up.

Yeah, I get you, I was just about to quit, go to YT and upload it there and just embed it to a regular post and then it finally got up.
Glad I didn't have to do that - it kinda misses the point of Steem.

Best of luck next time!

Hi Eve,
I experieced the Same been here two months now thought I would start Dtubing with Nice movies about the New pup When he came last monday ( gave me the time to get use to Steem first) so omdat I became a mum had a Nice video ready Nice thumb and ........ NOTHING.... so I tried again ..... nothing ..... ask a friend .... she said I do this this and this and it works .... YES with you! I had been trying before on My phone that did not work (I even asked @flauwy ) There are some bugs There. So Thats Why that did not work.
After Almost trowing out My pc I yesterday after My New baby was here for 5 days the video was OLD news. I am now thinking of trying to get the answer in the dutch comm. I Will ket you know of they have the answer.... intill then we girls Will do photos only 😬😬😬. Oh the friend also dsaid that When I does not load its busy on the blockchain I should try later... I did then my pre-edited blog was gone ...
Really succesfull
And I amblond so image the comment over here😉 xoxo brittandjosie

I can relate, when technology that is supposed to make things easier just doesn't cooperate it's SOOO frustrating! Especially trying to upload content that you've spent lots of time making/editing etc... and the "hard part" is SUPPOSED to be done with, and now just a few clicks to share all that hard work and then - nope fuck you glitches today, just for you.... lol

Back to the Stone Age, everything was so much easier. UGH.

Try google chrome!

Thanks for the tip, I'll try again tomorrow, can't take any more possible setbacks today 😅

Ain't NO BRO 😈😈😈

Do not worry about it. In the end, it will work and it will be ok!

I hope you are kidding, and if not...

Do you want me to bite your head off? 😈

would snickers help in this situation?:P

to achieve best possible results we will still have to use some more serious measures. just in case 😏

Yes, I have the exact same issue. I have only been able to successfully upload one video the thumbnail image gets me every time and I just give up until I am calm enough to try again. Maybe your right, I may also be hangry when doing this process. I will snack and let you know how all goes :)

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